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A Modest Review
By: Thomas Conner
Show Title: Transformers Armada: First Encounter
Air Date: August 23, 2002
Watched: September 23, 2002
Reviewed: September 25, 2002

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Basic Plot:
The Autobot and Decepticon robots battle for control on their home planet Cybertron. A signal reaches them from another world, revealing the existence of the Mini-Con robots. This lost race of Transformers robots has awakened after centuries of hibernation on the planet Earth. The Autobots and Decepticons follow the signal to Earth, each one hoping to be the first to find the legendary Mini-Con robots - whomever partners with them gains powerful new abilities! The fate of the Earth and the universe depends on who controls these small machines! Will it be the heroic Autobots or the evil Decepticons?

Reviewer Notes (spoiler space replacement):
Having my cable unavailable to me at the current time, I am relying on a friend of mine to record Armada and send it my way. I know this review is a little late, while a lot late. But after receiving the tape, I wanted to watch the premiere and few more times so I could gain a concrete opinion of the show. Plus, I thought it would be nice to give my feel of the show, since I feel myself to be a neutral Transformer fan. I have enjoyed every line and series and thought each brought something unique to the mythos. I feel that each series can be enjoyed (yes fan boys, even Beast Machines and Robots in Disguise) if watched with a deep respect for each incarnation. For example, I did not like what Beast Machines did to the Beast Wars characters and Generation One references; however, I did enjoy the premise. Therefore, I view Beast Machines separately from Generation One and Beast Wars, and I am able to enjoy the series without the ‘fan boy factor’ getting in the way. I also accept the apparent Final Fantasy approach to the Transformer universe with each series borrowing from a central timeline; I think it is a wonderful concept.

I can remember clearly each time a new Transformer series was set to premiere. I have fond memories of sitting down with a pizza (or some other food item) to watch "More than Meets the Eye", "Beast Wars", "The Reformatting", and "Battle Protocol!" The feeling I get each time I was brought into a world that thirsted me into the civil war between sentient alien robots, it blows me away! I find now the same anticipation building as I prepare to turn the VCR on and watch “First Encounter.” Now it’s time for the review! I’ll break the review down in the three Armada episodes that comprise the movie and they are: Episode 01 - "First Encounter" Episode 02 - "Metamorphasis" Episode 03 - "Base”

Episode One: “First Encounter”
“Light years ago, deep in the cosmos, a unique, digital entity came into being... In search of other life forms, it sent explorers out to the furthest reaches of the galaxy. These digital, mechanical beings became known as...Transformers! One of the first planets inhabited was soon to become known throughout time and space as Cybertron. A civil war between them raged on, and at stake was a race of tiny bots known as Mini-Cons. Always considered smart tools used to boost power, these Mini-Cons were awakened by an inner protocol. They then joined forces and resisted domination by both Autobots and Decepticons. Battle after battle proved nothing, and after many casualties the Autobots and Decepticons were caught in a deadlock. Realizing that victory would come at too high a price, the warring factions called a truce and in this truce, it was decided that an enormous craft be constructed for the Mini-Cons who would be catapulted into space. Never to be used as pawns in a galactic war ever again. Finally after drifting for millions of years, the Mini-Con ship collided with a moon circling a primitive planet known as Earth. The craft and cargo shattered, casting Mini-Cons to every corner of the planet. Eventually the Earth shifted and for millions of years the Mini-Cons lay dormant. And that's where our story begins..."
(Narrator, Introduction to Episode)

