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This will be a page of ranting, pretty much...

n00bs....please remind me why they exist! >_< What function are they supposed to serve?! Why can't they follow the rules?!?!

The Mafia plague- Well I have my own, yeah.. But does there have to be so many? The top four are fine, so everyone says. But there's so many little ones, not even doing anything except talking OOC. And if they do actually venture out of their own thread, it's to say "We r going 2 destroy u!!!!1"... --; Bunch of idiots.

And about the serious RPers...- Why do I get the feeling they're all really girls? Chris Ganale, Gelmax, X Vamp, two others who apparently are girls... Am I the only male on the whole of Gaia?!

And what is it with the stuck-up people?- Seriously. [StUP = Stuck Up Person]

StUP: I'm oh so much better than you because I use correct grammar.

Me: So do I.

StUP: Yes! But! I live in a cool country!!

Me: Oh, that's so relevant.

StUP: STFU! n00b!!!1!ONE!!

People with messengers- Why does everyone with a messenger put it on away for long periods of time?
Fair enough, if you're just going to get a drink or something small, put it up. But don't put it up if you're going to gone for long time, as in, more than 15 minutes.

People who use the phone while on the internet- Yes. You can do it. We're all proud of you. But WHY?! You cannot talk to someone, and type to someone at the same time. Unless you do that weird thing where you squash the phone between your head and shoulder. That hurts! Are you people made of stone?! Even if it doesn't hurt, the phone slips around, so you can't even use it properly. Jeez, just take the time out of your day to disconnect from the internet, talk to your friend/family/alien or w/e, then reconnect after. It won't take too much out of your day.