descent-lines from Mohammed
"The Prophet of Islam"
Mohammed "The Prophet of Islam", d632
=1 Khadija (Khadeejah) [her 3rd =], dau of Khiwailid
=2 Sauda[h], dau of Zam'ah
=3 Aisha (A'ishah) (Ayesha), dau of Abu-Bakr, [1st] Caliph 632-634
=4 Hafsah, dau of Umar, (Omar), [2nd] Caliph 634-644
=5 Zaynab (Zawdah), dau of Khuzayma (Khuzaimah)
=6 Umm Salamah [aka Hind bint Umayyah], dau of Abi Umayya
=7 Zaynab, dau of Jahash, cousin of Mohammed
=8 Juwairiya, dau of Al-Harith, a prisoner of war
=9 Safiya [her 3rd =], dau of Yahya[h], a prisoner of war, son of the Jewish "Prince" Akhtab, who became the Jewish Exilarch Mar-Zutra III
=10 Umm Habiba[h] [or Mabiba], aka Ramlah bint Abu Sufyan
=11 Mariyah Al-Qibtiyah [Matiyah bint Shamun] [Marie "The Qupt"], dau of Shm'oun (Simon), an Egyptian Christian Coptic, formerly his concubine
=(12) Maimunah (Maimouna) [aka Burrah], dau of Al-Harith, formerly his concubine [="rakhail"]
=(13) Raihana (Rayhanan), dau of Zayd al-Quraziyyah , formerly his concubine [="rakhail"]
=(a) Sharaf, dau of Khalifah
=(b) Al-Alia, dau of Zabiah/or Suhail Al-Makhzoumi
=(c) Wasna, dau of Al-Naaman
issue by 1:
(a) Al-Qasim, d. y.
(b) Abdullah, d. y.
issue by 3/or 4:
(c) Zainab (dau) = ?
issue by 3/or 4:
(d) Ruqayya (Ruqaiyah) (Roccija) (dau); = Uthman (Othman), [3rd] Caliph 644-656
issue by 5/6/7:
(e) Umm Kulthum (Kalthoum) (dau), = Utayba, son of Abu Lahab
issue by 9:
(f) Fatima[h] (dau); = Ali, [4th] Caliph 656-661
issue by 11:
(g) Ibrahim, d.y. [age 2]
01. Mohammed "The Prophet of Islam", d632
02. Roccija
= Othman (Uthman), [3rd] Caliph 644-656
03. Aisha
= Marwan I ben Hakim, Caliph 683-5
04. Amina, sis of Abd-al-Malik, Caliph 685-705
= Muza [ibn Nazir] "El-Bekir", "The Conqueror" [of Spain] (711)
05. Abd-al-Aziz [Aboalli], Emir of Spain 714-717, bro of Tariq, 1st Emir of Spain 711-714
= Aegila, widow of Rodrigo de Balthes, the last Visi-Gothic King of Spain [her 2nd =] [she =3 Abdul Yazid al-Wallid, son of Abd al-Malik Umayyade]
06. Aisha (dau)
= Fortun ibn Cassio, son of Cassio "Banu Qasi"
07. Muza ibn Fortun, governor of Saragoza, d788
08. Muza ibn Muza, governor of Saragoza, d863, had a bro Lope
= Assona Iniguez de Pampelune
09. Lope [ibn Musa ibn Musa], gov of Saragoza (875)
= Ayab al Bulatiya
10. Auria (Aurea) (dau)
= Fortun Garces "el Monje" of Pampelune
11. Onega
= Abdallah, Emir of Spain 848-912, son of Muhammad I, Caliph [her 1st =]
12. Zayd, his half-sis [same mother] was Toda, wife of Sancho I Garces, King of Pamplona, see LINE 1B
13. Zaydan ibn Zayd [Zedao Zada]
14. Zaira
= Lovesendo Ramirez de Leon, see LINE 2A
15. Abu-Nazir Lovesendiz, Cide de Leon
= Unisco Godinez des Asturias
16. Hermigio Abunazar [Alboazar] de Leon, had a bro Trastamere Alboazar
= Vivili Trutesendiz
17. Adosinda (dau)
= Pelaio Gutierriz da Silva
18. Fernao Paes da Cunha, Senor de Tabua, he had a brother, Guterre Paes [Aldarete] da Silva, governor of Portugal 1082, see LINE 2A
= Mor Uzbertiz
19. Lourenco Fernandes, Senor de Tabua
= Sancha Lourence de Maceira
20. Mor Lourenco da Cunha
= Ourigo da Nobrega
21. Maria Ouriguez
= Pero Rodriguez de Cambra
22. Martim Pires de Alvim, Senor da Honra de Alvim, d1334
= Margarida Pires Ribeiro
23. Joao Pires de Alvim, Senor da Honra de Alvim