Two preteens, Rad and Carlos, bicycle and skateboard to Lincoln Middle School as we are given little exposition on their lives. The two seventh graders arrive at school and meet their female friend Alexis. They ask if she wants to go explore a cave in the mountains with them and she declines. After school, the two head off for the mountains with bullies Billy and Fred in tow. The two groups explore the cave separately upon arrival and Rad and Carlos are pulled underground by a ground cave-in. After traveling down a long tunnel, the two arrival in what appears to be the remnants of a crashed alien vessel. Rad inadvertently activates a tri-beam signal that scatters off the planet and hits the moon, which in turns fires of thousands of signals on its surface and toward earth. Somewhere, deep space on the planet Cybertron, Transformers all over the planet scramble as they react to the alarm. On earth, Alexis heads for the mountains as Rad and Carlos escape. As they exit, strange purple energy forms a blob that then vanishes leaving behind a gigantic robot, the leader of the Decepticons, Megatron! Alexis arrives and warns the boys not to make any sudden movements. In fear, Rad drops a green disc he brought up to the surface with him. The disc glows and reveals a beeping robot (High Wire of the Street Action Mini-Con Team) that scans and takes the form of Rad’s bike. The kids leap on to High Wire and take off with Megatron still standing there. In response, Megatron flings a boulder, throwing them off their bike. Approaching them, he demands to have his property returned. Before Megatron could reach them, a voice calls out:
“Stand down, Megatron!”
It is the voice of the heroic leader of the Autobots, Optimus Prime! The two engage in a hand grapple as the dumbfounded children look on.

Tommy’s Response:
Basic pilot episode and going into you can’t expect much to come out. The writers have to set up the story and introduce as many characters as possible. I am impressed with the animation. My favorite scene from this episode has to be the space battle between the Autobots and Decepticons during the opening narration. Another plus has to be when the signal reaches Cybertron the Transformers to act are all Generation One cameos. Off hand, I can think off Powerglide, Beachcomber, and Skyfire. For an in-depth analysis of the cameos, check out this section on, here.

Episode Two: “Metamorphasis”
Billy and Fred, the two bullies, are now trapped in the cave while upon ground Optimus and Megatron duke it out. The children try to leave when two more robotic warriors, Starscream and Demolisher, stop them. Two more Autobot warriors, Red Alert and Hot Shot, then rescue the children. The Decepticons retreat and the children get away. The Autobots are left behind and wonder how the Decepticons are able to use short warp equipment. Red Alert deduces that they have a base on the moon. In the Decepticon base, the part of the Mini-Con ship that crashed on the moon, Cyclonus slumbers as the other Decepticons return. Megatron demands to know the pinpoint location of the rest of the Mini-Con ship. On earth, the children hide out in a cavern and High Wire leads them into the Mini-Con ship. Once inside a computer room the children hear of the history of the Cybertronians. Then they discover and activate the Mini-Con discs of Sureshock and Grindor; thus completing the Street Action Team. On the moon, Megatron watches the earth and vows to capture all the Mini-Cons when he himself discovers a disc of his old Mini-Con Leader-1. The Billy and Fred make it out of the cave and find the remnants of the Transformers’ battle. Inside the Mini-Con ship, Sureshock and Grindor gain alternative modes based on the children’s scooter and skateboard respectively. On the moon, Megatron has Leader-1 display his power for the Decepticons and then gives his team new alternative modes. On earth, Optimus scans and acquires the alternative mode of an earth semi-rig. The kids test out the Mini-Con vehicles and are attacked by the Decepticons. They’re boxed in, until they’re rescued by the Autobots, who now also sport new alternative modes. Optimus combines with his trailer and the Autobots face the Decepticons in a standstill.

Tommy’s Response:
How the hell did Rad figure out the Mini-Con origin, how to work the computer, AND understand High Wire? Ah screw it. This episode introduces us (FINALLY) to the Transformers. Once again, it’s Optimus Prime versus Megatron for control over the universe and each general has an army to command. I don’t if I should like Prime’s military attitude toward the other Autobots or dislike it. It’s certainly strange the way he issued such direct commands. And wasn’t it convenient locations for all the new Mini-Cons? When pictures of Armada toys first surfaced on the Internet, I must say, I didn’t care for Optimus’ trailer combined mode (especially coming fresh off of the cool RiD Optimus’ trailer combined form). But after seeing it in animation it could grow on me. Though I must confess, I wanted to call this form 'Optimus Prime Square-pants Mode'…
Optimus: "I'm ready...I'm ready...I'm ready..."

