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Blackrose's Poetry



I can't see myself with him
Although my heart yearns
To be with and only him
My head says its all wrong
While my heart says it’s so right
Why can't they just get along?
Why must my head and heart disagree so much?
I need to know why these feelings are inside me
I need to feel his touch
To feel him beside me
Would be the greatest feeling
My heart feels empty 
As I sit here kneeling 
Praying that God would make him mine
Once more I sit here and ponder
Why God makes this phenomenon
Called Love
Why must I like him?
Why must I hurt?
These feelings I don't understand
Make it so hard to live from day to day
I some times wonder why God 
Made Eve for Adam
To love and to cherish
Why do people who seem so wrong for each other
End up being so right together
Why must this depressing music play on the radio?
About love and loss and of being regretful
Why must I cry and have no one to talk to?

I’m sending you something
It’s a piece of my heart
I’m giving it to you
As a token of my love
I don’t know if you’ll take it
But I hope with everything I have left
That you’ll love me just the same
I feel empty with out you
On the days that you’re gone
Then when you come back
I don’t know what to say or do
I get scared with out you
Not knowing what to do
I’m sending you something
It’s a piece of my heart
I’m giving it to you
As a token of my love
If you decide to take it
Send me something back
I’ll need a piece of something
To feel that empty place
So send me a piece of your heart
Then I will have you with me always
And I wont feel empty or scared again

I cried myself to sleep today
Longing for your touch
Just a glance into your eyes
Baby, would mean so much
My tears keep coming
Streaming down my face
There is a river of sadness
That just can’t seem to be replaced
I want to be happy
To hold you in my arms
But fate just seems to ruin our lives
So I cried myself to sleep today
Longing for your touch

He whispers in my ear that he will love me forever
But I know in my heart it isn't true
For if it were true he wouldn't say it he would show it
He would hold me in his arms
Pressing me against him
Letting me feel his heart beat 
As our bodies interlace together as one
That is when I will know without a doubt
That he will love me forever
And never let me go

I don't know why I feel the way I do
But all I do know is that I love you
It gets silent as I speak these words to you
You look at me, so hurt, you don't know what to say
Now I finally realize that you love some one else
My heart breaks and I feel empty inside
After all this time of me loving you
I get why you never said those words
I Love You
I Love you I love you I love you...
The words keep repeating over and over in my head
I love you

If only he could feel what I feel inside. The deep abyss, dark caves, my black soul. You took the knife stabbed it into my heart and cut it into pieces. Broken heart in pieces I sit here wondering why I even care. He hurt me and doesn't feel a thing. I imagine death surrounding him and dragging him into despair. Kicking and screaming I fall down onto my knees praying that death would take me over and drag me down to hell. My eyes turn red with rage, the devil inside me reaches the surface and wrenches my fist in his face. I dream of slitting his throat watching him agonize with pain. The blood slowly drips down as he looses color to his face. I laugh gaining pleasure in his pain. Obviously it wasn't meant to be now that I see who he really is inside. I remain here screaming his name in vain. To be heard by no one and killing myself inside. Who is this person I see in the mirror who has no humanly fears.

Because 10,000 tear drops seem so few
I can spare another 2 
One for me and one for you
You treated me like an angel
Then all of the sudden I was alone
I'm weak
The two years I spent without you
I was left to contemplate
Why I loved you so much
I'm weak
Then you came running back 
It feels like I'm going to have a heart attack
Being with you makes my dreams come true
I thought I had no one 
Now you're hear to stay
Or at least I thought
I'm weak
You left again
With no valid explanation
I am left to ponder once more
I'm weak
With my morbid fascinations 
I dream up why you keep leaving
Blaming it on myself
Instead of your sorry ass
Maybe it was my fault that you kept leaving
But now all I know is that
I'm weak
My phone rings
Who could it be
I heard your voice
My heart dropped
I'm weak
Its wrong to have these feelings
After what he did
Why after my heart is broke
Can I love him still?
I'm weak
He says he wants me back
But I tell him it can't happen
He says its not like he tore my heart out and threw it against the wall
But it damn well feels like he did
I'm Weak
My heart keeps breaking 
From each lie he tells
From each time he leaves
And especially every time he comes back
I get weaker
I'll never love again
I am too weak

I wish it was just a nightmare
I wish it was just a dream
Because in dreams you can't be hurt
You can't feel anything
I feel so hurt
So cold
So dead
I wish it was a nightmare
I wish it was a dream
Because all the hurt I feel is tearing me up inside
All I can do is sit here and sigh
and wish that tonight I'd wake and realize
I'm glad it was a nightmare
I'm glad it was a dream
Because I poured out my heart
I poured out my soul
Only to watch you slowly pour it down the drain
I hope it was just a nightmare
I hope it was just a dream
Because in dreams you can't be hurt 
You can't feel anything 

Confession of a broken heart
Loving you took everything I had
And you still have my heart and soul
Now I am asking for them back 
So that I can feel my heart skip a beat once more
The way I felt when I saw you first
It was love at first sight
But next time I will know best
The person who deserves me most
I wont give it so easily 
My trust now lacking
But once the right one shows up 
I will feel my heart beat quicken as he drawls near
And that funny feeling in my stomach will return once more
Every time I see him
He will call to me with the voice of an angel
Singing his love so loud the whole world will hear
And he will have an open heart
Be ready for anything 
Even to wait for my weary soul to heal
He will stand beside me holding my hand
When I need him the most
And cry with me every time I hurt
He will feel what I feel
And will love me with every being of his soul
My Prince Charming will be there holding me up when my strength is gone