= Branca Pires Coelho
24. Leonor Anes de Alvim
= Nunio Alvarez Pereira
25. Beatriz Pereira (d1420)
= Alfonso de Braganza
26. Isabel de Braganza (1402-1465)
= Juan de Aviz
27. Isabel de Aviz (1428-1496)
= Juan de Castile
28. Isabella I, Queen of Castile-Leon (1451-1504)
= Fernando V, King of Aragon
29. Juana "La Loca" ["Mad Joan"]
= Philip of Hapsburg
ancestors of Queen Victoria
descent to Queen Elizabeth
11. Onega, see # 11 in LINE 1A (above)
= Aznar Sanchez de Larraun [son of Sancho Garces of Navarre & Leogundis Ordonez de Asturias] [her 2nd =]
12. Toda Aznarez de Larron
= Sancho I "Optimo Imperator" Garces, King of Pamplona [& Navarre], d925
13. Garcia III Sanches, King of Navarre
14. Sancho II "Abarca", King of Navarre
descent to Queen Elizabeth
15. Abu-Nazir Lovesendiz
16. Hermigio Alboazar, had a bro Trastamere
17. Toda
= Egas Moniz Ogasco
18. Hermigio Venegas Ogasco
19. Moninho Hermiguez Ogasco
20. Men Moniz de Riba-Duero
= Oroana de Sousa
21. Elvira
= Nuno Perez de Bragancon
22. Urraca
= Payo Miniz de Ribera
23. Maria Paes de Ribera
= ____________ de Lima
24. Maria Anez de Lima
= Alonso Tellez de Meneses (d1252)
25. Mayor de Meneses (d1265)
= Alfonso, Conde de Molino
26. Maria de Molino (d1322)
= Sancho IV, King of Castile
27. Fernando IV, King of Castile
= Constance of Portugal
28. Alfonso XI, King of Castile
= Maria of Portugal
29. Pedro "The Cruel", King of Castile
= Maria de Padilla
30. Isabel[le] of Castile (1355-1392)
= Edmund of Langley, Duke of York
31. Richard, Earl of Cambridge, d1415
= Anne Mortimer, heiress of the Clarence line
32. Richard, Duke of York
= Cecily Neville
33. Edward IV, King of England 1461-1483
descent to Queen Elizabeth
15. Abu-Nazir Lovesendiz
16. Trastamere Alboazar, had a bro Hermigio Alboazar
17. Gonsalvo Trasamerez de Maya
18. Mendo Gonzales de Maya
19. Gonsalo Mendez de Maya, "El Lidiador"
20. Contina Gonsalez
= Egas Gomez de Sousa
21. Mendo Venegas de Sousa (d1130)
= Teresa Fernandez de Marnelo
22. Gonsalo Mendez de Sousa
= Urraca Sanchez de Barbosa
23. Mendo Gonsalez de Sousa
= Maria Rodriguez
24. Urraca Mendez de Sousa
= Nuno Perez de Guzman
25. Guillen Perez de Guzman
= Maria Gonsales Giron
26. Maria de Guzman
= Alfonso IX, King of Castile
27. Beatrice (d1203)
= Alfonso III, King of Portugal
28. Diniz, King of Portugal
= Isabel of Aragon
29. Alfonso IV, King of Portugal
= Beatrice of Castile
30. Maria of Portugal
= Alfonso XI, King of Castile
31. Pedro "The Cruel", King of Castile
= Maria de Padilla (1335-1365)
32. Isabel[le] of Castile (1355-1392)
= Edmund of Langley, Duke of York
33. Richard, Earl of Cambridge, d1415
= Anne Mortimer, heiress of the Clarence line
34. Richard, Duke of York
= Cecily Neville
35. Edward IV, King of England 1461-1483
descent to Queen Elizabeth
01. Mohammed "The Prophet of Islam", d632
02. Kalthum (dau)
= Utayba, son of Abu Lahab
03. Ayyub (dau)
= Abd-al-Malik, [11th] Caliph 685-705, son of Marwan I, [10th] Caliph [at Damascus, Syria] 684-685 [& wife Aisha "bint Uthman"], son of Hakim, son of Abul'as, son of Umayyah, from whom the "Umayyads" derive]
04. Hisham I, [16th] Caliph [at Damascus, Syria] 724-743, bro of Yazid II, [15th] Caliph 720-724
05. Muawiyah d743
