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SLK Fight the Rumors of a Shortage of Songs for Upcoming Album

Rumors have been flying recently about the upcoming SLK album. One of which is the lack of material with which to make an album. We here at SLKNews have decided to investigate this alegation. We have managed to track down the very elusive bassman for the band Jim Greve

SLKNews: Hey Jim whatsup?

Jim: U'mmm, nothing

SLKNews: So, Mr.Greve, anything to say about a possible truth to the bizarre rumors of a lack of material?

Jim: Anyone who has ever seen one of our shows will tell you the answer to that, we have plenty of songs and there should be no problem filling a full length CD.

SLKNews: Your set is only 15 minutes long.

Jim: And your point is.....?

SLKNews: Even the shortest album today generally last about 45 minutes.

Jim: WHAT!?.... I mean, of course, what idiot would only make an album 15 minutes long. (slowly reaches into pocket, pulls out a cell phone, dials hastily and mumbles a few incoherent words into the mouthpiece, listens for a few seconds and finally nods approvingly) I have three words for you, whatever your name is, Funny Skits. You know two funny voices talking back and forth, zany antics, maybe some weird sounds like farts and toilets flushing. The whole nine yards.

SLKNews: So you are telling me that more than half of your record will be Skits and sound effects?

Jim: is that not good?

SLKNews: No.

Jim: Well, of course, we are going to have.... new... material..., YEAH! NEW MATERIAL, yeah.

SLKNews: New material, thats excellant, any new tracks you can clue us in on.

Jim: Ohh yeah, plenty.(long silent pause)

SLKNews: Well WHAT!

Jim: (startled) Huh?

SLKNews: New Tracks, you said new tracks!?! Can you give us some names of the new Tracks?

Jim: Oh.. um, yes, yes I can. (looks out window) Theres of course... a song called..... "Squirrel in a Tree", oh yeah thats one of my favorites.

SLKNews: Squirrel in a Tree?

Jim: yep, and theres more (looks nervously around the room) there's one called "The Trash Can is Full of Paper" and (scans room once again) "I'm Wearing Blue Pants". Yeah, yeah, thats the ticket.

SLKNews: So there really is no need for us fans to be worried about the forthcoming album, is there?

Jim: No, not at all. Look forward to the album, (continues under his breath) YES, look forward to the album until the world is MINE!!!! (Proceeds to laugh maniacally)

SLKNews: What was that?

Jim: (stops abruptly) Um, nothing...... WHATS THAT!!!(throws small smoke pellet to the ground, in a few moments the smoke clears and Jim is still in his chair. A long awkward silence begins)

Well that was my interview with Jim. It shed some light on there creative process and how things are going in the studio. In addition to the tracks listed above, a couple of more songs are in the works including, "My Chair is Soft", "A Box of Envelopes" and lastly "Bobby Jones: Golf My Way", which coincidently is also the name of a book which is displayed on my office shelf.