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September-October 98 Liberator
Rite of the Divine King
By William Schnoebelen

Ps. 49:20: “Man that is in honour, and understandeth not, is like the beasts that perish.”

A newsman said recently that every generation seems to have a watershed event that is fixed in their minds forever. For the baby-boomers like myself, it was the assassination of JFK. For our parents it was the Depression. Many are saying that for the Gen-X-ers, it will be the death of Princess Diana.

Diana has been canonized by the media as a saint. Diana has received much more press than has Mother Theresa, another famous woman who also died that week. Glamour plays better than an old woman in a robe. In a bookstore, I counted no less than 16 recent books on the late princess.

One would think that Diana had actually done something with her life besides marry into a royal family, have two children, attempt suicide, suffer from anorexia, commit adultery, get divorced and get killed in an accident. She did nothing particularly heroic that any young mother hasn’t done. Additionally, most mothers do not have bazillions of dollars and palaces with platoons of hot and cold running servants to cater to their every whim.

On the other hand, most young mothers are not trapped in marriages with a man possessing all the personality of a pine plank and “another woman” on the side. Neither do most mothers have to deal with swarms of journalists dogging their every move.

An Idol with Feet of Clay?

The point still stands that Diana did not do anything of any particular brilliance or compassion that literally thousands of young women do not do every day. Oh, but some say: “She was campaigning against land-mines.” So what? Her sense of social consciousness was nothing that many other women also experience. Many moms work for charitable causes. They only difference is that they do not have the world hanging on their every “good deed.”

This is the same Diana who, in the eighties, was spending enough money on dresses in a month to feed a family for a year! Nevertheless, the media is already assembling her “hagiography” (life of a saint). We are told that more people watched her funeral than any other event in history. Richard Attenborough, the director who managed to make a different media “saint”(?) with the film Ghandi, did a two-hour love-fest on Diana for network TV.

The media savants are speculating about why there was such a huge outpouring of sympathy and mourning for the death of this woman, who really did little of consequence in her life. Some have said it was because her death was the ultimate death of the fairy tale romance - like a Harlequin romance written by Stephen King.

Wrong King?

Others have said that it was because with Diana died the ancient archetype of the princess being carried off by a prince in shining armor “...and they all lived happily ever after.” Not only did she not live happily ever after, but neither her old prince (Charles) nor her new prince (Dodi Fayed) could protect her from the dragons.

Every woman who mourned Diana may have felt as if a stake had been driven through the heart of one of her great fantasies: “Someday my prince will come.” Of course, it is a pallid reflection of the fact that indeed, someday our Prince will come - and He will be the Prince of Peace - and He will carry His bride to a Kingdom where no sorrows will intrude; and they WILL live happily ever!

Everything that the world does is just a dismal reflection of Biblical truth. God has placed that yearning within the heart, not only of every woman, but every man. It is hard-wired into our souls. It is a desire to be carried off somewhere SAFE - beyond pain, beyond loneliness, by a powerful Prince whom we can love and live with forever.

But no crowns, no wealth, no thrones can protect you as King Jesus can. The net worth of Diana and Dodi was probably enough to be the budget for a small nation; yet it could not protect them from being smashed all over the highway.

In Diana, people see the death of hope, the death of the ultimate fantasy - that we can live and love as we please without paying the consequences. It is a bone-jarring reminder that indeed, “the wages of sin is death.” (Rom. 6:23) Diana may have been a princess, but she was sinner, just like us all. I pray that she had received Jesus as her Lord, but there is little evidence that she did.

Diana, as “sweet” as she was, never gave evidence of being Born Again. Even though she was married to the future head of the Church of England, she did not appear to be regenerated (neither does Charles!). Thus, in the Biblical sense, she was no more a saint than Anton LaVey, who also happened to die at that same time period.

