Welcome to the F.R.A.
The Future Republicans of America
- The purpose of this site is to give a place for young Americans under voting age to discuse politics and government. Here at the F.R.A we will attempt to give the unbiased versions of the stories affecting America and the World . We will also clear the confusion and slanted messages created by the media. Below are some articles, essays, and jokes written by truth hungry people just like YOU.
- Submitting comments and questions is a major part of this site. You can write to us at write_fra@yahoo.com
- Don't be afraid to speak your mind. But understand that we will not post anything that contains profanity, referals to drugs, illegal and illicit behavior, or racist content.
- Our rules for presenting articles are simple. Include a reference link, and give credit to your sources.
- Have fun, and enjoy the site!!
- Updated October 24th, 2006
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The Complete French Special Forces Hand Signals
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Email: write_fra@yahoo.com