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Apipoulai (Hello)

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Alright, that said, let's get all the introductions out of the way, shall we?
We're gonna do this nice and profile like... short, sweet and to the point.
Name: Kali
Age: 18
Location: The Labyrinth
Occupation: None... Kinda Daycare Teacher, but not getting paid for it...
Random Begging For Email: Please...
My Life In Three Words: Way too busy!
Hobbies: Music, Music, Drugs, Music, School, did I mention Music, yet?
Picture of me: If you *really* think you can handle it, go here to view my photo album.
okay, I think that about sums it up for now... if there's anything else you want to know, put it in my very generic guestbook, and I'll be sure to put it on here when I read it.
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