06. Abd er-Rahman I, Emir of Cordova, d788
= Khazraf
07. Hisham I, Emir of Cordova, d796
08. Hakam I, Emir of Cordova, d822
= Halawah
09. Abd-er-Rahman II, Emir of Cordova, d852
10. Muhammed, Emir of Cordova, d886
= Ishar, dau of Abu Hassan Ali, see LINE 2B, # 11
11. Abdallah I, Emir of Cordova, d912
= Onega Fortunez
12. Zayd [ibn Abdallah] [note: some make him the son-in-law of Abdallah I of Cordova [# 11 above] rather than his son]
= Ortega "bint Abdallah"
13. Zaydan [Zadao]
= Aragunte Fromariquez
14. Zara [Ortega]
= Lovesendo, son of Ramiro de Leon, aka Fethe, son of Abeth al-Hasani, see LINE 2C
15. Abunazar Lovesendes de Leon
= Unisco, dau of Godinho des Asturias
16. Hermigio Abunazar de Leon
= Vivili Trutesendiz
17. Adosinda (dau)
= Pelaio Gutierriz da Silva
18. Guterre Paes [Aldarete] da Silva, governor of Portugal 1082 (1030-1110), his bro was Fernao Paes da Cunha, Senor de Tabua, see [# 18] LINE-1A
19. Pelaio Gutierriz da Silva, Senor de Froilao (1061-1141)
= Urraca Rabaldiz de Ribeiradio [his 2nd =]
20. Gomez Paes da Silva, Senor da Honra e Torre de Silva (1131)
= Urraca Nunes Velho
21. Pelaio Gomez Bugalho da Silva, Senor da Honra e Torre de Silva (1167-1258)
= Maria Fernandez de Zobra
22. Gomez Paes Bugalho da Silva, Senor da Honora e Torre de Silva
= Mecia Martins Dade
23. Joao Gomez da Silva, Senor da Honora e Torre de Silva
24. Ayres Gomez o Grande da Silva, Senor da Honora e Torre de Silva
= Urraca Mendes Tenorio [his 2nd =]
25. Alonso de Silva, Senor de Barcience (1370-1430)
= Guiomar de Menezes
26. Juan de Silva, Conde de Cifuentes
= Ines de Ribera
27. Francisca de Silva
= Honorato de Mendoza
28. Garcia de Mendoza
= Isabel Briceno
29. Maria de Mendoza
= Wratislaw von Pernstein
30. Polyxena (1566-1642)
= Zdenko Adalbert Lobkowicz
31. Wenzel Franz Lobkowicz (1609-1677)
= Augusta Sophia von Sulzbach
32. Ferdinand Augustus Leopold, Baron von Lobkowicz (1655-1715)
33. Maria Ludovika
= Anselm Franz von Thurn & Taxis
34. Marie-Augusta (1706-1756)
= Karl Alexander von Wurttemberg
35. Friedrich II Eugen, Duke of Wurttemberg, d1797
= Dorothea von Hohenzollern
36. Ludwig, Duke of Wurttemberg, d1817
= Henriette of Nassau-Weilburg
37. Alexander, Duke of Teck, d1885
= Claudine Rhedey
38. Francis, Duke of Teck, d1900
= Marie Adelaide of Britain
39. Mary of Teck (1867-1953)
= George V, King of Britain
40. George VI Albert, King of Britain
41. Elizabeth II, Queen
01. Mohammed "The Prophet of Islam", d632
02. Fatima (dau)
= Ali [ibn abu-Talib], [4th] Caliph [in Iraq] 656-661
03. Husain, aka Al-Husayn, 3rd Shi'ite Iman (mur 680) [note: his bro, Hasan, was 2nd Imam (d670)]
= Harar [Shah-Zenan; Shahr-Banu], dau of Persian Shah Yazgirid III
04. Ali Zein el-Abidin [al-Sajjad], 4th Imam, d694/713
05. Mohammed Al-Bakir, 5th Imam, d733/4
06. Jaafer (Djafar) Al-Kazim el-Sadiq, 6th Imam, d765
07. Musa el-Kadhim, 7th Imam, d799
08. Ali Al-Rida, 8th Imam, d824/8, his bro Abul-Kasim, was ancestor of the Safewis of Persia [Iran]
09. Abu Djaffer Muhammed al-Qani, 9th Imam, d835
10. Abu Hassan Ali, 10th Imam, d868
11. Ishar, sis of Hasan el-Asker, 11th Imam (d873) & Abul-Kasim, 12th Imam (d877/880)
= Muhammed, Emir of Cordova, d886
12. Abdallah I, Emir of Cordova, d912
13. Zayd [ibn Abdallah]
