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" + inf + ""); } // End --> Kaolian's Sig Code generator of doom!

Instructions: This tool is designed to make you a rotating signature image code piece for use with ezboard and other html signature message boards. To use on ezboard, you must have an ezsupporter membership. To start, enter the number of signatures you want to use, from 1 to 4, a full URL link to your profile (all links must be in http:\\ format. will not work). Then just put in the image URL, the text you want to show up when the user moves a mouse over the image, and any  text you want under the image (you can use HTML there as well). To see an example, just hit refresh:

This is the alt text for sig image 2 And a picture of my pet snail...
This is sig image 2
Number of sig images (Maximum of  4)
Your Profile link:
Signature 1:
Image URL: 
Alternate Image Text: 
HTML text for below signature
Signature 2:
Image URL: 
Alternate Image Text: 
HTML text for below signature
Signature 3:
Image URL: 
Alternate Image Text: 
HTML text for below signature
Signature 4
Image URL: 
Alternate Image Text: 
HTML text for below signature
Now, just go to your Control panel, click on Account Preferences, Check the box for "Use Custom Signature", paste the code in the box, and make sure "HTML <Launch Tool>" is selected. Again, this will only work if you have ezsupporter.


There is a slight chance that with extremely long image lengths, you can exceed the amount of space available for EZ board signatures. If your signature does not appear to work, try removing the fourth one entirely. 

This code is licensed to the public domain, provided the author, Kaolian Drachensborn is given credit. Please feel free to grab this and the associated js file and host it elsewhere. Any questions? e-mail