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Karl Urban

   Karl Urban plays in LOTR: TTT as Éomer, brother of Éowyn. Here's an interview with him...

Kiwi Cutie: Karl hails from Wellington, New Zealand, where he rock-climbs, fishes, surfs, and hangs out with his black lab, Ire (named after a Bob Marley song). What a life!

Urban on Éomer: "Éomer's fierce. (He's) very headstrong and willfull. Initially, when he meets Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli, he's very aggressive, but he realizes pretty quickly who they are and what they're about. Then you see the more compassionate, genuine side of Éomer. I enjoyed (that) polarity. It was a lot of fun to play." However, Karl assured us he doesn't have very much in common with his on-screen persona: "I'm not out starting fights or anything like that!" he laughed.

Handsome Horseman: According to Karl, preparing for his role began with some serious horseback-riding lessons. "I had been on a horse before, but nowhere near the skill level that was required," admitted Karl. "I got to the point where I could cantor along at a fair pace. If my day job fails, I can always become a sheep wrangler out in the high country!"

Sibling Sitch: In LOTR, Karl's character, Éomer, is protective of his sister, Éowyn (played by Miranda Otto) -- especially when she's harassed by the lecherous villain Grima Wormtongue. In real life, however, Karl is an only child.

Men On Film: So, how does The Two Towers stack up against The Fellowship of the Ring? "It's a more complex film," he explained. "My only fear was that (it) wouldn't be as good or successful as the first, so it was such a relief to finally see it. I thoroughly enjoyed it -- and (audiences) say they love it even more than the first one. Also, I think it's a more intimate film. You get to go on these (separate) journeys, there's more character development, and more humor."

Hot and Humble: Karl was already tapped by People magazine for their "Sexiest Up-and-Comers" article. How does he feel about his newfound sex symbol status? "The media will put labels on you, I guess its just part of the territory. But it's not part of my day-to-day reality. When I'm at home in New Zealand, and I'm washing the dog or something, I don't suddenly stop and say, 'God, I'm sexy!'"

Ready for Action: As Éomer, Urban will be forever immortalized in plastic... as a toy action figure! We just hope his miniature-self has greater longevity than his own boyhood toy soliders. "I used to burn (them) in the sun under a magnifying glass!" he confessed.

Up Next: For now, Karl is just adjusting to big-screen stardom as part of one of the largest grossing, epic films ever made. "I'm going to the premieres -- in New York, London, Paris, and Wellington. Yesterday, I did interviews all day. It's a hard job!" Maybe, but it sounds like fun to us! In the meantime, he'll continue to work on the final LOTR installment, The Return of the King.

--By Saryn Chorney


2002-12-20 19:01:17.046
Karl Urban is a talented actor and a cute one too!
2002-12-20 18:02:30.716
Karl Urban is a great actor and I've liked him since back in the days of Xena and he was a wonderful Caesar! And he's a good looking guy too :)

2002-12-20 21:51:54.983
Karl, nice acting, though I hated your helm! :P