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kazz's pocket dimension - v1 // you're not here

Site Info

This site, originally called "The Pocket Dimension", was created on July 24, 2000. It didn't do very well at all. It was a half-assed attempt, at best. Then, sometime in 2002 (to be perfectly honest, I don't remember the exact date), it became "ChibiKazz's Pocket Dimension" and... wasn't much better than it previously was.

Now it's "Kazz's Pocket Dimension", by far it's best-looking incarnation yet. We'll have to see how it holds up, considering it's less-than-stellar past.

version 1: you're not here: The entrance image is a close-up picture of Heather from SH3, with a blind-effect done with MSPaint by me. The washy-looking black and white image of Heather used on all the other pages was also done in MSPaint, by me. The title of this version is the title of the song "You're Not Here" from the SH3 soundtrack.

The Webmistress
Name: Kazz
Birthdate: 3/26/86
Height: Short. Very short.
Weight: Don't know. Don't particularly care.
Likes: Video games, anime, books, music, movies, writing fanfiction and original fiction, slash and femslash, chocolate, and Guacamole Doritos.
Dislikes: Mushrooms, spiders, spinach, and E.T.

Link to KPD Banners coming soon...

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