Diana never professed to be saved by grace, through faith (Eph. 2:8-9). She never said that she knew for certain that she was going to heaven (1John 5:13). Sad as it is to say, Diana could be frying in hell. I certainly pray she is not. All we know is she gave no outward evidence of understanding the good news of Jesus Christ.

She had committed adultery while married to Prince Charles. Of course, he did it first; but nowhere does the Bible say it is okay for you to sleep around if your husband does. She also was evidently fornicating with the Dodi fellow at the time of their deaths. She was not a very likely candidate for sainthood according to the Bible.

The “Firm"

Diana began as a big media plus for the royal family (known as the “Firm”) - although obviously the Queen and the royals have lived to regret the “royal wedding of the century.” But there is a very sinister, occult side to the events surrounding Diana’s wedding AND death which is not well known.

Diana, Charles and their children figure very prominently in the plans of the New World Order and its moguls. What most people who have been so fascinated with “the Royals” fail to realize is that they have been involved in the occult for centuries. As far back as the days of William the Conqueror, there is evidence of involvement of the monarchy in witchcraft.(1)

For centuries, the King of England was also regarded, by virtue of his office, as being the Grand High Priest of Witchcraft for the Britons. The origins of such venerable institutions of the monarchy as the Order of the Garter are shrouded in the “sacred” trappings of witchcraft.(2) Many kings of England swore allegiance both to Catholicism (prior to Henry VIII) and to the gods of witchcraft!

Today, Prince Charles is reported to be a full-blown New Age “Twinkie” who works with Ouija boards. He talks to plants and uses seances to communicate with his dead uncle, Lord Mountbatten.(3) His father, Prince Philip is a rabid “tree-hugging” eco-fascist who makes Al Gore look like an environmental rapist. Philip, the husband of the “head of the Church of England and defender of the faith,” believes in reincarnation. He has stated that in his next life he would like to “come back” as a virus like AIDS or Ebola and wipe out most of the human race.

As witches in the 1970’s, we believed that there was something “magickal” about the royal family. Countless spells were done many covens to bring to pass an occult prophecy. When a woman would sit on the English throne bearing the name of the Great Mother Goddess, the child she would bear would be an incarnation of the celebrated King Arthur. We conjured tirelessly to bring this to pass. It would be analogous to the Second Coming of the Lord to a Christian.

A Fulfillment of Prophecy?

Along came Lady Diana Spencer. Of course, Diana is THE name of the goddess, even in the Bible (see Acts 19:35). Her bloodline is even more ancient and “royal” than Charles’ is. You need to realize that in the high levels of witchcraft and Illuminism, “royal bloodlines,” both well-known and not-so-well-known, are extremely important. The people are literally “bred” for the part. It is interesting that in common parlance, such “nobility” are known as “blue-bloods.”

There are various occult myths about the origins of noble blood and the “divine right of kings.” One, made popular in books in the last decade, involves the concept that Jesus had children by Mary Magdalene and that royal blood (especially the Merovingian line) is actually the lineage of Jesus. Supposedly there are nobility walking the earth today who are descended from Jesus (?).(4)

But remember that in recent years the “space aliens” of Roswell, etc. have bluish-green blood.(5) Of course they are supposed to be interbreeding with humans. Some have speculated that the way the idea of kings and royalty began was that the “gods from outer space” (Exod. 15:11, Ps. 82:6, Acts 14:11) came down and had relations with humans. Their offspring, which were “demigods” – half “god”, half-mortal - (i.e. Hercules), became the first celebrated kings – the “mighty men, men of renown” spoken of in Genesis 6. Of course, these “super-heroes” may have had some bluish-green blood in their veins.

In any event, Diana’s “charm” (originally a term in magic) was evident from the moment she stepped into the limelight. When we saw her, and heard her name, we hoped that she would be the fulfillment of the prophecy. Then, when the royal wedding took place in Lammastide, (6) we KNEW something was cooking. (Lammastide, from late July to early August, is the traditional time for witch weddings. Our own witch hand-fasting took place on the same date as the royal wedding, July 29, eight years earlier (1973).