Episode Three: “Base”
Starscream and Cyclonus open fire on the Autobots as Megatron links up with Leader-1 to reveal a super cannon. Megatron begins a barrage of fire that not only causes a landslide, but also knocks the Decepticon leader over! Red Alert and Hot Shot shield the children and Mini-Con from the landslide. In a crater created from Megatron’s stray blasts, the Autobot spot some Mini-Con discs. Going to them, they manage to free Jolt and Longram and use them against Starscream and Demolisher. The Decepticons retreat, but score a win as Cyclonus manages to steal a Mini-Con disc(s?). At the Autobot Base, the now converted underground Mini-Con ship; Rad recaps how he activated the Mini-Con signals to Optimus. Optimus gives the history of the Cybertronian civil wars to the children. The two groups exchange introductions and Optimus closes his history lesson with an explanation of the war dynamics. The next day, Rad and Carlos show off their Mini-Con vehicles to Billy and Fred after a basketball game. As they ride away, Alexis chastises them for almost blowing their cover. At the Decepticon base, Starscream and Demolisher battle over who is second-in-command until Megatron puts a stop to the fight. Megatron explains to his troops that they must partner with Mini-Cons if they are to win the war and then gives Demolisher the Mini-Con Blackout as a gift. On earth, the bullies return to mountains to find the cave and the remnants of the Transformer battle gone. Below them, in Cybertron Base, Optimus gives the children Laserbeak to protect them. A signal blares alerting the Autobots of the activation of Mini-Cons all over the globe. The hunt for power is on!

Tommy’s Response:
If I haven’t said it yet, let me say it here; I like the new Generation One theme remix. The “pound” scene was retarded and made me groan at first, but after thinking about it it made sense. The Autobots are aliens trying to become familiar with the customs of a new civilization. We should expect culture shocks like that. I found Optimus’ interpretation of the “Shining Finger” funny. The despite between Starscream and Demolisher over who was second-in-command hints as a power struggle that could grow from within the Decepticon ranks.

Tommy’s Quick Character Analysis

Optimus Prime – Unlike past Optimuses (Optimi?) this one seems harden by war. His line of “we must destroy the Decepticons!” alludes to that. I think if done correctly this would be an interesting spin on the mythos of Optimus Prime.

Hot Shot – Hey, he’s Side Burn and Hot Rod rolled together in a nice yellow coat! Seriously, I could like this guy.

Red Alert – The silent one. I couldn’t draw any conclusions from him. I’ll wait out on few episodes and see what becomes of him.

The Children – Too…much…screen time! Spike and Koji never got anywhere as near as much time on camera as these runts. Another nagging fact is the stereotypes the Hispanic and fat kids are portraying. I mean, were those supposed to be even remotely funny? On the up, I’d like them if it weren’t for the fact they were being shoved down my throat.

Laserbeak – Good gravy, he’s tiny! I mean come on; he could have at least been G1 size…we shall see what future episodes hold in store for the spy-bird.

The Mini-Cons – Had less dialogue than R2-D2…jury’s still out on them.

Megatron – Oh, I like him, yeeesss. I get good evil vibes from him. I can see him shaping up into an excellent lead baddie.

Cyclonus – Sky-byte anyone? Oh well, every TF line needs comic relief and helicopter boy, it’s you this time ‘round.

Starscream – I can see shades of his lust for power as Megatron showed off Leader-1 to the 'cons. The look on his face as Leader-1 displays his power was priceless.

Demolisher – I have half the mind to like this guy. He’s down to business and seems to be the military mind of the team.

In a Nutshell:
And so Transformer Armada begins and, overall, I was pleased with the pilot. Although not as mesmerizing as "More than Meets the Eye, Parts 1, 2, & 3" or as character driven as "Beast Wars, Parts 1 & 2", it was enjoyable to watch. My only major beefs were the lack of Mini-Con names and the heavy focus put on the children. I wouldn't mind the children as much if they were Pretenders, because I want this to be about the TRANSFORMERS, not the CHILDREN. Not the best, but it was okay. On a scale of 1 to 10, I’d give it 7.5, to give the series a chance to grow.
Agree? Disagree? Wanna flame? My e-mail address is on the main page, shoot me a line.

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