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My Site
Hello and welcome to my site.This site is basically devoted to dragons. There is also other stuff around here so just look around my site. My site is pretty boring so you might not want to look so bad If there is something wrong with it or something you don't like, email me at The title is a bit dull but I can't really think of anything else right now so forgive me for having such a boring title. Barely anything is done on this site but if u want to know what im going to do to the site look down

mythical creatures
Go penguin poking
This page isn't done yet so i suppose you will want to know what i'm going to put on. This only has some stuff not all. Not that I really care abaout my site, it's just something to do when i'm bored.
  • I am going to finish the dragons section. I need to add a Chinese dragons page and a seperate Western dragons page.
  • Create another page for pheonixes
  • I might also put a download section but i'm not sure so wait
  • a whole lotta other stuff