Now, whether or not Diana even knew any of this, no one may ever know. We are not saying Diana was a witch. Perhaps she was not, but only being manipulated by her family and/or the royal family for their own ends. She seemed a sweet and innocent young lady. Many people with high-level occult backgrounds raise their children with no knowledge of their dark heritage, and then covertly arrange marriages with other families possessing carefully guarded bloodlines.

Few bloodlines are as guarded as those of the “firm.” Of course, the controversial doctrine of “British Israelitism” teaches that the British monarchy is actually the House of David. They believe that when Jesus returns, the throne of David will be in Westminster Abbey over the Stone of Destiny (supposedly the stone that Jacob slept on in Gen. 28).

Thus, Diana’s firstborn son, William (from our former occult perspective) would be very special indeed. He would not just be the heir apparent to the throne of England, he would also represent the confluence of two powerful occult bloodlines. Additionally, he would be sitting on the “throne of David.”

Vicarious Sacrifice?

Needless to say, Diana’s separation and subsequent divorce from Charles was a “bit of a sticky wicket” to both the royals and the New World Order. Diana was much more sympathetic and popular than her husband. Aside from the parliamentary crisis involved (an heir to the throne of England technically could not divorce and then remarry), it also meant that the precious Prince William would be primarily in the custody of Diana and not under the watchful eye of the royals at Buckingham Palace.

Diana’s subsequent involvement with the Muslim millionaire, Dodi Fayed, was probably more than anyone in the royal family could bear. Prince Philip, Diana’s ex-father-in-law, was reported to have been especially furious at the prospect of Princes William and Harry having an Arab stepfather.

From all we have learned, both before being saved and current research, we believe sincerely that Diana’s “accident” was not just an assassination, but a ritual sacrifice. It was certainly convenient for Charles and Queen Elizabeth that Diana would be out of the way. Once again the palace would have full control of the princes.

Even the place where Diana’s accident took place seems to have been especially chosen. The accident took place in a tunnel called Pont d’Alma.(7) This is a HUGE coincidence under the circumstances. The place on which the Pont d’Alma is built is an ancient, pagan sacrificial site - sacred to the moon goddess (DIANA). In the pagan Roman religion before Christ, Diana was the triple goddess, the “Queen of Heaven.” The term “al-mah” means moon goddess in many mid-eastern languages.

Additionally, since about the 6th century A.D., the Pont d’Alma has been associated with the Merovingian dynasty. Remember, those Merovingian kings were the ones supposedly possessing the blood of Jesus flowing through their veins.

During this Merovingian period (c. 500 - 751 A.D.) if two kings had a dispute over property, it had to be settled by combat at Pont d’Alma. Legend says that anyone killed there goes to heaven to sit at God’s right hand, being able to look down and see all that happened on the earth, even their enemies. Thus, the person killed was actually the victor, because they became God’s eyes on earth and could manipulate humanity from heaven. Isn't it interesting that this is where Diana just happened to be killed?

It is especially interesting in the light of the fact that Merovaeus, the founder of the Merovingian dynasty, was a devotee of the goddess Diana!

But why was Diana killed? Well, aside from the obvious fact that her death clears away a lot of the hassles the royals have been experiencing, there may be a deeper, more sinister reason.

Diana’s bloodline was even more pure ROYALTY than Charles’ is. She can trace her ancestry back to the Scottish House of Stewart (at least to King Charles II). The current Prince Charles’ ancestry is a mixture of Russian, German, and French along with the English. The House of Windsor was originally called Saxe-Coburg-Gothe, but the name was changed in 1917 because it sounded too German (8) – especially after the First World War.

In my book, WICCA, I document the doctrine in paganism and witchcraft of “The Rite of the Divine King.” (9) This belief is that the king is also witch high priest over all the land over which he reigns. In dire times, he must be killed as a sacrifice so that the land may be healed. Some scholars believe that several ancient kings of England were thus killed.

