Who is this mysterious Lee everyone keeps talking about??



I enjoy flinging sporks and buying thongs. It's kind of like an addiction, I have to keep buying more to have all the right shades of color. I only have 20 or so right now though, so my addiction isn't completely out of control (update: aug 2003, i now have between 30 and 35). I like to laugh a lot. Almost everywhere I go, I end up with the nickname "Giggles". Okay, its not *everywhere* I go, but its happened enough to become noteable. Speaking of going out a lot, Ashley and I recently became best friends...*cheers*. She is now on my list of best friends among people such as Laura and Sarah and Eileen and Mike. Congratulations Ash! Never forget this--"What are we, Ashley? We're shallow and cold-hearted and conceited. But we're fun!! Seriously, we are. Of course, we would think we're fun, considering we're conceited."--(Me). I have one job, a hostess at Taste of Texas. I only have one stalker right now, so applications are being accepted currently. Apply to email above. I drew with markers yesterday. I was just that bored. I have big plans for the future of this site. So, I may be taking things slowly....but I have a lot of things to do, so cut me some slack. Bookmark this site and come back often. Sign the guestbook! Any questions or suggestions would be appreciated by email. Thanks guys! Ciao!

Its now August, 2003. College is approaching. On Aug 15th, Katie and I will be driving up to Southwestern University (NOT ITS NOT IN SAN MARCOS!! NO ITS NOT SOUTHWEST TEXAS STATE UNIVERSITY!! ITS COMPLETELY DIFFERENT! ITS NOT A PARTY SCHOOL!) too bad about the last bit though. Anyways, so yes, thats a pretty big change.

Its now November 1st, 2003. I'm in college. Turns out, this isnt Southwest, but we still know how to party. And thats all I have to say about that.

Its currently February 16th, 2004. I'm still in college. I've updated the Photo page and this page. Enjoy!

Its currently April 19th, 2004 and I am updating a few things. Mostly taking off some things from this site so I can tell people about it and be okay with it. I created another site too. See home page of this site for details.

Its December 30th, 2004. Sophomore year college. Christmas break. New-ish boyfriend. Umm..I'm tired.

* all about me*
Full name: Lee
Nicknames: Luscious. and Lush. and now Spoon thanks to my ADPi sisters.
Sex: female
Birth date: April 3, 1985
How old do you really look: 12? no maybe 15 or 16? i dont know. Some guy said I look 20 recently, but I dont believe him.
Where do you Live: houston texas/georgetown texas when I'm in school
Height: 5 2 (and a half)
Eye Color: hazel
Hair Color: brown w/ some red
Curly or Straight: straight
Do You Have A Boyfriend/Girlfriend: yes :)
What school do you go to: SU
Do you have a Job: no, i need one though
Do you wear Glasses: no way josé

(**my skin tastes like salt right now**)

Ever been involved with the police: heh, funny story...
Best buds: laura sarah bass bryson
What style of clothes do you wear: i have my own style..skirts are fun too
What Shampoo/Conditioner do you use: loreal kids. it smells like pineapple. and some coconut stuff. mmmm
Do you have any Pets: no
Do you Collect Anything: hotel stuff, thongs, quarters for laundry
Have you ever done drugs?: nope, okay yes. if you count alcohol and cigarettes. but not anything else.

¤ ~ ! ~ Favorites ~ ! ~ ¤
Day of the Week: friday
Candy: starbursts
Disney Movie: little mermaid
Thing in Your Room: my bed and my posters
Restaraunt: denis'
Song at the moment: "daughers" by john mayer
Radio Station: i like my five cd changer alot
Ice Cream: raspberry sorbet
Drink: Screw drivers made with pineapple orange juice
Thing to do on Weekends: watch home alone. study. drink a bit sometimes. just REEEELAX
Movie of all Time: great expectations, moulin rouge
Favorite Hangout: Mabee 3, what what
Sesame Street Character: Oscar

¤ ~ ! ~ Future ~ ! ~ ¤

If you could have any Occupation: international relations
Whats Your Dream Car: silver convertible eclipse
If you could Live Anywhere: Costa Rica or NYC or HOUSTON!!!
What age do you want to get Married: early 20's
How many Kids do you Want: 1 or 2 

st¤ ~ ! ~ Have you ever ~ ! ~ ¤
Given Money to a Bum: yes, this past christmas eve. i think i was talking to God
Named Your Goldfish: of course! Theyre all Sharky
Gotten in a Car Accident: not while i was driving, no
Sat through an Entire Dawson's Creek Episode: hell no
Had a crush: yeah, since, like, forever. always.
i like boys :) (right now its one huge crush...oh yeah...on one guy...ryan...dont tell him though, i'm shy)

¤ ~ ! ~ To think about ~ ! ~ ¤
If you were stranded on a desert island and could only bring 3 things what would they be: lip gloss, my favorite bikini, and a boy

¤ ~ ! ~ Girls only ~ ! ~ ¤
Do you prefer Guys With or Without Hats: depends
Facial Hair: some
Do you prefer guys with Boxers or Briefs: boxer-briefs
Have you ever told a guy you loved him?: no
Did you mean it?: if i had told a guy, i would have meant it.
Has a guy ever told you that he loves you?: two actually

