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Shop Owners

You must choose a place to set up your shop, and then sell products to others that are on your planet or colony. Only one shop per planet and colony and you must buy your products from Scientists. This job pays $1,500 a month, plus the products you sell.


Scientist develop new technologie from weapons to repair tools. They sell there products to shop owners. Scientist get payed $1,500 a month plus what they earn from the shop owners.


Guards can be hired on to protect a player, either from an assasination or attack. This job pays $1,500 a month, plus $1,000 to $3,000 per contract.


Assasins must have 300exp points. Makes $1,500 a month, plus $3,000 per contract. Can be hired to kill someone or to help in battles. I must be notified before an assasination will be comitted. I will not post it anywhere, I would just like to know. That means i want an email.


This job is for people who dont really feel like doing anything, kinda like an assistant to scientist and shop owners. Since you dont really do much you dont get an extra amount of money, you gain $1,500 a month.