Celebrating every moment we spend
Wrapped in each others arms
Dreading the moment when we have to drift apart
I see in your eyes 
And know you feel the same fleeting emotion I feel 
At the same moment we lay there
The only ones on this earth
Eyes the windows to the soul
I gaze deeply into yours 
Hoping to find a door
For us to connect
A space for my heart to touch yours

My heart drops 
There's an empty pit 
The place you once filled
Why must I feel this way
After all these years
Regret still fills me
I think of everything I did wrong
Of everything I could have 
And should have done
My biggest crime 
Is that I loved you 
It was more than my little heart could take
Now that we are over 
I have nothing left
The only thing that is keeping me going 
Are little remnants of you

In the dark still of the night I stay outside and catch a cold. As I look into that one very star I know you are looking back at me. Into the darkness I see your deep eyes. As I start to walk towards you, I do it silently. I start to cry out your name but something silences me. As I start to realize who you are, my heart turns into an alley of storms. I can feel something slowly trickling down my cold face. I taste the salty bittersweet tears I taste way to often. But into the shadows I start to run. I think I see you, I call out your name, but you don't answer. I am so scared. So I run, when I run I am safe from evils harm. No one to catch me, no one to fear. 

NO one seems to care that I am missing from the halls. No one seemed to care that I was in some hospital receiving "help" because of them. No one seemed to care that I was all alone wishing I had a friend, just one friend. So no one seemed to care when I became like them and just didn't give a damn about anything or any one. So why did you start noticing me getting weaker and weaker and just finally deciding to give up? You didn't seem to care then, but how bout now? No that I am gone. I guess that if I had talked to some one, none of this really would have happened. I wouldn't have stained my moms carpet with my blood, I wouldn't have broke my sisters heart with regretful-ness of not being there for me. But now no one seems to care.

Forgotten. I am one lonely soul forgotten by those who surround me. In need of some one to talk to, but no one in sight. If only there were some one to trust, or someone to comfort me. Lingering in the dark corner of the party. I felt the sharp pain in my stomach as I shoved the knife into it. I cried bloody tears as I felt the life run out of me. 

No time to waste as I faced the fate. My dad running after me with his belt to meet my face. Hoping that tonight wont be the night that I reach heavens gate. Not knowing what I had done to make him so mad. Trying to remember anything that would help me out as I was running down the hall. Tripping down the stairs and hitting my head, trying to get up as fast as I possibly could. But to slow, he caught up with me. He took off his belt, and swung it at me. First it hit my back, then my head. Then he kicked me over, dropped his belt and kept punching me over and over again. 

My love is here and there
To always be there
Seems to float through the air 
to follow you where ever you go 
Always trying to brighten your day 
Smiling at you like the warm summer rays
The way you look at me, makes my heart skip a beat 
Your eyes are like a fire
burning with my desire 
to make you see the way that I love you 
Trying so hard to make you notice and care for me
the way that I do for you
Your soul makes me sing our loud
for the whole world to hear 
One day I had you like a warm summers dream 
then the next I lost you
before I had a chance to say goodbye
At the dance of a life time you weren't there for me 
to cry on your shoulder when I needed you the most 
You hold the key the key to my heart 
I wish you could have seen the tears that filled my eyes when I realized that I had to say goodbye 
The next year I found you
now my world is complete 
hopefully you will stay with me
for more than life's eternity to keep
I love you more then words can say
I love you and cant describe the way I feel for you 

My heart belongs to the one 
who no longer longs to cherish it
You say you love me 
and you will never break my heart 
When I see you with your friends 
you are always on my mind
but it seems that I am never on yours
Sometimes I stay up all night just thinking 
about what I am going to say to you the next day
Why do you always ignore me in the halls
I'm bouncing off the walls because of you
My heart is free and open for you to stay
I will always want to lay close to your heart
and never have to stray apart
When we are on the phone
it seems you don't know me
I try to talk
but you don't listen
I know when you don't talk your thinking of my friend
You say you like me more
but should I believe it
I don't know what to expect 
but all I can say in my heart 
is I love you and I need you

You are the one who taught me to love
You are the one who taught me to cry
and to never hide my feelings inside 
and to always tell myself that I can do it
In case you cant see me down on my knees every night praying to the lord that he will protect you 
and let you have me safe in your arms
I never thought it would be so hard
Just being apart one day
turns into an eternity
but when I'm with you 
one minute turns into hours
I wish I could see you forever
but I'm to scared to get close
because I know that you will break my heart

Its nice to know that someone is there for me
To watch over me when I sleep
And to keep me safe in my hours of need
Some one for me to talk to
and someone for me to cry on
Some one to keep the cold wind from hitting me
and for them to wrap their arms around me 
and never let go
Some one to calm my fears 
and to make then all go away
Some one to protect me from all evil 
in this little world that we call our home
If only you would come out of my dreams 
into reality and make my life finally at peace 
with my surroundings
I know that I wish 
I was asleep right now 
so that I could spend just 5 more minutes with you 
in our dream paradise

As I look through the open door
I see something that I should have never seen
I start to cry 
and feel the tears streaming down my face
As I start to run I feel a hand on my back
it was you
The person who has always been there for me 
through everything
from the start
Sometimes it scares me 
how much I know that I can depend on you
When I cry you are my shoulder
When I'm cold you are my jacket
When I talk to much you are my mussel
But all I know is whenever I need you
you are there

You tell me that your love is real
And that nothing will ever change that
Then the next day you leave me
When I saw you with her my heart broke
You asked her out and she said no
I was happy because she was my friend
Now I know I can trust her
and not you
I called you last night wondering where you 
hoping you weren't with her
Staying up all night thinking 
about how my love grows for you everyday

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For Brandi

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