¤ ~ ! ~ Nighty night time ~ ! ~ ¤
What do you Wear To Bed: little shirt and cloth shorts
What's Your Bed Time: never. i never sleep. no joke.
Is there a TV in your Room: yes. 
What's the Last thing you do Before you Fall Asleep: homework? 
People who know the Most about You: Ryan, bass, bryson. maybe brandon at one time scarily enough. james knows a fair amount, before this semester. daniel thinks he does.
Who do you talk to on the phone the most: i dont talk on the phone much. i guess ryan lately
How many Schools have you been to: 4
Do you get along with your Parents: for the most part, when theyre not being stupid
Craziest/ Funniest Dream: i had sex with superman in a tent in the middle of a walmart. i was like 12 when i had the dream
Would you rather be Hot or Cold: HOT
Fears: rejection, failure, being forgotten

¤ ~ ! ~ Silly stuff ~ ! ~ ¤
Do you Glow in the Dark: unfortunately, yes. its a curse, really.
Do you Possess Magical Abilities: I can kill people with my calf muscles
Do you keep your underwear and socks in the same drawer: yes. should i not?

*~*Current Events*~*

current mood: tired, excited
current music: right this minute? gavin degraw.
current taste: saliva. my own, unfortunately
current hair: dirty, pony tail
current dress: jeans, sweatshirt
current annoyance: no comment.
current smell: nothing
current longing: ryan/shaved legs/sleep
current game: ?
current thing I ought to be doing: taking a shower and packing
current desktop picture: ryan and our love child pumpkin
current favorite group: rascal flatts, gavin degraw, john mayer, ben folds, others
current cds in stereo: reba mcentire
current color of toenails: pink and chipped
current refreshment: nothing. maybe i'll go get one.
current worry: no comment
current hate: only a seedling. hate is generally tiring though


Color: red
Song(s): wasnt this question already asked
Subject: español
Teacher: profesora riquelme, prof piedmont-marton
Clothing Store: victorias secret
Shoe: my red steve madden's
Jewelry: my mexico earrings and my costa rican necklaces
Fruit: strawberries and cherries and tangerines
Meat: 10 oz. prime rib, medium well, with garlic butter
Veggie: carrots, crispy, not cooked. and broccoli cheese soup is positively orgasmic.
Salad Dressing: lite northern italian
Fast Food Restaurant: wendys, taco b
Letter: L
Month: summer ones
Season: summer
Shape: me
Bath & Body Works Scent: country apple
Magazine: Jane and Cosmo

*~*School and Stuff*~*

Worst Subject: biology 
What are your plans after school: graduate school
Do you have a CD burner: yes but i dont know how to use it
Who do you hate: noone
Who hates you: katie
How many buddies are on your buddy list: 200
How many are online right now: 130ish
Which ones are you talking to: ryan. danimal just signed off.
How do you know them: college
What did you do yesterday: skiied in the catskills
What did you do today: watched scary movie 3, flew in from NYC, made a cake
What are you doing tomorrow: flying to dallas, new years with ryan
What are you doing this weekend: dallas
What did you do last weekend: NYC stuff
What are you gonna do when this is over: i live in the moment, baby, yeah


Your closest one: laura, ryan, bryson, bass
The one that lives farthest away: eileen and mike
The one that lives closest to you: people on mabee 3
The tallest: bryson or camden
Shortest: me? and kate
Best-Looking: me, definitely (just kidding guys)
Biggest Flirt: i dont know
Most Outgoing: laura
Shyest: erin?
Wildest: all my friends are lame
One you can trust the most: laura, ryan, bryson, bass
One you've known the longest: sarah
Known the shortest: SU friends. mabee 3
Best Couple: mike and eileen
Worst Couple: ash and camden...haha..


thing you ate: carrot cake, made by me
thing you drank: milk
song you heard: overrated
show you watched: first daughter
thing you said: "bye"
person you saw: brother
person who called you: laura maybe
person you called: ryan maybe/voicemail
person you hugged: brother
told you they loved you: mommy
bought something?: poster at MOMA
danced?: now
were sarcastic?: always
talked to an ex?: online a couple of weeks ago. john.
watched your favorite movie?: too long
book you read: party girls.
time you showered: this morning

*~*Do You...*~*

smoke?: no
do drugs?: no
sleep with stuffed animals?: no
live in the moment?: see above response. very above.
have a dream that keeps coming back?: a few
play an instrument?: no
believe there is life on other planets?: yeah 
read the newspaper?: no. megaphone?
have any gay or lesbian friends?: yes and i love him dearly
believe in miracles?:maybe
believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: hopefully
consider yourself tolerant of others?: depends
consider love a mistake?: never
like the taste of alcohol?: yes 
believe in magic?: no
believe in G/g/od?: yes
go to church?: no
have any pets: redundant
do well in school?: yes
go to or plan to go to college?: yes
wear hats?: no
have any piercings?: yes
have any tattoos?: no
hate yourself?: no way
have an obsession?: yes (i love you BRITNEY!)
have a secret crush?: not so secret
collect anything?: YES
have a best friend?: a few
like your handwriting?: generally
have any bad habits?: yes
care about looks?: yes, not as much as some though, not so much anymore
believe in witches?: no
believe in Satan?: no, he's just a tool of Christians to make people "behave" and have something to blame their weakenesses on something other than weak will power.