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Come All Ye Faithful


Aesop Rock

Octavia Butler

Stephen King

Dan Simmons

Saul Williams


Aesop Rock is my favorite rapper, and probably my favorite poet as well. With the help of "The Tugboat Complex", his appearance on A Fool Blown Compilation (a song any hiphop head or fan of poetry should hear) and his precence (where he had the most downloaded song for a number of weeks) Aesop has made a very prevailent buzz in the underground rap world. With the Def Jux world realeases of Labor Days and Daylight his music is now more easily obtainable. This September, he's set to release another CD called Bazooka Tooth. In addition to probably containing the secret of life, it should also feature quite a few Jaberwockysuperfly bangers. It might even have an Orphanage track (the hiphop ubergroup including Aesop himself, Slug of Atmosphere, Blueprint, Illogic and Eyedea). As of now, the only Orphanage song with all five I know of in existence is "Obsolete" on Blueprint's new album The Weight Room and their freestyle session which is on one of Sage Francis' albums. Also, if MURS is to be believed from his song "Happy Pillz" we can catch him on this CD "long as Aesop pays [him]" It's sure to be absolutely ubernificent. Now stop reading this and go buy his albums!

Aesop Rock is the best rapper of all time, ever. EVER!!

Excerpt from "The Tugboat Complex" (Track somethingorother on A Fool Blown Compilation)

Oh my God
They've got angels sweatin' like hellots
workin' their little halos to the bone combing them deserts
my figure eight knotted
lifeline defined traffic
the way my schoolin' endlessly defined every day
one exquisite fitted crisis rivets an octagon of red
to the ceiling above my bed
it's not a conversation piece, like public spectacles
unleashed more of a clue
so when I wake up to the rains I'll be one step ahead of you
I slide like Kodakrome
wrote a poem for every planet
tracked their mileage from the sun in an envelope
licked it, stamped it
got eight thankyous in the mail, but nine planets means there's one left
only the earth would thank me later with a breath taking sunset
(man, I'm just a bum)
zip that waterfall around your skeleton
tell it to boil
loyalties, the shovel in the soil
dig it, I split my lip kissing the winter
nursed the blister in the sun
strung a hammock between spring and where the willows turn to blood

Name: Aesop Rock

Medium: Rap


Music For Earthworms (1998)

Appleseed (1999)

Float (2000)

Labor Days (2001)

Daylight (2002).

Bazooka Tooth September 2003

Octavia Butler is one of few succesful black science fiction novelists, and the only black woman sci-fi novelist to my knowledge. Her essay Positive Obsession from her anthology Bloodchild is very inspirational to me. I once wrote an essay that was very much based on it. She has written three series of novels, Lilith's Brood (a.k.a. the Xenogenesis Series) the Origins of the Pattern series, and the two Earthseed books: Parable of the Sower, and Parable of the Talents. Wild Seed, is one of the best novels I've ever read. If you haven't read it yet, you should.

Excerpts from Parable of the Sower

Prodigy is, at its essence,

adaptability and persistent,

positive obsession. Without

persistence, what remains is an

enthusiasm of the moment. Without

adaptability, what remains may

be channeled into destructive

fanaticism. Without positive

obsession, there is nothing at all.

All that you touch

You Change.

All that you Change

Changes you.

The only lasting truth

Is Change.


Is Change.

Create no images of God.

Accept the images

that God has provided.

They are everywhere,

in everything.

God is Change-

Seed to tree,

tree to forest;

Rain to river,

river to sea;

Grubs to bees,

bees to swarm.

From one, many;

from many, one;

Forever uniting, growing, dissolving-

forever changing.

The universe

is God's self-portriat.


by Lauren Oya Olamina

Name: Octavia Butler

Medium: Novels


Patternmaster (1976)

Mind of My Mind (1977)

Wild Seed (1980)

Clay's Ark (1984)

Parable of the Sower (1993)

Parable of the Talents (1998)

Stephen King is probably the most well known novelist in the world today. He writes mostly horror fiction and other sci-fi/fantasy that seems to always have a bit of the horror element in it. The first novel he published was Carrie, the story of a young telekinetic teenage girl (Carrieta White) who, like many of King's characters, goes insane and murders a lot of people. Since then he has published tons of stuff, including The Shining, Thinner, The Stand, The Tommyknockers. Of the few of his books that I've read (considering that there are so many of them) I like The Dark Tower saga best. There are currently 4 volumes, (The Gunslinger, The Drawing of the Three, The Wastelands, Wizard and Glass) and some related short stories ("Low Men In Yellow Coats" of Hearts in Atlantis). There are even tie-ins of his other stories.(The Stand). I'm waiting patiently for the last few volumes of the series.

Excerpt from The Gunslinger

And so the man in black began to speak.

The universe (he said) offers a paradox too great for the finite mind to grasp. As the living brain cannot conceive of a nonliving brain- although it may think it can- the finite mind cannot grasp the infinite.