The idea behind this is that the king and the land are one from the standpoint of the Craft. The king is the living incarnation of the land over which he reigns. Thus, if the land is in bad shape, royal blood must be shed to heal the land. Originally, this would primarily be seen as things like crop failures, droughts, or problems with disease among cattle. Of course, today such things are of less concern than the fact that the monarchy itself was being imperiled by Diana’s antics.

However, remember the infamous “mad-cow” disease that afflicted thousands of livestock in the British Isles a couple of years ago. Farmers in Britain ended up having to kill millions of pounds worth of cattle because of the disease. Now that would really be something worthy of a divine king’s sacrifice. Traditionally, this sacrifice had to take place around the witch festival of Harvest Home (September 21).

There is significant precedent for someone dying in the place of the king - someone else preferably with noble blood. Some witches believe that Thomas a-Becket’s death was a vicarious sacrifice for Henry II, for example. To illustrate how well known is this concept of a substitute sacrifice, one only has to look at a popular film which has achieved “cult” status: THE WICKER MAN.

THE WICKER MAN was made in the early 1970’s in Britain, and had a lot of high power talent behind it. It was not just your garden variety “horror film.” The film is about a fictitious island (probably based on the Isle of Man) off the coast of Scotland. It is supposedly called Summerisle and is reigned over by a Lord Summerisle. A Scottish policeman is sent to the island investigate the disappearance of a young girl. He is a strict Presbyterian, but is part of the ROYAL constabulary.

The islanders seem oddly unconcerned about the child’s absence the policeman soon discovers that the entire island is made up of openly practicing pagans. It is a kind of Wiccan Disneyland. Lord Summerisle himself is the high priest of the island.

In the end of the film it is revealed that the “Wicker Man” is a giant idol made of wicker which is filled with livestock and set afire as a sacrifice to pagan gods as part of the pagan festival. However, the surprise turn of events is that the girl was never really missing and that the constable was lured to the island to be a human sacrifice within the wicker man, because all the apple trees on the island had the blight.

The end of the film makes it extremely clear that Lord Summerisle (the high priest/king of the island) should have been the sacrifice but they lured the constable there instead. He qualified as a substitute sacrifice because he was a duly sworn representative of the CROWN of England. Remember, British police arrest you “in the name of the crown.” As the constable is left dying in the flames of the wicker man, he cries out to Lord Summerisle words to the effect that he had better watch out. If the apple trees did not improve, Summerisle would be in the wicker man next year!

To its credit, the film does not caricature the stern Christian constable too much; and he is seen going to his death as a noble martyr. But the point I wish to emphasize here is that this film played on the pagan concept that a vicarious substitute could be chosen to replace the actual high priest king.

Additionally, to create the rebirth of King Arthur in young Prince William Arthur Philip Louis Windsor (born Summer Solstice 1982) would require some extremely powerful magickal energy indeed; which could only be raised by the ritual murder of a “divine king” or a “royal” substitute. In the light of all this, it is entirely possible that Diana was sacrificed in substitute for Charles’ ritual murder.

Also telling in this regard is that for the vicarious sacrifice to be effective, it would have to be done near – but before – the Harvest Home feast. August 31, the day of Diana’s accident does qualify.

The Dark Hand of Freemasonry

There are oddly “coincidental Masonic” elements to her death as well (not the least of which is the fact that right above the Alma tunnel is a replica of the torch from the Statue of Liberty (10) [a Masonic idol, sculpted by a French Freemason]). That torch actually symbolizes the “light” of Lucifer.

Another Masonic feature (possible just coincidence) is the fact that the Mercedes carrying Diana smashed into not just any pillar within the Alma tunnel, but the 13th pillar! Thirteen is very significant, both in Masonry and witchcraft.

A final grisly Masonic “coincidence” which has been pointed out by more than one writer is what was done the course of supposedly trying to save Diana’s life [after the torturously slow ride to the hospital – it took all of forty minutes to travel 3.8 miles (11)]. To work on and massage her heart, her chest was cut open from collarbone to navel. (12) This is the penalty of second degree in Masonry, to have your chest ripped open and your heart taken out.

Remember that both Charles and his mother, the Queen, are - by virtue of their leadership in the Order of the Garter (13) - the highest ranking Masons in the world - even though neither is actually known to be a Mason.

The Most Noble Order of the Garter is the most prestigious “chivalraic” order in the British Isles. The British monarch is – by virtue of his or her office – automatically the sovereign of the order. Queen Elizabeth was installed as a “lady” of the Order of the Garter on April 23, 1948 (her birthday) while still a princess. (14) When she became queen, she became the sovereign of the Order. On July 26, 1958, Prince Charles became a knight of the Order. (15)

This strange order of “Christian Knighthood” (is that an oxymoron?) was established by King Edward III and his son, Edward the “Black Prince” in 1348. (16) They were both descended from the French Plantagenets. The legend behind the Order’s founding has it that the King was at a ball in Calais, France in 1347. The young countess of Salisbury (Joan of Kent) happened to drop her garter in the middle of the dance. The king gallantly knelt down and picked it up, tying it around own his knee. It was at this point that he uttered the famous words: “Honi soit qui mal y pense.” (Shame on him who thinks evil of it). This is now the motto of the Order of the Garter. (17)

The result of this was the creation of a post-Arthurian round-table with 24 knights and then King Edward and his son (13 times two – the number of a grand coven). The missing piece of this odd puzzle is that the garter has been a symbol of a witch queen for millennia. The countess’ garter identified her with the pagan religion of witchcraft and Edward made a point of identifying himself with it. He even tied it on his leg.

This “witchy” number-system is carried through in the fact the garter of the Order is edged with two rows of 169 miniature gold buckles, exactly like the horseshoe shaped buckles on a witch queen’s garter. 169 is 13 x 13! The primary membership of the order consists of 26 knights (the monarch plus 12 knights and the Prince of Wales plus 12 knights). That is 13 x 2. This essentially shows through occult symbolism that the British sovereign (in this case, Queen Elizabeth) is a Witch Queen or King. An odd capstone to all of this occult numerology is the fact that Charles is the thirteenth Prince of Wales to be invested into the order.

To this day, the Order of the Garter remains one of the most elite societies and appears to be at pinnacle of English-speaking Freemasonry, if not all Masonry. The Garter itself appears on the coat of arms of both the Queen and Prince Charles. This is why the strange “Masonic overtones” to Diana’s death are so significant. Many high-ranking Masons in government and the military of the United Kingdom might feel it was their duty to eliminate Diana; just as 110 years ago, high-ranking Masons in the royal court created the “Jack the Ripper” murders to cover up another troublesome woman. (18)

This is not to say that Charles himself was behind her death. He may well be innocent. His grief when he learned of her loss appeared to be massive and sincere. It may have been “Her Majesty” who signed Diana’s death warrant, or it may have been the dark forces behind the monarchy itself. We may never know. The point is not necessarily to assign blame as it is to understand that there is a possible deeper occult sub-text to all of this intrigue than most people are willing to acknowledge.

There is, however, some strong evidence to implicate MI-6 (the British Secret Service) or at least some factions within MI-6 in the accident – even to the point of naming names. A mysterious shadow figure within the British intelligence community, Gunther Russbacher may be behind the accident. Though the official story is that Russbacher is now retired (he would be somewhere between 50 and 60 years of age), he did at one time run a team which specialized in killing people in strange ways, like automobile accidents.

In another strange twist in an increasingly bizarre chain of “coincidences,” Russbacher was born near Salzburg, Austria on a red marble altar in a small chapel. That chapel contains the bodies of all the Knight Templar Grand Masters. In simple terms, his birth was surrounded by some sort of Templar ritual. The Templars, of course, are strongly connected with this Merovingian bloodline and its protection and have been for nearly a millennium. (19) They are also strongly and historically linked to Freemasonry! (20)

In any event, it is evident that Diana’s death was not an accident. As soon as we heard of her death, we knew it was an occult sacrifice. Every piece of evidence that emerged bears that out. This only illustrates the lengths that dark forces (whether British intelligence or some shadowy figures of unknown origin) will use to achieve their goals.

There is creditable evidence out there for Charles being a candidate for the anti-Christ. (21) Cohen, in his excellent book, gives an exhaustive list of reasons why he might be considered. This even goes down to Charles’ “heraldic achievement” or coat of arms, which Cohen researched thoroughly. Many of the Biblical features of the Great Beast are present in the coat of arms, something which is strange, to say the least. If not Charles, then perhaps Prince William – as we were told as witches. We normally do not get into “Let’s identify the Anti-Christ” games, but right now he is more likely than any public figure. Note how Charles’ popularity “magically” shot up after Diana’s funeral.

In the meantime, Diana is being turned into a cult figure rivaling even that of the dead Elvis! To paraphrase Acts, we are hearing: “Great is Diana of the Britons.” I would not be surprised if we started hearing of “appearances” of “Lady Diana,” similar to those of the virgin Mary which now dot the globe, either through demonic power or though holograms. (22) This new goddess would, of course, preach the global gospel of the New Age. They would be just another deception and distraction to draw peoples’ eyes away from the coming of the TRUE King of Kings, Jesus Christ.


1. Margaret Murray, The God of the Witches, Oxford U., 1931, p.160-61.
2. Tim Cohen, The Anti-Christ and a Cup of Tea, Prophecy House, Aurora, CO, 1998, p. 161-63.
3. John Dale, The Prince and the Paranormal, WH Allen & Co. 1986.
4. Baigent,, Holy Blood, Holy Grail, Delacorte, 1982.
5. Bill Schnoebelen, Space Invaders, With One Accord, Dubuque, Iowa, 1996.
6. TIME Commemorative Issue, p. 8.
7. The name means “Bridge of the Soul,” but the word almah is a term for priestesses of Diana in ancient paganism.
8. Cohen, p. 78 – footnote #1.
9. Schnoebelen, Wicca, Satan’s Little White Lie, Chick, Chino, CA, 1990, p. 169-174.
10. Christopher Anderson, The Day Diana Died, Morrow, New York, 1998, photo#54.
11. Ibid., p. 209-210.
12. Ibid., p. 21.
13. Cohen, p.147, 319.
14. Her Majesty the Queen, Hong Kong, Purnell Books and Intercontinental Book Productions, 1980 p. 12.
15. Anthony Holden, Prince Charles, New York, Atheneum, 1979, pp. 174, 236.
16. Cohen, p. 130.
17. John Campbell-Kease, “Garter, The Most Noble Order of” – A Dictionary of Heraldry, p. 160; cited in Cohen p. 131.
18. See our newest video, THE LIGHT BEHIND MASONRY, available from With One Accord ministries, for a fuller explanation of the connection of the Jack the Ripper murders to the Lodge.
19. Conspiracy Nation, vol. 12, no. 8 (an Internet e-zine. This document can be found at
20. Schnoebelen, Masonry Beyond the Light, Chino, CA, 1991, especially chapter 15.
21. Cohen., essentially, the entire book presents a fairly solid case for Charles as a possible candidate for Anti-Christ. It is definitely worth a read!
22. Norio Hayakawa, a Christian researcher, has already documented plans to use holograms in projecting images of UFOs into the skies; and military plans to project holographic images of great “religious figures” like Muhammed into the skies as a form of military tactics (psychological warfare) in the Middle East conflicts.

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