14. Zaydan
15. Zara (dau), compare above/below
= Lovesendo Ramirez de Leon
see LINE 2A for continuance
01. Mohammed "The Prophet of Islam", d632
02. Fatima
= Ali [ibn abu-Talib], [4th] Caliph [in Iraq] 656-661
03. Hasan , 2nd Imam/5th Caliph 661 abd, d670
= Zhadeh
04. Al-Hasan el-Muthanna
05. Abdullah
06. Idris I, Emir of Fez (d792), ancestor of the Idrisids of Fez [789-974], who were the ancestors of the Hammudids of Spain [1010-1058]
07. Idris II, Emir of Fez (d828)
08. Al-Kassim
09. Muhammed
10. Al-Hasan el-Hajjam
11. Abeth al-Hasani
12. Fethe, aka Ramiro de Leon
13. Lovesendo
= Zara, see generation # 14, Line-2A (above)
14. Abu-Nazir Lovesendiz de Leon
see Line 2A, # 15 generation (above)
01. Mohammed "The Prophet of Islam", d632
02. Fatima (dau)
= Ali [ibn abu-Talib], Caliph [in Iraq] 656-661
03. Al-Husayn (626-680), the Shi'ite Imam, in Iraq, [7th] Caliph 680
= Harar, dau of Persian Shah Yazgirid III
04. Ali Zain el-Abidin, imam in Iraq (d694/713)
05. Mohammed Al-Bakhir (681-733), imam in Iraq
06. Djafar (Jaafar) Al-Kazim el-Sadikh (708-765), imam in Iraq
07. Ishmael ibn Gafar (736-760)
08. Mohammed [ibn Ishmael]
09. Ishmael
10. Ahmed [ibn Ishmael]
11. Obeidallah al-Mahdi (846-934), anti-Caliph, in Egypt
12. Mohammed al-Khaim (873-946), anti-Caliph, in Egypt
13. Ishmael al-Mansur (901-952), anti-Caliph, in Egypt
14. Dihja "bint al-Mansur" (dau)
= Qaris [Kharis] ibn Abbad, khadi [imam] in Seville, Spain
15. Ishmael [ibn Qaris], khadi [imam] in Seville, Spain
16. Mohammed I Kadi [Abul-Khasim], Emir of Seville 1023-1042
17. Mohammed II [Abbad al-Mutadid, aka "Al Motamio"], "Emir of Spain" 1042-1068
18. Mohammed III [Abul-Qasim], aka "Benqbet", Emir of Seville 1068-1091 dep, d1095
= Itamid of the Balearic Islands
19. Zayda, bapt. as Isabel[le] (1075-1107)
=(1098) Alfonso VI "The Valiant", King of Castile-Leon [his 4th =]
[note: the identity of Zayda and this "gateway" through her is documented in the resources indexed by Mark Humphreys especially his Islamic page, basically drawn from Brian Tompsett's huge royal database] [note: she was mother to (a) son, Sancho, & (b) dau, Sancha, wife of Rodrigo "El Franco" Gonsalez de Lara]
20. Sancha (d1125)
= Rodrigo "El Franco" Gonsalez de Lara
21. Rodrigo Rodriguez, Conde de Lara
= Elvira Garcia de Azagra
22. Sancha de Lara
= Gonzalo [II] Ruiz Giron (d1234)
23. Maria Gonzalez Ruiz, she had a sis Aldonza, see LINE 3B
= Guillen Perez de Guzman
24. Maria de Guzman (d1262)
= Alfonso IX, King of Castile
25. Beatrix
= Affonso III, King of Portugal
26. Dionisiso [Diniz], King of Portugal, d1325
= Isabel of Aragon
27. Affonso IV, King of Portugal, d1357
28. Maria (1313-1357)
= Alfonso IX, King of Castile
29. Pedro "The Cruel", King of Castile, d1368
= Maria de Padilla (1335-1365), see LINE 3B, # 26
30. Isabelle (1355-1394)
= Edmund, Duke of York, England
31. Richard, Earl of Cambridge, d1415
= Anne Mortimer, heiress of the Clarence line
32. Richard, Duke of York
= Cecily Neville
33. Edward IV, King of England 1461-1483
descent to Queen Elizabeth
23. Aldonza (dau), sis of Maria Gonzalez Ruiz, LINE 3A, # 23 (above)
= Ramiro de Silva, Senor de Cifontes
24. Aldonza
= Fernan Gonsales, Senor de Alcanices
25. Maria de Henestrona
