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Acid Fever- When a character takes more than 30 points of acid damage, and is at the same time exposed to great evil, she risks contracting acid fever. Festering boils cover the victim's flesh, and the skin blackens and withers.

Blue Guts- This disease comes from eating the flesh of particularly disgusting creatures such as otyghs, gibbbering mouthers, and gray oozes. It results in a bluish complexion, particlularly around the intestines. Many predatory magical beasts, aberrations, and other creatures are immune to this disease, but no humanoids are.

Deathsong- One of the worst diseases known, this terrible plague has laid waste to entire communities in less than a week. Victims of deathsong can do nothing but shriek and howl as their bodies wither and blacken. Once the incubation period expires, the progress of teh disease is so fast that a victim can hear his skin crackle and his bones grow bittle and break.

Faceless Hate- When a victim of this disease takes enough strength or constitution damage to reduce the ability score to 0, the infection disappears. The character's ability score are immediately restored to what they were before the onset of the disease, but he becomes a monster with no face. The chareacter loses his ability to see and smell, but gains blindsight with a range of 60 feet. He loses the ability to speak, but gains teh silent spell feat if a spellcaster. The victim's alignment changes to neutral evil, and he becomes intent on killing all those who were his friends and family. When the victim has hunted down everyone dear to him, he turns his ire againstg all other living things. These changes are permanent, and a remove diease spell has now effect. A wish or miracle spell restores teh character, but nothing else will. If the victim dies and a remove disease spell is then cast on the corpse, a resurrection or true resurrection spell resotres the character to life and to his original form. Raise dead wont work.

Festering Anger- Brought upon by long-term, intense fury and hatred, this disease manifests as dark boils across the skin. The incubation period-in this case, the amount of time during which a character must be angry-varies.but it usually takes at least a year for festering anger to erupt. Each day after the onset of this malady, the character takes 1d3 points of consitution damage, but she gains a cumulative +2 enhancement bonus to strength.
Each day, the victim must succceed at an additional Will saving throw (DC22) or attack whatever has made him so angry. The victim is obsessed with taking action against the focus of anger, but isn't completely heedless of danger. If the focus of the victim's anger isn't readily available, the victim will instead attack allies, minions, or symbols that remind him of the reason for his hate.

Fire Taint- When a character takes more than 30 points of fire dmage and is at the same time exposed to great evil, she risks contracting the fire taint. Her flesh reddens and her insides seem to burn. The victim vomits bile during the worst of the disease.

Frigid Ravaging- When a character takes more than 30 points of cold damage (see fire taint, acid fever...)

Life Blindness- The infected victim loses all ability to perceive living creatures, even plants. All such beings are treated as invisible, silent, and odorless. The lonliness and alienation eventually drive teh cictime to be completely anti-social, suffering effects similar to the emotion (despair) and emotion (hate) spells.

Melting Fury- Caught by characters who handle undead flesh, this disease is as horrific to watch as it is to contract. The victim's flesh slowly liquefies and "melts" off his body until he is dead.

Misery's Passage- Brought upon by long-term, intense emotions of sadness and despair, this disease manifests as dark boils. The incubation period varies just as for festeing anger. In addition to the damage, the victim must succeed at an additional will saving throw (DC 15) every day or be treated as stunned for that day. Even moving takes too great an effort.

Possession Infection- This malady occurs only aftar an evil spirit, outsider, or other dominating force has possessed the victim. The victim slowly becomes despondent and lethargic, apparently mentally affected by the alien presence that was within her soul.

Soul Rot- Creatures that eat the flesh of an evil outsider can contract this horrible. Soul rot eats at the victims mind and soul until she dies a horrible, agonizing death full of pain and misery.

Vile Rigidity- This infection at first seems a boon. The victim's skin toughen's, granting a +1 natural armor bonus to ac 24 hours after the infection starts. On the second day, this becomes a +2 bonus. On the third day, the natural armor bonus improves to +3, but the victim takes a -2 penalty to dexterity. Each day thereafter, teh victim's skin becomes thicker and thicker, adding a cumulative +1 natural armor bonus and -2 penalty to dexterity. This lasts until the victim's dexterity reaches 0, indicating that his ever-thickening flesh has entrapped him. At this point, the victim dies of suffoccation.