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To Dream a Dream

To dream a dream of a night where our eyes first meet.
Where the stars fall into place and our souls
fall into sleep our lives together as our hearts beat. To dream of
a dream on a day where I can be set free.
Free from the shame within me the hate the love the heart break
the power within my heart that is all desired to
live without or to live the pain to feel the love or feel the shame.
To stand and fight will not work for long the fight is no longer in the open as the fight now resides within me.
The fight of my heart and my soul fighting for one.
The day will come where our eyes first meet when our lips touch and our body’s meet.
We dream together wanting to be one as our lives are far from worlds apart
dreaming of the day that will soon come to be.
To be with you, to be with me, that is all I need to be, set free..




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