The prosaic fact of the universe's existence single-handedly defeats the pragmatist and the cynic. There was a time, yet a hundred generations before the world moved on, when mankind had achieved enough technical and scientific prowess to chip a few splinters from the great stone pillar of reality. Even then, the false light of science (knowledge, if you like) shone in only a few developed countries.

Yet, despite a tremendous increase in available facts, there were remarkably few insights. Gunslinger, our fathers conquered the-disease-which-rots, which we call cancer, almost conquered aging, went to the moon-

("I don't believe that," the gunslinger said flatly, to which the man in black merely smiled and answered, "You needn't.")

-and made or discovered a hundred other marvelous baubles. But this wealth of information produced little or no insight. There were no great odes written to the wonders of artificial insemination-

("What?" "Having babies from frozen mansperm." "Bullsh*t." "As you wish... although not even the ancients could produce children from that material.")

-or to the car-which-moves. Few if any seemed to have grasped the Principle of Reality; new knowledge leads to yet more awesome mysteries. Greater physiological knowledge of the brain makes the existence of the soul less possible yet more probable by the nature of the search. Do you see? Of course you don't. You are surrounded by your own romantic aura, you lie cheek and jowl daily with the arcane. Yet now you approach the limits- not of belief, but of comprehension. You face reverse entropy of the soul.

But to the more prosaic:

The greatest mystery the universe offers is not life but Size. Size encompasses life, and the Tower encompasses Size. The child, who is most at home with wonder says: Daddy, what is above the sky? And the father says: The darkness of space. The child: What is beyond space? The father: The galaxy. The child: Beyond the galaxy? The father: Another galaxy. The child: Beyond other galaxies? The father: No one knows.

You see? Size defeats us. For the fist, the lake in which he lives is the universe. What does the fish think when he is jerked up by the mouth through the silver limits of existence and into a new universe where the air drowns him and the light is blue madness? Where huge bipeds with no gills stuff it into a suffocating box and cover it with wet weeds to die?

Name: Stephen King

Medium: Novels

Works, there are a few:

The Dark Tower:

The Gunslinger (1982)

The Drawing of the Three (1987)

The Wastelands (1991)

Wizard and Glass (1997)

Hearts in Atlantis (1999)

Dan Simmons has written many books, including Song of Kali, Hollow Man, and Hyperion. Although I've only read his Hyperion series and Hollow Man, I'm sure his other books are just as brilliant. If you're literate, I demand you go read his books, now!

The Shrike!Sculpture of the Shrike, the killing machine of the Hyperion Series.

Excerpt from "Hyperion Cantos" in Hyperion

In the beginning was the Word. Then came the f**king word processor. Then came the death of literature. And so it goes.

Francis Bacon once said, "There arises from a bad and unapt formation of words a wonderful obstruction to the mind." We have all contributed our wonderful obstructions to the mind, have we not? I more than most. One of the twentieth century's better, forgotten writers- that is better-comma-forgotten, once bon moted: "I love being a writer. It's the paperwork I can't stand." Get it? Well, amigos and amigette, I love being a poet. It's the goddamned words I can't stand.

Name: Dan Simmons

Medium: Novels


Hyperion (1989)

The Fall of Hyperion (1990)

Endymion (1996)

The Rise of Endymion (1997)

Saul Williams, actor/musician/writer. Poet. He wrote and costarred in the film Slam, wrote and coproduced an album Amethyst Rock Star, appeared on Lyricist Lounge Volume 1, and other CDs. He has written at least two books of poetry, The Seventh Octave and She. If you haven't seen Slam yet which is an incredible movie, go rent it! And if you haven't bought Amethyst Rock Star yet, go buy it!

Saul's Logo

Excerpt from "Tao of Now" (Track 4 on Amethyst Rock Star)

Children of the night, only some will star the sky, only believers in death will die, and fathers must feather the wings of women. For the unfeathered masses dangle ridiculous. Carrying cross to phalynx filled tombs. The future sails silence through blood rivered waters that ripple with riddles of cows and spoons and births moons and earths, sun centered at noon. and here I stand, court-jestering infinity. Fetal fisted for revolution but open hands birth humility. Now what is the density of an egoless planet? Must my spine be aligned to sprout wings? I'm slouched into Shang steps and kangoled with gang reps, but my orbit rainbows Saturn's rings. Mystical eliptical presto polaris. Karmic flamed future when Saurn's an Ares. And now I'm a fish called father. With gills type dizzy: blowing liquid lullabies through the spine of time. I'm certain of Saturn's rivers, and all else is fact. So baptise me in the stars and wrap me in nighttime: moon blue. Pupil my sight with orange balls of light. And echo my plight through the corridors of metaphor, what else are we living for if not to create fiction and rhyme? My purpose is to make my soul, rhyme with my mind over matter. Minds create matter. Minds create fiction, as a matter of fact matter is fact. So spirit must be fiction. Science fiction. Art fiction. Meta fiction.

Name: Saul Williams

Medium: Poetry


The Seventh Octave (1998),

She (1999),

Amethyst Rock Star (2001)


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