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                   The "Aedd Mawr Pedigree"

The "Aedd Mawr Pedigree" upon analysis was discovered to have not been one lineage, but rather four separate genealogical tracts put together by an unknown medieval cleric to make one long lineage.

From bottom to top the first genealogical tract of the "Aedd Mawr Pedigree" comprise generations # 1-4.

[#1] Aedd, whose name is an abbreviation of a name beginning with "Aedd…". His epithet "Mawr" [= "The Great"] suggests that the legends about him in Celtic Mythology may have an historical basis .


note: In a medieval genealogical tract Aedd Mawr is called the son of Anthun, which is the British spelling of "Anthony", thus, it has been conjectured that Aedd Mawr was the "barbarian king" whom Antonia, dau of Mark Anthony [the Roman general & triumvir, who supposedly also campaigned in Britain] divorced to marry an "eastern king" [Pytho of Tralles]. The gloss in the tract where the first-century BC figure Anthun is called the son of "Seiriol [Seisyllt] ap Gurgust", who appears as a sixth-century AD British figure in the "Gwyr-y-Gogledd Genealogy" is an error made by a medieval genealogist who must have been attempting to reconcile various genealogical data. It appears that Aedd "Mawr" re-married, for the name of his wife in legend is Caer, which is similar in spelling to Cesair, one of three in Celtic Mythology who bore that name. It is upon this basis that she is identified with Caesara, the supposed natural daughter of Julius Caesar and the British Queen Cordelia.


[#2] Prydein (Brydain), son, may be identified with GM's Brutus II "Green-Shield", upon whose death

the kingdom [Northern England] was divided into three parts by his three sons, (a) Annyn "Tro", LINE-A (b) Leil "Ici", LINE-B, & (c) Evalh "Cor", LINE-C:



[#3A] Annyn "Tro", the 1st born, whose portion was that which corresponds to Northumbria; begot

[#4] Selys Hen, is the last of his line in the pedigree because the next segment is a series of generations that can definitely be identified with a genealogical-tract found in Bartrum’s "Early Welsh Genealogical Tracts". His dau

[5] Aregwedd "Voeddawg", aka, the historical British queen Carmandua [there are variant spellings of her name] is omitted in the pedigree



[#3B] Leil (Lleon) "Ici", the 2nd born, whose portion corresponds to East Anglia; was the father of

[4B] Rhun "Hudibras" [Run "Paladyr Bras"], who,

by his 1st wife begot

[5B1] Bodvoc (Bywdec) (Buddig), a dau, aka the historical British queen Boadicea (Boudicca);

and, by his 2nd wife begot

[5B2] Blad[ud] [II], a son, the father of [6B] Llyr II



[#3C] Evalh (Evelac) "Cor", the 3rd born, whose portion corresponds to Mercia, was the father of

[4c] Uippe, aka the historical Vepoccomes, the father of

[5c] Volisios [whose brothers were Cartivello & Tigirseno], the father of

[6c] Dumnocoveros (Dyfynfarch), the father of

[7c] Venutius (Enuit; Enaid), deposed by the Romans AD55 (d71), the father of

[8c] Vernicus, the first "Dux Britanniarum" (AD72), the father of

[9c] Julius Briganticus, the 2nd "Dux Britanniarum" (fl.c.AD100),

the ancestor of

[22c] Uchdryd "Wledic", Dux Britanniarum" (d495), father of

[23c] Mwng "Mawr Drefydd", King of Yorkshire (d505), father of

[24c] Gwibei (Gwylri) "Drahog", King of Yorkshire (d547), father of

[25c] Queen Bernoc, heiress

wife of Ida "Great-Knee" [Eda "Glynvawr"], "1st" King of English Northumbria


The second genealogical tract of the "Aedd Mawr Pedigree" comprise generations # 5-13. It is a descent-line taken from the "Beli & Anne Pedigree", that is, the pedigree of Beli [the epithet "Mawr" was added by a medieval copyist who mistook Prince Beli with King Beli "Mawr"], and, his wife Anne, of whom it is said in the text that she was the "step-daughter", or "cousin", or "niece", of "The Virgin" Mary, hence, here begins another genealogical tract with

[#5] Brwt, variants of whose name include: Brutus; Brywlais; Brychwain, Britguenni; Brithguein, Brictogenios, Britannicus. He may be identified with Brutus (Britannicus), the son of Amerita, the daughter of "Old King Cole" (Coilus), that is, Cole "Hen" [reigned AD95-154], who is not to be confused with King Cole II (d305) [the father of St Helena], nor with King Cole III "Godebog" (c AD420). Brwt (Brywlais, etc.) had three sons, who were: [6A] Cymryw (below), [6B] Difwng, & [6C] Alafon (Lluan; Lain).

the lineage given in the pedigree, generations # 6-13, is that of

[#6] Cymryw (above), the father of

[#7] Ithon [Ithon ap Cymryw]

[#8] Gweyrydd

[#9] Peredur

[#10] Llyfeinydd (Llyveinydd)

[11] Gorwst, has been omitted in "MC" between generations # 10 & # 11

[#11/12] Teuged "Ddu"

[#12/13] Llarian "Vwyn"

[# 13] Ithel, this segment of the genealogy ends here; his descendants unrecorded in the pedigree are found in another genealogical-tract


it is supposed that [#13] Ithel (above) was the father of

[# 14] Rhivon "Mor"

[# 15] Mygnach "Gor"

[# 16] Dylan "Draws"

[# 17] Maeldaf "Hnaef"

[# 18] Taredd "Wledic"

[his sis, Meddyf, wife of Cadwel "Lauhir", who, by a "tryst" with King Arthur, was the mother of Maelgwn "Gwynedd", who spawned a dynasty of early Welsh kings]

[# 19] Trwyth "Wledic"

[# 20] sons & daus


The third genealogical tract of the "Aedd Mawr Pedigree" comprise generations #14-22, which give the "lost descent" of the Arthurian Dynasty. This is an important genealogical tract. Had it not been inserted into the "Aedd Mawr Pedigree", it would probably not have survived the vicissitudes of time, and we would lack a large piece of Early British History.

[#14] Enir "Fardd" ("Vardd"), is to be identified with King Arthur’s son, Anir or Enir (Am[ha]r), who is mentioned in the "Triads". Anir/Enir ["Am[ha]r": another variant of his name] predeceased his father, but was survived by a young son, Catraut, or Cadrod, whose epithet was "Calchwynydd" [the name of a fort]. Here, Enir is called the father of Calchwynydd, which establishes a genealogical-link from King Arthur.

[#15] Calchwynydd is not the name of a person but is the epithet of Cadrod "Calchwynydd", the son of [#14] Enir/Anir (above)

[#16] Llywarch of the "Aedd-Mawr Pedigree" is often confused with Llywarch "Hen" of the "Gwyr-y-Gogledd Genealogy", however, he is to be identified with the Llywarch in the "Rhodri Mawr Pedigree", which makes the Welsh king Rhodri "Mawr" a direct descendant of King Arthur; and establishes another Arthurian descent-line.

[#17] Idwal "Valch"

[#18] Rhun

[#19] Bleddyn

[#20] Morgan

[#21] Berwyn

[#22] Geraint "Feddw", the "King of Britons", reigned 704-712, who fought King Ine, of Wessex, in 711.

[This segment of the "Aedd Mawr Pedigree" ends here for reasons unknown; for Geraint "Feddw" was the father of three sons, namely, (23a) Yvor (Iovir) (d692), the resistance-leader who fought the Anglo-Saxons, (23b) Efrawg (Efrog) (below), & (23c) Bran (d728).]

[#23] Efrawg (Efrog) (above) [called Philip[pon] in medieval romance], regained the British throne in 726 and reigned three years, 726-729; and, was survived an only child, a daughter, [24] Galaes

[#24] Galaes [called Meliadice in medieval romance], succeeded her father, [23] Philip[pon] [Efrawg] (above) and reigned seven years as Queen of Britain, 729-735. Her story appears to be confused with the story of presumably a distant-cousin, Aeron, who, in the "Tales of Aeron", is Queen of Britain, and the heiress of King Arthur’s royal house; or else Aeron is just another name for Galaes in medieval romance.

= [name], an Anglo-Saxon prince

[#25] Cwilyn, mur, last of his line


The fourth genealogical tract of the "Aedd Mawr Pedigree" comprise generations # 23-34. The generations # 23 [Brywlais] through # 34 [Llyr], may be found in P. C. Bartrum's "Early Welsh Genealogical Tracts". Brywlais [#23] is identified with Brwt [# 5] (above), and here is given another descent-line from the "Beli and Anne Pedigree" that is also found in Bartrum's "Tracts". As noted above [#23] Brywlais [id. with # 5 Brwt, above] had three sons, namely, [24A] Cymryw, [24B] Difwng, & [24C] Alafon.

the descent-line of [24C] Alafon is given here in generations # 23-34

[#24] Alafon (Lluan; Lain), son, the father of

[#25] Annyn, is identified with Annyn "Ddv Vrenin Groec" (d196)

[#26] Dingad

[#27] Greidiol, is identified with Cridol "Galofydd" (fl. c 258)

[#28] Geraint

[#29] Meirion, which include: Morurun; Meriran; Meryran; Morfran

[#30] Arch

[#31] Kait (Caid)

[#32] Serfyn (Secwyn)

[#33] Cerl, is identified with Keri "Hir Lyngwyn", King of Esyllwg

[#34] Baran, is identified with Barar (Barruc: Barrwg; Berroc), a regional-king who gave Berkshire his name

[#35] Llyr "Llediaith", the pedigree ends with him. He may be identified with the Llyr in the "Bonedd Y Arwyr Pedigree" and with the Llyr in the pedigree in "Mostyn MS 117", the father of

[#36] St. Bran "Fendigaid" [Iolo Mss], the father of "a" Cerdic (Caradoc; Karadoc), who may possibly be identified with

[#37] Cerdic ["of Wessex"] whose identity is unsure. If identified with Cerdic of Wessex, then, the genealogical tract would represent an alternative to the ancestry of Cerdic of Wessex given in the "Anglo-Saxon Chronicle", which pedigree has already been shown to have been an invention given to the "Briton" king Cerdic of Hampshire [identified with Cerdic of Wessex] by the compilers of the medieval chronicle to make him a "Saxon" for the sake of political-correctness, according to the political climate of the time.


reproduced from "Magna Charta" ["MC"], by John S. Wurts (1942), page 158; with commentary by David Hughes,


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