Myself, roommate, Katie on Halloween

"Right now my friend Lee and I are...what are we again Lee? Just kidding, I am NOT putting that on here. Now all you guys want to know what the joke is, don't you? Well that's too bad because it's called an "inside" joke for a reason."-- said by Ash on her site

"i find myself, in my growing insanity, to become more docile at times, horrendously violent at others... but for the most part, i or anything i create is nothing to fear"--Joe Svec

"Save a horse, Ride a cowboy" --Me and Katie Stotts and I think Mandy says it too

"What are those instruments called? You know, with the DRUMsticks?"--Jenny

"Are you seduceable?"--Me and Eileen

"Grrr...."--You just think you're the only one who's said this.

"they say these markers are washable, but they sure don't come off paper too well"--Emory

"next thing you know we'll be over run with canadians riding 2 headed mooses flinging snow balls at us. the bastards have already over run our pizzas. what kinda monster puts canadian bacon on pizza? ITS HAM GOD DAMMNIT! THEY CANT FOOL ME!!!!!" --David (my #1 bitch) don't worry, david, its a common complaint.

"catepillars of stonedom are on my shoulder trcikinglowsly down a waterfall ina bucket then bears climb tree fish fly and t a t a ttt t a a t a t a they all live happily ever afgter. THE END@!"-Joe


i chill wit my boys....but when im at skoo i make good grades.....
ya know im sucka free and we chop them  blades...chop chop 
twis twis i got rocks on my a million dollar 
balla wit a million dollar kiss :-*

 This is her cool site 


The guys
Some backwards lies (not by us though!)
All were cute,
One psycho to boot
Some athletes, some preps
Some with not-so-good reps

Double names, double dates
Usually double fates
Tank tops and glossed lips
"I could really use a pair of hips!"
The Michael Test
Not all passed, some were better than the rest

Nice ring
Bling bling
Bowling witch
Late switch
What's that score?

Partners in crime
Grand theft, anytime
Thelma and Louise
Keep talking, please
Are you on JV?
Food? Don't look at me!

Not bright
Cat fight
Driving, driving
Music jiving
"Where are they?"
Just because he's feminine doesn't mean he's gay!

The Bitch songs
Lee's thongs
Watch the road!
Ignore us, it's just our unspoken code

A and B
Did he just say he climbed a tree?
Ooh, one of your kind!
Go for that one, he seems kind
I hope he doesn't crash
"That's just an inside joke between me and Ash"

LOST--by ash
You say you don't understand me
I say good, it's better you not know
You say you want to
I convince myself it's not true
And brush you off again

I turn you away
I try to talk to you 
But you aren't there for me
You don't understand
You couldn't
But in my heart I never even gave you a chance

I turn you away
Like so many before
You're in good company
Don't know why I do it
Don't know why I say what I say
Why I do what I do

I don't do it on purpose
But to see the way you look at me
It's more than I can take right now
I'm too insecure, too caught up in petty things
You're so far ahead of me, so advanced

Maybe we're better this way
Better you see me in the light you see me now
If you really knew me you'd think something else
So remember me the way I am now

Looking back now on the time we spent together
I realize that you were good for me
More than I had thought
I do miss you
Every so often, fleetingly
I'm looking back now
With a smirk adorning my face
On what might have been