= Juan Garcias de Padilla, Senor de Villagera
26. Maria de Padilla (1335-1365)
= Pedro "The Cruel", King of Castile
27. Isabel[le] of Castile (1355-1392)
= Edmund of Langley, Duke of York
28. Richard, Earl of Cambridge, d1415
= Anne Mortimer, heiress of the Clarence line
29. Richard, Duke of York
= Cecily Neville
30. Edward IV, King of England 1461-1483
descent to Queen Elizabeth
01. Mohammed "The Prophet of Islam", d632
02. Fatima[h]
= Ali [ibn Abu-Talib], [4th] Caliph, d661
03. Hasan, 2nd Imam/5th Caliph 661 abd, d670
= Zhadeh [Ja'da] bint Al-Ash'ath [ibn Qays]
04. Husein [Husayn]
05. Zohra "al-Lakhmi"
= Abu Farisi of Al-Hira[h] [the Lakhmids], son of Abu-Abed, son of Qabus, son of Numan V, King of Hira[h], descended from ancient Arabic Royalty and the early kings of Yemen
06. Na'im al-Lakhmi
07. Na'im al-Lakhmi
08. Ittaf, came to Spain c 742
09. Amru
10. Aslan
11. Amru
12. Abbad
13. Qaris [Kharis] ibn Abbad, Iman of Seville, Spain
= Dihja "bint al-Mansur", dau of Ishmael al-Mansur, anti-Caliph in Egypt, see LINE 3A, # 14
14. Ishmael [ibn Qaris], Iman of Seville
15. Mohammed I [Kadi Abul-Qasim], Emir of Seville 1023-1042
16. Mohammed II [Abbad al-Mutadid, aka "Al Motamio"] "Emir of Spain" 1042-1068
17. Mohammed III [Abul-Qasim], aka "Benqbet", Emir of Seville 1068-1091 dep, d1095
= I'tamid of the Balearic Islands
18. Zaida (1075-1107), bapt & renamed Isabel, id. # 19 in LINE 3A (above)
=(1098) Alfonso VI "The Valiant", King of Castile-Leon, d1109 [his 4th =]
see LINE-3A for
descent to Queen Elizabeth
01. Mohammed "The Prophet of Islam", d632
02. Kalthum (dau)
= Utayba, son of Abu Lahab
03. Ayyub (dau)
= Abd-al-Malik, [11th] Caliph [at Damascus, Syria] 685-705 [son of Marwan I, [10th] Caliph [at Damascus, Syria] 684-5, [& wife Aisha "bint Uthman"], son of Al-Hakim, son of Abul'as, son of Umayyah, from whom the "Umayyids" derive their name]
04. Hisham I, [16th] Caliph [at Damascus, Syria] 724-743 [his bro Abdul Yazid al-Wallid, was the 2nd husband of Egilom, dau of Rodrigo de Balthes, the late Visi-Gothic King of Spain]
05. Muawiya, came to Spain with uncle
06. Abd-ar-Rahman I, Emir of Cordova [Muslim Spain]
07. Hisham I, Emir of Cordova, d799
08. Al-Hakam I, Emir of Cordova, d822
09. Abd-ar-Rahman II, Emir Cordova, d852
10. Muhammed I, Emir of Cordova, d886
11. Abd-Allah, Emir of Cordova, d912
12. Muhammed
13. Abd-al-Rahman III, Emir of Cordova, d961
14. Al-Hakam II, Emir of Cordova; anti-Caliph [in Spain]
15. Muhammed
16. Abd-al-Rahman IV, Emir of Cordova, d1022
17. Hisham III, [last] Emir of Cordova, d1031
18. Almoravita
= Velo Ingiguez
19. Ingio Velez
20. Ladrono Iniguez
21. Velo Ladronez
22. Juan Velez
23. Teresa
= Fernando Ruiz
24. Teresa
= Lope Ortiz de Zuniga
25. Fortunio Lopez
26. Maria
= Pedro Ruiz
27. Gonsalo
28. Fernando Gonsalez
= Aldonza Ramirez
29. Maria de Henestrona
= Juan Garcias de Padilla
30. Maria de Padilla
= Pedro "The Cruel", King of Castile-Leon
30. Isabelle (1355-1394)
= Edmund of Langley, Duke of York, England
31. Richard, Earl of Cambridge, d1415
= Anne Mortimer, heiress of the Clarence line
32. Richard, Duke of York
= Cecily Neville
33. Edward IV, King of England 1461-1483
descent to Queen Elizabeth
david hughes,
index page: