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Created - September 29, 2005
Updated - N/A

Character Name: Galra

Birthdate (age): 04.01.3326 (24)

Gender: Female

Birthplace: Last Hope Weyr

Current Location: Last Hope Weyr

Father: V'nor, 54, Wrath Weyr, Brownrider
Mother: Hanna, 48, New Telgar Weyr, Greenrider
Foster Mother: Jolama, 62, Wrath Weyr, Brownrider
3 unknown half-siblings by her father
1 unknown half-brother by her mother

Physical Description:
Galra stands around five foot, eight inches, and has a slightly larger bone structure, meaning she has a more filled out look, rather than a slender appearance. She also tends to lean slightly toward the plump side, meaning overall, she is well filled out with nice curves. Her hair color is a dark brown, although she has natural dark red highlights which show up very well in the sun. Her hair is typically worn in waves to her shoulders, although it is long enough to be pulled into a ponytail at the nape of her neck, should she need it out of her face, such as for a threadfall. Her eyes are a blue-gray color, and seem to change slightly with her mood: more blue when she is happy or content, and more gray when she is angry or upset. Her eyebrows are a bit thick, a somewhat square chin, and a slighly longish nose, but she also has high cheekbones, full lips, which help counter the less desireable features and make her more attractive. Her skin is more of a light brown, rather than a cream, which is more noticable in the summer, as she tans a medium brown, which also brings out more of the red highlights in her hair. Galra also as a red birthmark which starts at the middle of the left side of her neck and goes down across the top and back of her left shoulder, and as far as she can tell doesn't bare too much of a resemblence to anything.

Abilities, Strengths, Weaknesses:
One of Galra's strengths is that she can typically keep a level head in many situations that other people would lose their cool over. This allows her to be able to make decisions while everyone else would be milling around in confusion and hysteria. Another strength is that she often has somewhat of a authoritative aura around her. She gives an air of confidence, most times, that says she expects people to do as she says, and isn't about to repeat herself or plead for them to do it.

One of her weaknesses, however, is her youth. She has not been a queenrider young, and lacks experience. Therefore, some of her decisions are not entirely thoughtout and have errors in them. She often comes up with a course of action, but not always the best course of action. Another weakness is that after you point out an error to her, Galra becomes a bit more withdrawn and loses that confidence for a short period. She also can't stand to have the same error pointed out multiple times, or for an extended period. She's listens and accepts it when people point out the mistake and perhaps briefly explain it, but once it has been pointed out mulitple times, or if someone starts lecturing her on it, she gets irritated and won't listen, often times taking an attitude with the person.

At times, Galra's personality still seems that of a teenager. While she is fairly mature and can talk about things in a serious manner, she still has traits from being a teenager. Some of these traits include not liking when people lecture her, choosing to ignore things she doesn't want to hear, and will show teenage characteristics when she is annoyed with something, such as rolling her eyes, sighing loudly, and fidgeting. Galra does fairly well at taking the future into account and considering how certain things will affect what happens in the future, although she does not like to dwell on the past, and once something has happened, she will not contemplate it over and over.

Galra also has a very trusting personality, and tends be optimistic, looking for the best in any situation and the people she encounters. This sometimes leads to problems, as it allows her to have the possbility of being duped by someone playing on her trust, or having her not entirely account for all the negatives in a situation, and making a bad decision because of it. Galra wears her feelings out in the open for pretty much everyone to see, or if she is annoyed or unhappy with someone, it is obvious to that person. Most times, however, she is fairly friendly, and doesn't mind trying to help people with things they are having problems with.

Galra also has a bit of a better-than-thou personality, not only as part of a carry over from being a teenager, but also because she is, as she is a goldrider. This gives her the belief she doesn't have to obey many other people, but that they should also obey her. This also encourages her to help other people, as she is better than they are and more capable of helping them with whatever they couldn't do. As she surpasses others, she tries to play the part by looking nice before she leaves the Weyr, and has many nice outfits, so she can make herself more presentable to everyone else.

Things at Last Hope Weyr had been just starting. With the Weyr having been formed only five turns previous, many of the riders had been uncomfortable in the new stone of the Weyr. Thing had begun to look up after a few turns, with the green Truth's hatching some three turns prior and her clutch that same turn. However, even as unfamiliar as the new Weyr had been, even with the importance of the birth of a new gold, some things just didn't change. One of these things were greens, and as greens will be greens, Hanna's Tulith rose in the turn 3325 and was caught by V'nor's brown Darrith. Rather than go their separate ways after the flight, Hanna and V'nor stayed together a bit. They weren't Weyrmates... it was more of a fling to amuse themselves until they got bored and moved onto other partners. Yet their fling that year had resulted in something more... a pregnancy.

Born on first day of the fourth month of the 3326th turn, Galra was a cute child. As a result of the low numbers of the Weyr, Galra was not fostered right away, but taken care of by her mother and the numerous drudges until she was about the age of three turns. At that time, the first fall of thread occured, and many dragons were lost, including Perone's blue Wrath. One of the older browns injuried wasn't killed, but merely received serious threadbared wings that resulted in keeping the beast more or less grounded, aside from short flights for the rest of the creature's natural life. His rider, a woman by the name of Jolama no longer had much of the duties of that the rest of the riders did, and was willing to take on a Fosterchild. As such, Galra was fostered to Jolama at the age of three turns.

Jolama instilled a fair amount of confidence and self-esteem in the girl, knowing that they would need more people with such qualities if the Weyr was ever going to recover from the disrepair that was happening to it. Galra picked up the lessons quickly, maturing to be a fine young girl, unlike some of the other Weyrbrats who were in trouble every couple of days.

At the age of thirteen turns, Galra became eligible to stand on the sands as a candidate, which she did. However, she didn't Impress. Nor did she Impress the second time on the sands. Yet Galra was not detered nor depressed in these results, for she still had the self-confidence that Jolama had ingrained in her. So when Wrath Weyr was opened when she was fourteen turns, Galra joined her foster mother in moving to the new Wrath, trying her luck at being a candidate at the other Weyr.

Unfortunately, despite standing on the sand multiple times, Galra did not Impress. A few people wondered why a girl could stand on the sand so many times and not Impress. After all, she was a well behaved and well mannered girl, and Weyrbred at that. But there were no answers for their ponderings. Finally, with the girl being twenty turns and her birthday coming up, she was sent to Last Hope Weyr, where Crissith had a clutch hardening on the sands, as a final attempt for the girl to Impress before she became too old and ineligible.

It was there on the warm sands of the Last Hope Weyr hatching grounds that Galra finally Impressed to the gold Anjirth. The girl was bit surprised that she had finally Impressed, but all thoughts were swept away everytime she looked into the gold's eyes. Galra consistantly took care of her new lifemate, not only because the gold needed so much attention, but also becaues Galra wanted to lavious it on the new dragon.

The pair passed all their Weyrling classes with ease as they had been focused on doing well and put forth their best effort. When Anjirth finally matured at the age of three turns, Galra was gifted with a small firelizard egg, which hatched into a clueless blue that provided tons of entertainment for both rider and dragon. As a full-grown dragon and Junior Weyrwoman, Galra spends her time aiding Aryna in her duties as Weyrwoman, and making sure the gold has as much time as her rider can give her.


Dragonrider Rank: Weyrwoman Second

Dragon Name: Anjirth

Hatch Location: Last Hope Weyr

Age: 4 turns

Color: Gold

Physical Description: A medium tone of gold, Anjirth had a hide that shines beautifully. The membranes on her wings are a lighter shade of gold, and appear very pale when the sunlight streams through them during flights. Anjirth weighs out on the lighter end of the scale for golds, but is still larger than the bronzes. Although her weight is lighter than some of the others, her length isn't far off, and she has an overall more slender and lithe form, compared to some of the bulkier queens.

Personality: Anjirth has a mild personality and is easy going unless she is given a reason not to be. In a situation, such as having a clutch on the sands, or an emergency where authority over other dragons is needed, her personality is more commanding. She has a slightly vain part of her personality, and is a big fan of being groomed by her rider, and is often unhappy when her hide is dirty. When she is not relaxing in her Weyr while her rider fulfills any duties she has as a Junior Weyrwoman, Anjirth is either eating, or down at the lake bathing and swimming. The gold does not have much of a sense of time, but has a good memory for dragons themselves, and knows the names of most every dragon who comes to the Weyr. She also knows a fair amount of the name of the riders of the dragons, although typical of dragonkind, she rarely uses a human's name.


Pet Name: Iggy

Age: 1 turn

Pet type: Firelizard

Color: Blue

Physical Description: Iggy is a dark blue, but is much lighter than navy, however. The firelizard has a bit of a scranny appearance to him, as though he were underfed and didn't lie about much, for indeed, both were true. In his ignorance of what goes on around him, Iggy flies around for days on end before returning to Galra, and as a result, does not eat as frequently as he should, being ignorant of this stomach's complaints. His wings are average size, which makes then a bit large for him, as his body is smaller than most other blue firelizards. Although his eyes can change color like any other firelizard, they are perpetually a contented shade of medium blue.

Personality: Iggy's name is taken from the best description of his personality: ignorant. The blue firelizard has little sense of time, direction, or pretty much anything else. True to the statement "Ignorance is bliss." Iggy seems to be consistantly content and consistanly unaware of most everything around him. It is completely typical of him to diappear for days on end, having gotten lost in some random corridor and not realizing how long he had been away. Anyone with any knowledge of Iggy would never in his right mind trust a task of any importance to the flit, as that task would surely go unfulfilled. However, Iggy does provide a good source of amusement for Galra.

How did your character acquire this pet: Galra received the egg as a gift on the day her queen graduated from being a Weyrling to becoming full-grown and a Junior Queen.