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five descent-lines of Queen Elizabeth of Britain from JULIA, sister of JULIUS CAESAR



01. JULIA (d52BC) [sister of JULIUS CAESAR, triumvir 60BC, sole consul 49BC, dictator 46BC, "imperator" & "pontifex-maximus" 45BC; assassinated on the day the Senate was to offer him the title "rex" 44BC; founded a new world-order; deified 42BC]; = M. Atius Balbus (d51BC)

02. Atia (d43BC); =1 C. Octavius (d59BC)

03. OCTAVIUS AUGUSTUS, RE 27BC-AD14; 2=2 Scribonia (div 39BC), daughter of M. Drusus Libo & Cornelia, daughter of Cornelius Cinna & Pompeia Minor, daughter of Pompey "The Great", triumvir with JULIUS CAESAR & Crassus

04. Julia (dAD14); =1 Marcellus (d23BC); 2=2 Agrippa (d12BC); 2=3 TIBERIUS, RE AD14-37;&, bore of 2nd [or 1st] marriage:

05. Julia (dAD28); = Lucius Aemilius Paulus (dAD14)

06. Julia; = C. Oct. Laenas (d33)

07. C. Oct. Laenas (d38) = Rubellia Bassa, daughter of Rubellius Blandus (d38) & Julia (d48) [her 3rd =], daughter of Drusus (d23), son of TIBERIUS, RE AD14-37, & 1st wife, Vipsania, daughter of Agrippa (d12BC) & 1st wife, Pomponia Caecille, daughter of Pompeius [son of Licinus, son of Crassus, triumvir] & Pomponia, daughter of Titus Pomponius Atticus

08. Octavia; = Curtilius Mancia

09. Curtilia; = Domitius Lucanus

10. Domitia Lucilla [I]; = Calvisius Tullus Ruso (d109)

11. Domitia Lucilla [II]; = M. Annius Verus (d130), son of M. Annius Verus & Rupilia, daughter of Rupilius Libo Frugi & Matidia [I] [her 2nd =], daughter of Salonius Matidius (d112) & Marciana, sister of TRAJAN, RE 98-117

12. MARCUS AURELIUS, RE 161-180; = Faustina [II] (d175), daughter of ANTONINUS PIUS, RE 138-141 & Faustina [I] (d141), daughter of M. Annius Verus & Rupilia, daughter of Rupilius Libo Frugi (above)

13. Annia Lucilla (d183); = LUCIUS VERUS, co-ruler 161-169

14. Aurelia; = Pompeianus Quintianus (d183)

15. Commodus Pompeianus (d209); = Mariana Minor, daughter of C.J. Marius & Pedania, daughter of Gnaeus Pedanius Fuscus & Ummidia Cornificia Antonia, daughter of C. Ummidius Quadratus (d146) & Annia, daughter of M. Annius Verus (d130) & [# 10] Domitia Lucilla [II] (above)

16. Aurelia; = Flavius Crispus, brother of CLAUDIUS II "GOTHICUS", RE 268-270, & QUINTILLUS, RE 270, sons of Flavius Numerius, a Greek prince, &, wife, Claudia, daughter of Claudius Apellinus & Bassina, daughter of SEVERUS, RE 197-211, son of Publius Septimus Geta & Fulvia Pia, daughter of Fulvius Pius & Laelia Major, daughter of Q. Laelius & Matidia [II], daughter of L. Vibius Sabinus (d97), 1st husband of Matidia [I], son of Flavius Sabinus & Julia (d91), daughter of TITUS, RE 79-81, son of VESPASIAN, RE 69-79

17. Claudia; = Eutropius, son of [name] of the "Forum Iulii" & Gordiana [sister of GORDIAN [III], RE 238-244], daughter of Junius Licinius Balbus & Maecia Faustina [sister of GORDIAN [II], RE 238], daughter of GORDIAN [I], RE 238, &, wife, Fabia Orestilla, daughter of M. Annius Severus & Silvana, daughter of Plautius Silvanus (d145) & Aurelia Fadilla (d134), daughter of ANTONINUS PIUS, RE 138-141

18. CONSTANTIUS I "CHLORUS", RE 305-306; =2 Theodora, daughter of Afranius Hanibalian of Syria (d292) & Eutropia, daughter of Flavius Crispus & [# 15] Aurelia (above)

19. Constantius (d337), half-brother of CONSTANTINE I "THE GREAT", RE 312/324-337; = Neratia

20. Galla, sister of JULIAN "THE APOSTATE", RE 361-363; = Vettius Justus (d361)

[note: another genealogy says the wife of Vettius Justus (above) was Anonyma, dau of Crispus, son of CONSTANTINE "THE GREAT" by [1st] wife Minervina]

21. Justina (d387); =1 MAGNENTIUS, RE 350-353; 2=2 VALENTINIAN I, RE 364-375; bore of 2nd husband:

22. Galla (d394), sister of VALENTINIAN II, RE [W] 383/388-392; 2= THEODOSIUS I "THE GREAT", RE [E] 379-395; [W] 394-395;

23. Placidia (d450); =2 CONSTANTIUS III, RE 421

24. VALENTINIAN III, RE [W] 425-455; = Licinia Eudoxia (d462) [her 1st =], daughter of THEODOSIUS II, RE [E] 408-450, son of ARCADIUS, RE [E] 395-408, brother of HONORIUS, RE [W] 395-423, sons of THEODOSIUS I "THE GREAT" (above)

25. Placidia (d478); = OLYBRIUS, RE 472

26. Juliana (d524); = Areobindus (d506)

27. Olybrius (d524); = Irene, daughter of Paulus, brother of ANASTASIUS, BYZ-E 491-518, son of Pompeius [descendant of Pompey "The Great"] & Anastasia, a Manichee

28. Proba; = Probus (d525), son of Probus (d518) [brother of Anastasius & Magnus], &, wife, Anastasia (d511), daughter of ANASTASIUS, BYZ-E 491-518, &, 1st wife

29. Juliana; = Anastasius (d571) [his 2nd =], son of Anastasius (d517) & Theodora, daughter of Empress THEODORA (d548), wife of JUSTINIAN I "THE GREAT", BYZ-E 527-565 [her 2nd =], of her 1st husband [or paramour], Helebolus, a Syrian noble

30. Anastasia Areobinda [sister of Areobindus]; = Pedro Augusto of Arabisso

31. Juliana [widow of Theodosius (d602), son of MAURICIUS, BYZ-E 578-582]; =2 Atanagildo, Visi-Goth Prince of Spain

[note: another genealogy makes Juliana the daughter of Areobindus, the brother of Anastasia Areobinda, above]

32. Ardebasto; = […]goto, daughter of Guillebaud II [Willibald] of Burgundy (d642)

33. Ervigio, King of Spain 680-687; = Liubigotona

34. Aupais [sister of Pedro, Duke of Cantabria, &, Cixila, wife of Argica, King of Spain 687-701] = Pepin [II] of Heristal, Major Domo of France (d714) [his 2nd =] [note: Aupais is not to be confused with Chalpaida [Elphide], 3rd wife of Pepin [II] of Heristal]

35. Charles "Martel", Duke of France 737-741; = Rotrude (d724), daughter of either (a) St. Lievin, Bishop of Treves, or (b) Rupert I, Count of Wormsgau, or (c) Roger, Duke of Le Mans, (d) Robert of Burgundy, or (e) Lambert, Count of Hesbaye

36. Pepin "Le Korte", King of France 751-768; = Bertha "The White Lady" [or "Big-Foot"] (d783), daughter of Caribert, Count of Laon (d747), &, wife, Bertha (d735), sister of Clothaire IV, King of France

37. CHARLEMAGNE, HRE 800-814 = Hildegarde, daughter of Gerold, Duke of Allemannia (d783)

38. Pepin, King of Italy (d810) = Bertha of Toulouse

39. Bernard, King of Italy (d818); = Kunigunde of Austrasia (d835)

40. Pepin, Seigneur of Peronne & St. Quentin (d852); = Rothaide of Vermandois

41. Heribert I, Count of Vermandois (d902); = Beatrice of Morvois

42. Heribert II, Count of Vermandois (d943); = Liegarde [Alice], daughter of Robert I, King of France

43. Robert, Count of Troyes (d967/975); = Adelaide de Challons

44. Adelaide (d978/982); =2 Geoffrey I, Count of Anjou (d987)

45. Ermengarde (d992); = Conan I "Le Tort", Duke of Brittany (d994)

46. Judith (d1017); = Richard II, Duke of Normandy (d1027)

47. Robert "Diablo", Duke of Normandy (d1035); =1 Herleve (Arlotte), daughter of Fulbert of Falaise; wife of Herluin, Count of Conteville; =2 Estrith (d1034) [her 2nd =], half-sister of King Canute "The Great" of England; of 1st = begot

48. WILLIAM "THE CONQUEROR", King of England 1066 (d1087); = Matilda (d1083), daughter of Baldwin V, Count of Flanders

49. HENRY I "BEAUCLERC", King of England 1100-1135 [brother of WILLIAM II "RUFUS"], =[his 1st] Matilda, daughter of Malcolm III of Scotland & St. Margaret of England, sister of ex-king EDGAR II “AETHELING”

50. MATILDA, Lady/Queen of England 1141 [cousin of King STEPHEN], =[her 2nd] Geoffrey V "Plantagenet", Count of Anjou, Touraine, & Maine

51. HENRY II "CURT-MANTLE", King of England 1154-1189, Lord of Ireland 1175-1189, = Eleanor of Aquitaine

52. JOHN "LANDLESS", King of England & Lord of Ireland 1199-1216 [brother of RICHARD I "LION-HEART"], =[his 2nd] Isabelle of Angouleme

53. HENRY III, King of England & Lord of Ireland 1216-1272, = Eleanor of Provence

54. EDWARD I "LONG-SHANKS", King of England, Lord of Ireland 1272-1307, Lord of Scotland 1290-2 & 1296-1306 =[his 1st] Eleanor of Castile-Leon

55. EDWARD II, Prince of Wales 1284/1301, King of England & Lord of Ireland 1307-1327, = Isabelle "The She-Wolf" of France [the French heiress]

56. EDWARD III, King of England & Lord of Ireland 1327-1377; styled self King of France from 1328 [via through mother] ; = Philippa of Hainault

57. Edmund of Langley, Duke of York [uncle of RICHARD II & younger brother of HENRY IV], = Isabel of Castile

58. Richard, Earl of Cambridge, =[his 1st] Anne Mortimer, the heiress of the Clarence line [senior-line by primogeniture]

59. Richard, Duke of York, claimant, = Cecily Neville

60. EDWARD IV, King of England, titular-king of France, & Lord of Ireland 1461-1483, = Elizabeth Wydeville

61. Elizabeth, the Yorkist heiress, = HENRY VII, King of England, titular-king of France, & Lord of Ireland 1485-1509 [son of Edmund Tudor, a Welsh prince [the Welsh heir], & Margaret, the Lancastrian heiress]

62. Margaret Tudor [sister of King HENRY VIII of England, France, & Ireland] =[her 2nd] Archibald Douglas, Earl of Angus

63. Margaret Douglas = Matthew Stuart, Earl of Lennox

64. Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley, =[her 2nd] Mary, Queen of Scots [the Scottish heiress]

65. JAMES I [VI of Scotland], King of Britain, France, & Ireland 1603-1625, = Anne of Denmark

66. Elizabeth [sister of CHARLES I “THE MARTYR” KING] = Frederick V of Bavaria, Elector Palatine, King of Bohemia, rival-HRE [Holy Roman Emperor]

67. Sophia [declared heiress 1701, but died two weeks before her cousin QUEEN ANNE in 1714] = Ernest Augustus, Elector of Hanover

68. GEORGE I LOUIS, King of Britain, Ireland [& France] 1714-1727, = Sophia Dorothea of Brunswick-Celle

69. GEORGE II AUGUSTUS, King of Britain, Ireland [& France] 1727-1760, = Caroline of Anspach

70. Frederick Lewis, Prince of Wales, = Augusta of Saxe-Gotha

71. GEORGE III, King of Britain & Ireland 1760-1820 [dropped title “King of France“ in 1800/1801], = Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz

72. Edward, Duke of Kent [brother of GEORGE IV & WILLIAM IV], =[her 2nd] Victoria of Saxe-Coburg

73. VICTORIA, Queen of Britain & Ireland 1837-1901, added the title “Empress” in 1876/7, = Albert of Saxe-Coburg & Gotha

74. EDWARD VII, King/Emperor of the British Empire 1901-1910, = Alexandra of Denmark

75. GEORGE V, King/Emperor of the British Empire 1910-1936, = Mary of Teck

76. GEORGE VI ALBERT, King/Emperor of the British Empire 1936-1952 [dropped title "Emperor" in 1947] [brother of EDWARD VIII], = Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon

77. H.M. ELIZABETH II, Queen, now reigning



01. JULIA (d52BC), sister of JULIUS CAESAR; = M. Atius Balbus (d51BC)

02. Atia (d43BC); =1 C. Octavius (d59BC)

03. OCTAVIUS AUGUSTUS, RE 27BC-AD14; 2=2 Scribonia (div 39BC), daughter of M. Drusus Libo & Cornelia, daughter of Cornelius Cinna & Pompeia Minor, daughter of Pompey "The Great", triumvir with Julius Caesar & Crassus

04. Julia (dAD14); =1 Marcellus (d23BC); 2=2 Agrippa (d12BC); 2=3 TIBERIUS, RE AD14-37;&, bore of 2nd [or 1st] marriage:

05. Julia (dAD28); = Lucius Aemilius Paulus (dAD14)

06. Julia; = C. Oct. Laenas (d33)

07. C. Oct. Laenas (d38) = Rubellia Bassa, daughter of Rubellius Blandus (d38) & Julia (d48) [her 3rd =], daughter of Drusus (d23), son of TIBERIUS, RE AD14-37, & 1st wife, Vipsania, daughter of Agrippa (d12BC) & 1st wife, Pomponia Caecille, daughter of Pompeius, son of Licinus, son of Crassus, triumvir (d53BC)

08. Octavia; = Curtilius Mancia

09. Curtilia; = Domitius Lucanus

10. Domitia Lucilla [I]; = Calvisius Tullus Ruso (d109)

11. Domitia Lucilla [II]; = M. Annius Verus (d130), son of M. Annius Verus & Rupilia, daughter of Rupilius Libo Frugi & Matidia [I] [her 2nd =], daughter of Salonius Matidius (d112) & Marciana, sister of TRAJAN, RE 98-117

12. Annia, sister of MARCUS AURELIUS, RE 161-180 (above); = C. Ummidius Quadratus (d146)

13. Ummidia Cornificia Faustina; = Acilius Glabrio (d117)

14. Acilius Glabrio (d193); = Faustina Frestana

15. Acilia Frestana; = Cleobulus (d213)

16. Claudia Priscilliana Acilia; = Valerius Messala (d235)

17. L.V. Acilius Priscillianus Maximus (d256); = Claudia, daughter of Claudius Aurelius Quintianus (d235) & Severa, daughter of daughter of Gnaeus Claudius Severus (d235), son of Claudius Severus Proculus (dc200) & Annia Faustina (d208), daughter of Acilius Glabrio (d177) & Ummidia Cornificia, daughter of C. Ummidius Quadratus (d146) & Annia, daughter of M. Annius Verus (d130) & Domitia Lucilla [II], daughter of Calvisius Tullus Ruso (d109) & Domitia Lucilla [I], daughter of Domitius Lucanus & Curtilia, daughter of Curtilius Mancia & Octavia, daughter of C. Octavius Laenas (d38), son of C. Octavius Laenas (d33) & Julia, daughter of Lucius Aemilius Paulus (d14) & Julia (d28), daughter of Agrippa (d12BC) & Julia (dAD14), daughter of OCTAVIUS AUGUSTUS, RE 27BC-AD14, son of Caius Octavius & Atia, daughter of M. Atius Balbus & JULIA, sister of JULIUS CAESAR

18. Valeria; = M. Junius Maximus (d287), son of Gallienus Concessus & Vibia, sister of VOLUSIAN, RE 253, &, daughter of TREBONIAN GALLUS, RE 251-253

19. Junia; = L.C. Ovinius R.M. Bassus (d285)

20. Caesonia Manila; = Amnius Anicius Julianus (d329)

21. Amnius Nicomachus Anicius Paulinus (d335); = Auchenia Bassa

22. Anicius Auchenius Bassus (d385); = Turrania Honorata

23. Anicius Auchenius Bassus (d408); = Aurelia, daughter of Q. Aurelius Symmachus (d386) & Rusticiana, daughter of Memmius Vitrasius Offitus (d369), son of Memmius Orfitus & Vitrasia, daughter of Vitrasius Pretextus, son of Fundanius Vitrasius & Asinia, daughter of Asinius Lepidus (d222) & Cornelia Orfita, daughter of Cornelius Scipio Salvidienus Orfitus (d190), son of Cornelius Scipio Salvidienus Orfitus (d163), son of Cornelius Scipio Salvidienus Orfitus (d138) & Calpurnia, daughter of Lucius Calpurnius Piso (d120), son of Lucius Calpurnius Piso (d97), son of Lucius Calpurnius Piso (d70), son of Lucius Calpurnius Piso (d57) & Aemelia Lepidia, daughter of Lepidus (d39), son of Lucius Aemilius Paulus (d14) & Julia (d28), daughter Agrippa (d12BC) & Julia (dAD14) [wife of TIBERIUS, RE 14-37, her 3rd =], daughter of OCTAVIUS AUGUSTUS, RE 27BC-AD14, son of Caius Octavius & Atia, daughter of M. Atius Balbus & JULIA, sister of JULIUS CAESAR (above)

24. Anicius Auchenius Bassus (d431); = Fabiola, daughter of Furius Pammachius

25. Anicia Italica; = Adelphius (d451), son of Valerius Adelphius (400/425) & Anicia Faltonia Proba, daughter of Clodius Hermogenianus Olybrius (d379) & Tyrrania, daughter of [# 21] Anicius Auchenius Bassus (above)

26. Faltonius (450/475); = Fidia Perpetua Julia [whose mother, Laeta, was the grand-daughter of Saint Paula]

27. Ruricius (Rurice), Bishop of Limoges (d507); = Hiberie, daughter of Ommatius of Auvergne

28. Ommace; = Rusticus (Rustique), Bishop of Lyons (d501)

29. Arthemia; = Florentinus, Bishop of Geneva (d513)

30. Industrie; = Ferreolus (550)

31. Ansbert[us], senator (d570); = Blithilde, daughter of Clothaire I, King of France

32. Ferreolus, Bishop of Uzes (d581); = Arnegonde (d573), daughter of Clodomir, King of Cologne [note: generation # 31 is omitted by some genealogists due to chronological concerns, however, these concerns vanish when one compares this segment of the descent-line with other contemporary genealogies]

33. Arnold[us], Margrave of the Scheldt (d601); = Dode, daughter of Gundulf (Gondolfus), Bishop of Metz [not to be confused with Gondulf (Gondolfus), Bishop of Tongres]

34. Arnulf[us], Bishop of Metz (d641); = Clothilde, daughter of Bodegisel [II], Duke of Aquitaine (d588) [&, wife, Chrodoare of Swabia], son of Bodegisel [I] (d581/5), son of Munderic, Bishop of Arisitum (578) [not to be confused with Munderic, King of Cologne][note: Arnulf[us] was the "son-in-law", not "son" of Bodegisel]

35. Ansgise (d685); = Begga [Beggule] (d694), daughter of Pepin [I] of Landen, Major Domo of France (d639), &, wife, Itte (d652), daughter of Grimoalde, Duke of Aquitaine (d599), son of Thibaut [Theudebald], King of France 548-555, &, 1st wife, Walderade

36. Pepin [II] of Heristal, Major Domo of France (d714); =2 Aupais, daughter of Ervigio, King of Spain [List A; # 32] [note: Aupais is not to be confused with Chalpaida [Elphide], 3rd wife of Pepin [II] of Heristal, &, daughter of the Merovingian prince Childebrand, son of Chilperic (d632), son of King Caribert II of France]

37. Charles "Martel", Duke of France 737-741; = Rotrude (d724), daughter of either (a) St. Lievin, Bishop of Treves, or (b) Rupert I, Count of Wormsgau, or (c) Roger, Duke of Le Mans, (d) Robert of Burgundy, or (e) Lambert, Count of Hesbaye

38. Pepin "Le Korte", King of France 751-768; = Bertha "The White Lady" [or "Big-Foot"], daughter of Caribert, Count of Laon, &, wife, Bertha, sister of Clothaire IV, King of France

39. CHARLEMAGNE, Holy Roman Emperor 800-814; = Hildegarde, daughter of Gerold, Duke of Allemannia [Swabia]

40. LUDOVICUS PIUS [LOUIS "THE PIOUS"], HRE 814-840; = Ermengarde, daughter of Ingram, Duke of Hesbaye

41. LOTHAIRE, HRE 840-855; = Ermengarde

42. Helletrude (Hiltrude); = Berengar[ius] of Bayeux, Marquis of Neustrie (d866)

43. Papie; = Rollo [his 3rd =; her 1st], Duke of Normandy [formerly Neustrie] (911)(d932)

44. William I "Long-Sword", Duke of Normandy (d942); = Sporta, daughter of Hubert, Count of Senlis, &, wife, Adela, daughter of Giselbert (Gilbert), Count of Brabant (d892), &, wife, Ermingarde, daughter of [# 40] LOTHAIRE (above)

45. Richard I "The Fearless", Duke of Normandy (d996); = Gunnora of Denmark (d1031), niece of Sven "The Dane", King of England

46. Richard II "The Good", Duke of Normandy (d1027); Judith, daughter of Conan I "Le Tort", Duke of Bretagne (d994), &, wife, Ermengarde, daughter of Geoffrey I, Count of Anjou (d987), &, wife, Adelaide, daughter of Robert, Count of Troyes (d967), son of Heribert II, Count of Vermandois (d943), son of Heribert I, Count of Vermandois (d908), son of Pepin, Seigneur de Peronne (d842), son of Bernard, King of Italy (d818), son of Pepin, King of Italy (d810), son of [# 38] CHARLEMAGNE (above)

47. Robert "Diablo" ["the Devil"], Duke of Normandy (d1035); =1 Herleve (Arlette), daughter of Fulbert of Falaise; wife of Herluin, Count of Conteville; =2 Estrith (d1034) [her 2nd =], half-sister of King Canute "The Great" of England; of 1st = begot

48. WILLIAM "THE CONQUEROR", King of England 1066 (d1087); = Matilda (d1083), daughter of Baldwin V, Count of Flanders

49-76: see LIST A (above) for interjacent generations

77. H.M. ELIZABETH II, Queen, now reigning



01. JULIA (d52BC), sister of JULIUS CAESAR; = M. Atius Balbus (d51BC)

02. Atia (d43BC); =1 C. Octavius (d59BC)

03. OCTAVIUS AUGUSTUS, RE 27BC-AD14; 2=2 Scribonia (div 39BC), daughter of M. Drusus Libo & Cornelia, daughter of Cornelius Cinna & Pompeia Minor, daughter of Pompey "The Great", triumvir with Julius Caesar & Crassus

04. Julia (dAD14); =1 Marcellus (d23BC); 2=2 Agrippa (d12BC); 2=3 TIBERIUS, RE AD14-37;&, bore of 2nd [or 1st] marriage:

05. Julia (dAD28); = Lucius Aemilius Paulus (dAD14)

06. Julia; = C. Oct. Laenas (d33)

07. C. Oct. Laenas (d38) = Rubellia Bassa, daughter of Rubellius Blandus (d38) & Julia (d48) [her 3rd =], daughter of Drusus (d23), son of TIBERIUS, RE AD14-37, & 1st wife, Vipsania, daughter of Agrippa (d12BC) & 1st wife, Pomponia Caecille, daughter of Pompeius, son of Licinus, son of Crassus, triumvir (d53BC)

08. L. Oct. Laenas; = Pontia

09. Sergius Octavius Laenas Pontianus

10. Sergius Octavius Laenas

11. Sergius Oct. Laenas Pontianus (d131); = Paulla

12. Sergius Octavius Laenas Paullus

13. Sergius Paullus

14. Sergia Paulla; = Quintus Anicius Faustus

15. Quintus Anicius Paulinus (d225); = Vibia Severina, daughter of S. Cocceius Severianus & Vitrasia Fundania, daughter of Pomponius Vitrasius Pollio (d192) & Annia Fundania, daughter of Marcus Annius Libo (d139) & Fundania, daughter of L. Fundanius Lamia Aelianus (d132/6) & Annia, daughter of M. Annius Verus (d140) & Rupilia, daughter of Rupilius Libo Frugi (d101) & Matidia [I] (d119), daughter of Salonius Matidius & Marciana, sister of TRAJAN, RE 98-117

16. Quintus Anicius Faustus; = Asinia Juliana, daughter of C. Asinius Nicomachus Julianus (d230), son of C. Asinius Protimus Quadratus, son of A. Asinius Quadratus, son of C. Asinius Rufus [C. Jul. Asinius] & Julia, daughter of A. Julius Proculus (d156), son of C.J. Lupus T.V. Varus Laevillus & Julia, daughter of either (a) C. Julius Alexander of Cilicia, or (b) C. Jul. Quadratus Bassus (d117) & Julia, daughter of [# 7] L. Oct. Laenas (above)

17. Anicius Faustus (dc300); = Demetrias

18. Amnius Anicius Julianus (d329); = Caesonia Manila, daughter of L.C. Ovinius R.M. Bassus (d285) & Junia, daughter of M. Junius Maximus (d287) & Valeria, daughter L.V. Acilius Priscillianus Maximus (d256) & Claudia, daughter of Claudius Aurelius Quintianus (d235) & Severa, daughter of Gnaeus Claudius Severus (d235), son of Claudius Severus Proculus (dc200), son of Gnaeus Claudius Severus (d173) & Galeria Aurelia (d180), daughter of MARCUS AURELIUS, RE 161-180 [List A; # 11]

19. Amnius Nicomachus Anicius Paulinus (d335); = Auchenia Bassa

20. Anicius Auchenius Bassus (d385); = Turrania Honorata

21. Tyrrania; = Clodius Hermogenius Olybrius (d379)

22. Anicia (d432); = Claudius Petronius Probus (d388)

23. Anicius Hermogenianus Olybrius (d395/410); = Anicia Juliana (d410), daughter of Anicius Auchenius Bassus (d408) [List B; # 22]

24. Anicius Olybrius Probus (d459); = Adelphia, daughter of Valerius Adelphius (400/425), son of Valerius Adelphius Bassus (d383/392), son of Valerius Septimus Bassus (d379/383) & Adelphia, daughter of Clodius Celsinus (d351) & Faltonia Vetitia Proba, daughter of Faltonius Probus, son of Faltonius & Maecia Proba Orfita, daughter of Maecius Orfitus, son of Pomponius Maecius (d228) & Cornelia, daughter of Cossonius Eggius Marullus (d198), son of Cossonius Eggius Marullus & Cornelia, daughter of Cornelius Scipio Salvidienus Orfitus (d138) & Calpurnia, daughter of Lucius Calpurnius Piso (d120), son of Lucius Calpurnius Piso (d97), son of Lucius Calpurnius Piso (d70), son of Lucius Calpurnius Piso (d57) & Aemelia Lepidia, daughter of Lepidus (d39), son of Lucius Aemilius Paulus (d14) & Julia (d28), daughter Agrippa (d12BC) & Julia (dAD14) [wife of TIBERIUS, RE 14-37, her 3rd =], daughter of OCTAVIUS AUGUSTUS, RE 27BC-AD14, son of Caius Octavius & Atia, daughter of M. Atius Balbus & JULIA, sister of JULIUS CAESAR (above)

25. OLYBRIUS, RE 472; = Placidia (d478), daughter of [list A; # 23] VALENTINIAN III, RE [W] 425-455

26. Juliana (d524); = Areobindus (d506)

27. Olybrius (d524); = Irene, daughter of Paulus, brother of ANASTASIUS, BYZ-E 491-518

28. Probus (d542) [his sister, Proba, was the wife of another Probus]; = Aviena, daughter of Faustus Avienus (d534/545) & Barbara, daughter of ROMULUS AUGUSTUS, [last] Roman Emperor 475-476, deposed (dc510), son of Orestes (d476) & Barbara, daughter of Vibius Barbarus Probianus

29. Proba (d595); = Rogas of Libya

30. Fabia Eudoxia Proba (d612); = HERAKLIUS, BYZ-E 610-641[his 1st =], son of Heraclius, Governor of North Africa, &, wife, Epiphania, daughter of [name] & Vigilantia, daughter of Flavius Iohannes & Praejecta [sister of JUSTIN II, BYZ-E 565-578], daughter of Dulcissimus & Vigilantia [sister of JUSTINIAN I "THE GREAT", BYZ-E 527-565], daughter of Sabbatius & Vigilantia, sister of JUSTIN I, BYZ-E 518-527

31. Epiphania; = Harbis [Irbis] [I], King of Khazars (630), son of Ziebel [Tong Yabgu Khan], King of Turks & "1st" King of Khazars 618-627



31. Epiphania; = Harbis [Irbis] [I], King of Khazars (630), son of Ziebel [Tong Yabgu Khan], King of Turks & "1st" King of Khazars 618-627

32. Anastasia, Queen of the Khazars (d690); = Khalge Kaghan [Harbis II], [4th] King of Khazars (650)

33. Ibuzir "Glavan" [Boshir] [Bouzer "Yilbous"], [6th] King of Khazar 690-715 [his sister, Theodora, = JUSTINIAN II, BYZ EMP 685-695 & 705-711]

34. Barjik, [7th] King of Khazars 715-731; = Prisbet, regent 731-740

35. Bihar (Bizar), [9th] King of Khazars (750) [bro of Bulan Sabriel, 8th King of Khazars]

36. Chichak [Irene] (d750); = CONSTANTINE V "COPRONYMOS", BYZ-E 741-775, son of LEO III, BYZ-E 717-741, & Marie, daughter of Tervel, King of Bulgaria 701-718/721

37. Irene [sister of LEO IV, Emperor 775-780] = Nicephorus, associate emperor 742-3

38. NICEPHORUS I, BYZ-E 801-811

39. Procopia [sister of STAURAKIUS, BYZ-E 822]; = MICHAEL I "RHANGABE", BYZ-E 811-813

40. Theophylactus (d813)

41. Melissena; = Ingerus Martinakius

42. Eudocia Ingerina (d883); =1 MICHAEL III, BYZ-E 842-867; =2 BASIL I, BYZ-E 867-886

43. LEO VI "THE WISE", BYZ-E 886-912 [son of either 1st or 2nd =] (see below)

44. Anne, d914, =[his 3rd] LOUIS III "THE BLIND" of Provence, HRE 901-5, deposed, d928



31. CONSTANTINE III, BYZ-E 641; = Gregoria, daughter of Nicetas, son of Gregorius & Euphemie, daughter of Iohannes Mystakon & Placidia, daughter of Anastasius (d571) & Juliana, daughter of Probus (d525) & Proba, daughter of Olybrius (d526), son of Areobindus (d506) & Juliana (d524), daughter of OLYBRIUS, RE 472

32. CONSTANS II, BYZ-E 641-668; = Fausta, daughter of Valentinus Arshakunik

33. CONSTANTINE IV, BYZ-E 668-685; = Anastasia

34. JUSTINIAN II, BYZ-E 685-695, 705-711; = 1 Eudoxia; & begets three (3) daughters, namely, (1) Juliana [wife of Abd-Al-Malik, the Caliph 685-705] (2) Anastasia (below); and (3) Eudoxia Justina [wife of Konan of Syria, an Isaurian noble, governor of Commagene

35. Anastasia; = Tervel, King of Bulgaria 701/2-718 [there are two different stories of this marriage: one disputes it while the other affirms it, which suggests that not all of the facts are known, hence, LINE C-2 is either a valid line or fails at this point]

36. Marie; = [cousin] LEO III, BYZ-E 717-741[son of Konon of Syria, an Isaurian prince, the governor of Commagene, &, wife, Eudoxia Justina (above)]

37. Anna [sister of CONSTANTINE V, BYZ-E 741-775]; = Artavazdus, rival 742-3

38. Nicephorus, associate-ruler 742-743; = Irene, daughter of CONSTANTINE V, BYZ-E 741-775, &, wife, Irene [Chichak] (d750), a Khazar princess [# 36; Line C-1, above]

39. Anna [sister of NICEPHORUS I, BYZ-E 801-811=]; = Bardus [Vard], Prince Gnouni, d791

40. LEO V, BYZ-E 813-820; = Theodosia, daughter of Arshavir, Prince of Kamsarakan

41. Anna; = Hmayeak [Maiactes] (d780/797), Prince Mamikoni

42. Constantine (dc840); = Pancalo Bagratina of Armenia

43. BASIL I, BYZ-E 867-886 2=2 Eudocia Ingerina (d882), widow of MICHAEL III, BYZ-E 842-867 [# 42; Line C-1, above]

44. LEO VI "THE WISE", BYZ-E 886-912 [although officially the son of BASIL I, he may actually have been fathered by MICHAEL III, BYZ-E 842-867, the son of THEOPHILUS, BYZ-E 829-842, the son of MICHAEL II, BYZ-E 820-829, &, Thekle, daughter of Artavazdus, Prince Mamikoni, the son of Artavazdus, rival-emperor 742-743, &, Anna, daughter of LEO III (above)]

45. Anne, d914, =[his 3rd] LOUIS III "THE BLIND" of Provence, HRE 901-5, deposed, d928


45/44. Anne, d914, =[his 3rd] LOUIS III "THE BLIND" of Provence, HRE 901-5, deposed, d928

46/45. Charles-Constantine, Count of Vienne, d962, = Thiberge of Troyes

47/46. Constance, d965, = Boso II, Count of Provence 942-963, d964/6

48/47. William II [Guillaume] "The Liberator", Count of Provence 979-983, d993/9, =[his 2nd] Adelaide of Anjou

49/48. Constance, d1032, =[his 3rd] Robert II “The Pious”, King of France 996-1031,

50/49. Adelaide, d1079, =[her 2nd] Baldwin V, Count of Flanders, d1067

51/50. Matilda, d1083, = WILLIAM "THE CONQUEROR", King of England 1066-1087

52-79[51-78]: see LIST A (above) for interjacent generations

80/79. H.M. ELIZABETH II, Queen, now reigning



01. JULIA (d52BC), sister of JULIUS CAESAR; = M. Atius Balbus (d51BC)

02. Atia (d43BC); =1 C. Octavius (d59BC)

03. OCTAVIUS AUGUSTUS, RE 27BC-AD14; 2=2 Scribonia (div 39BC), daughter of M. Drusus Libo & Cornelia, daughter of Cornelius Cinna & Pompeia Minor, daughter of Pompey "The Great", triumvir with JULIUS CAESAR & Crassus

04. Julia (dAD14); =1 Marcellus (d23BC); 2=2 Agrippa (d12BC); 2=3 TIBERIUS, RE AD14-37;&, bore of 2nd [or 1st] marriage:

05. Julia (dAD28); = Lucius Aemilius Paulus (dAD14)

06. Aemilia Lepidia (d26); = M. Junius Silanus Torquatus (d35)

07. Junia Lepidia (d65); = Cassius Longinus (d69)

08. Cassia Longina (d50); = Gnaeus Domitius Corbulo (d67)

09. Domitia Longina; =1 Plautius Aelianus (d81); =2 DOMITIAN, RE 81-96; bore of 1st =:

10. Plautia Major; = L. Ceionius Commodus (d106)

11. Aelius Caesar (d138); = Avidia

12. LUCIUS VERUS, co-ruler 161-169; = Annia, daughter of MARCUS AURELIUS, RE 161-180, son of M. Annius Verus (d130) & Domitia Lucilla [II], daughter of Calvisius Tullus Ruso (d109) & Domitia Lucilla [I], daughter of Domitius Lucanus & Curtilia, daughter of Curtilius Mancia & Octavia, daughter of C. Octavius Laenas (d38) & Rubellia Bassa, daughter of Rubellius Blandus (d38) & Julia (dAD48), daughter of Drusus (d23) [son of TIBERIUS, RE 14-37] & Livillia, daughter of Drusus [brother of TIBERIUS, RE 14-37] & Antonia, daughter of Mark Antony & Octavia Augusta [sister of OCTAVIUS AUGUSTUS, RE 27BC-AD14], daughter of Caius Octavius & Atia, daughter of M. Atius Balbus & JULIA, sister of JULIUS CAESAR

13. Aurelia; = Pompeianus Quintianus (d183)

14. Commodus Pompeian[us] (d209); = Mariana, daughter of C.J. Marius

15. Aurelia; = Flavius Crispus, brother of CLAUDIUS II "GOTHICUS", RE 268-270, & QUINTILLUS, RE 270, sons of Flavius Numerius, a Greek prince, &, wife, Claudia, daughter of Claudius Apellinus & Bassina, daughter of SEVERUS, RE 197-211, son of Publius Septimus Geta & Fulvia Pia, daughter of Fulvius Pius & Laelia Major, daughter of Q. Laelius & Matidia [II], daughter of L. Vibius Sabinus (d97), 1st husband of Matidia [I], son of Flavius Sabinus & Julia (d91), daughter of TITUS, RE 79-81, son of VESPASIAN, RE 69-79

16. Claudia; = Eutropius, son of [name] of the "Forum Iulii" & Gordiana [sister of GORDIAN [III], RE 238-244], daughter of Junius Licinius Balbus & Maecia Faustina [sister of GORDIAN [II], RE 238], daughter of GORDIAN [I], RE 238, &, wife, Fabia Orestilla, daughter of M. Annius Severus & Silvana, daughter of Plautius Silvanus (d145) & Aurelia Fadilla (d134), daughter of ANTONINUS PIUS, RE 138-141

17. CONSTANTIUS I "CHLORUS", RE 305-306; =1 Helena (d327/8), daughter of Coilus II, King of Britain 305

18. CONSTANTINE I "THE GREAT", RE 312/324-337; =3 Flavia Maxima Fausta (d326), sister of MAXENTIUS, RE 306-312, &, daughter of MAXIMIAN, RE 286-305, 307-308, & 310

19. Constantina (d354); =2 Gallus Caesar (d354) [cousin], son of Constantius (d337), son of [# 16] CONSTANTIUS I "CHLORUS" (above) & 2nd wife, Theodora, daughter of Afranius Hanibalian of Syria (d292)

20. Anastasia; = [name]

21. Adeodata; = Rufius Postumianus (d383)

22. Anastasia; = F. Avitus Marinianus (d440)

23. Rufius Viventius Gallus; = Aviena

24. Rufius Gennadius Avienus (d468); = Melleta Tarrutenia, daughter of Anicius Glabrio Faustus

25. Aviena; = Venantius (d493)

26. Severinus, Count of Cartagena (d534/45); = Theodora, daughter of Theodoric "The Great", King of Italy 493-526

27. Theodosia [sister of Saint Isidore]; = Leovigildo, King of Spain 572-586

28. Ormagildo; = Ingunda, daughter of Sigebert II, King of France

29. Atanagildo; = Juliana [List A; # 30]

30. Ardebasto; = […]goto, daughter of Guillebaud II [Willibald] of Burgundy (d642)

31. Ervigio, King of Spain 680-687; = Liubigotona

32. Aupais; = Pepin [II] of Heristal, Major Domo of France (d714) [his 2nd =] [note: Aupais is not to be confused with Chalpaida [Elphide], 3rd wife of Pepin [II] of Heristal]

33. Charles "Martel", Duke of France 737-741; = Rotrude (d724), daughter of either (a) St. Lievin, Bishop of Treves, or (b) Rupert I, Count of Wormsgau, or (c) Roger, Duke of Le Mans, (d) Robert of Burgundy, or (e) Lambert, Count of Hesbaye

34. Pepin "Le Korte", King of France 751-768; = Bertha "The White Lady" [or "Big-Foot"], daughter of Caribert, Count of Laon, &, wife, Bertha, sister of Clothaire IV, King of France

35. CHARLEMAGNE, Holy Roman Emperor 800-814; = Himiltrude, daughter of King Mauregato of Spain 783-788, &, wife, Usinde [sister of King Silo of Spain 774-783, &, Prince Milo], daughter of Samario [brother of Alfonso I "The Catholic", King of Spain 739-757, &, Prince Fruelo], son of Pedro, Duke of Cantabria, son of Ervigio, King of Spain 680-687 [see List A, # 32; List D, # 29]

36. Aupais; = Begue [I], Count of Paris (d816)

37. Engeltrone; = Hunroch, Margrave of Friuli

38. Eberhard, Marquis of Friuli (d866); = Gisela (d874), daughter of LUDOVICUS PIUS [LOUIS "THE PIOUS"], HRE 814-840, son of CHARLEMAGNE (above)

39. Berengar[ius] I, King of Italy 888-891 & 905-922 deposed (d924); = Bertila, daughter of Suppo II, Marquis of Spoleto

40. Gisela (d912); = Adalbert, Marquis of Ivrea (d923)

41. Berengar[ius] II, King of Italy (d966); = Willa, daughter of Boso, Count of Arles

42. Rozela [Susanne]; = Arnulf II, Count of Flanders (d987)

43. Baldwin IV, Count of Flanders (d1035); = Otgiva, daughter of Frederick, Count of Luxembourg

44. Baldwin V, Count of Flanders (d1067); = Adelaide, daughter of Robert II, King of France

45. Matilda (d1083 [List C; # 50]; = WILLIAM “THE CONQUEROR”, King of England 1066-1087

46-75: see LIST A (above) for interjacent generations

76. H.M. ELIZABETH II, Queen, now reigning


another descent-line, an offshoot of LINE D above

18. CONSTANTINE I "THE GREAT", RE 312/324-337; =3 Flavia Maxima Fausta (d326), sister of MAXENTIUS, RE 306-312, &, daughter of MAXIMIAN, RE 286-305, 307-308, & 310

19. Constantina (d354); =2 Gallus Caesar (d354) [cousin], son of Constantius (d337), son of [# 16] CONSTANTIUS I "CHLORUS" (above) & 2nd wife, Theodora, daughter of Afranius Hanibalian of Syria (d292)

20. Anastasia; = X

21. Gallus

22. son, a Manichee

23. Anastasia; = Pompeius of Dyrrhachium, a priest


(a) ANASTASIUS [I] "DIKOROS", Byzantine Emperor

(b) Paulus (d496)

(c) Caesaria; = Secundinus (d511); parents of Hypatius (d532) & Pompeius (d532), father of Antipatra (dau), wife of Pompeius [cousin] [son of Hypatius, afore]; parents of Fl. Iohannes & Georgia (dau), [1st] wife of [another] Iohannes (d571) [son of Anastasius (d517) & wife Theodora]

24. ANASTASIUS [I] "DIKOROS", Byzantine Emperor 491-518; =1 Aspidia; =2 ARIADNE, imperial heiress of the Roman Empire & empress 491-515

issue of 1st wife was

25. Anastasia (d511); = Probus Magnus (d518), son of Paulus (d496), brother of Byzantine Emperor ANASTASIUS [I] "DIKOROS" (above), by wife Magna, dau of Anicius Probus, son of Roman Emperor PETRONIUS MAXIMUS 455

26. Anastasius (d517); = Theodora, dau of Byzantine Empress THEODORA

27.Anastasius (d571); =2 Juliana, dau of Probus (d525) & Proba, dau of Olybrius (d526), son of Areobindus (d506) & Juliana (d528), dau of Roman Emperor OLYBRIUS & wife Placidia

28. Placidia; = Iohannes Mystakon (585)

29. Euphemia; = Gregorius (d587)

30. Nicetas (d629); = Theodosia, dau of Theodosius (d602), son of Byzantine Emperor MAURICIUS

31. Gregoria; = CONSTANTINE III, Byzantine Emperor 641, see LINE C-2 above

see # 29 below


see above

18. CONSTANTINE I "THE GREAT", RE 312/324-337; =3 Flavia Maxima Fausta (d326), sister of MAXENTIUS, RE 306-312, &, daughter of MAXIMIAN, RE 286-305, 307-308, & 310

19. Constantina (d354); =2 Gallus Caesar (d354) [cousin], son of Constantius (d337), son of [# 16] CONSTANTIUS I "CHLORUS" (above) & 2nd wife, Theodora, daughter of Afranius Hanibalian of Syria (d292)

20. Anastasia; = X

21. Gallus

22. son, a Manichee

23. Anastasia; = Pompeius of Dyrrhachium, a priest

24. Paulus (d496) [brother of Byzantine Emperor ANASTASIUS [I] "DIKOROS", above]; = Magna, dau of Anicius Probus, son of Roman Emperor PETRONIUS MAXIMUS 455

25. Probus Magnus (d518); = Anastasia (d511), dau of ANASTASIUS [I] "DIKOROS" & [1st] wife, Aspidia

26. Probus (d525); = Proba, dau of Olybrius (d526), son of Areobindus (d506) & Juliana (d528), dau of Roman Emperor OLYBRIUS & wife Placidia

27. Juliana; = Anastasius (d571), son of Anastasius & Theodora, daughter of Byzantine Empress THEODORA (d548), wife of JUSTINIAN I "THE GREAT", BYZ-E 527-565 [her 2nd =], of her 1st husband [or paramour], Helebolus, a Syrian noble

28. Anastasia Areobinda [sister of Areobindus]; = Pedro Augusto of Arabisso

29. Juliana [widow of Theodosius (d602), son of MAURICIUS, BYZ-E 578-582]; =2 Atanagildo, Visi-Goth Prince of Spain

30. Ardebasto; = […]goto, daughter of Guillebaud II [Willibald] of Burgundy (d642)

31. Ervigio, King of Spain 680-687; = Liubigotona, dau of Suintila, King of Spain 621-631

32. Cixille (dau) [sister of Pedro, Duke of Cantabria, & Aupais, wife of Charles Martel, Duke of France]; = Argica, aka Aquila, K of Spain 687-701

33. Witiza, K of Spain 701-709

34. Sisebuto de Coimbre (d734), bro of Achila of Narbonne, aka Aquila II, K of Spain 713-714 [father of Ardo of Narbonne, claimant 714-718]

35. Ataulfo de Coimbre

36. Usinde [sister of Atanarico de Coimbre]; = Bermudo I "The Deacon", King of Asturias [Leon] 788-791 abd (d797)

37. Ramiro I, King of Asturias [Leon] 842-850; = Urraca, dau of Diego Rodriguez, Lord of Castile (810)

38. Rodrigo Ramirez, [1st] Count of Castile (860), bro of Ordono I, K 850-866

39. Diego Rodriguez, Count of Castile; = Asura

40. Sulla Asura [sister of Fernando Diaz, Count of Castile]; = Nuno Nunez, Count of Amaya

41. Teresa Elvira; = Flavio Lain

42. Fernan Lainez; = Ximenia Nunez

43. Lain Fernandez

44. Diego Lainez [Castro]; = Teresa, dau of Nuno de Amaya, son of Alfonso V of Asturias [Leon]

45. Rodrigo Diaz "El Cid" of Bivar (d1099)

46. Elvira; = Ramiro, Count of Moncon

47. Garcia IV Ramirez, King of Navarre (d1150); = Marguerite de l'Aigle

48. Blanche; = Thibault III, Count of Champagne

49. Thibault I, King of Navarre; = Margaret of Bourbon

50. Enrique I, King of Navarre; = Blanche of Artois

51. Jeanne, Queen of Navarre; = Philip IV, King of France

52. Isabelle; = Edward II, King of England

53. EDWARD III, King of England

ancestor of all succeeding English kings



01. JULIA (d52BC), sister of JULIUS CAESAR; = M. Atius Balbus (d51BC)

02. Atia (d43BC); =1 C. Octavius (d59BC)

03. OCTAVIUS AUGUSTUS, RE 27BC-AD14; 2=2 Scribonia (div 39BC), daughter of M. Drusus Libo & Cornelia, daughter of Cornelius Cinna & Pompeia Minor, daughter of Pompey "The Great", triumvir with JULIUS CAESAR & Crassus

04. Julia (dAD14); =1 Marcellus (d23BC); 2=2 Agrippa (d12BC); 2=3 TIBERIUS, RE AD14-37;&, bore of 2nd [or 1st] marriage:

05. Julia (dAD28); = Lucius Aemilius Paulus (dAD14)

06. Aemilia Lepidia (d26); = M. Junius Silanus Torquatus (d35)

07. Junia Lepidia (d65); = Cassius Longinus (d69)

08. Cassia Longina (d50); = Gnaeus Domitius Corbulo (d67)

09. Domitia Longina; =1 Plautius Aelianus (d81); =2 DOMITIAN, RE 81-96; bore of 1st =:

10. Plautia Major [sister of Plautia Minor, wife of Fundanius]; = L. Ceionius Commodus (d106)

11. Aelius Caesar (d138); = Avidia

12. Ceionia Plautia; = Servilius Pudens

13. Servilia; = Junius Licinus Balbus

14. Junius Licinus Balbus; = Maecia Faustina, daughter of GORDIAN [I], rival-ruler 238, &, wife, Fabia Orestilla, daughter of M. Annius Severus & Silvana, daughter of Plautius Silvanus & Aurelia Fadilla, daughter of ANTONINUS PIUS, RE 138-141

15. Gordiana; = [name] "Forum Iulii" [descendant of Sextus Caesar, JULIUS CAESAR's cousin] [note: there are different theories of descent of the Carolingians; this one here given follows that one proposed by Anthony Wagner of their male-line Roman ancestry]

16. Eutropius; = Claudia, daughter of Flavius Crispus [brother of CLAUDIUS II "GOTHICUS", RE 268-270, & QUINTILLUS, RE 270, son[s] of Flavius Numerius, a Greek prince, &, wife, Claudia, daughter of Claudius Apellinus & Bassina, daughter of SEVERUS, RE 197-211, son of ..., etc.] & Aurelia [Line D; # 14] (above), daughter of Commodus Pompeianus (d209), son of Pompeianus Quintianus (d183) & Aurelia, daughter LUCIUS VERUS, co-ruler 161-169, &, wife, Annia Lucilla, daughter of MARCUS AURELIUS, RE 161-180

17. Valerius Constantine Dardanus [brother of CONSTANTIUS I "CHLORUS", RE 305-306]

18. Maximianus Constans; = Flavia

19. Eucherius [brother of Theodosius (d375), father of THEODOSIUS I "THE GREAT", RE 379/394-395]

20. Marcellinus (d388)

21. Andragathius (d388)

22. Theodosiolus (400/425)

23. Ferreolus, Tribune of Gaul (453); = daughter of Flavius Afranius Syagrius, Governor of Gaul

24. Ferreolus [Frolle], Prefect of Gaul (d471); = Papianille Minor [sister of Papianille Major, wife of Sidonius Apollinaris], daughter of AVITUS, RE 455-456

25. Tonantius (490); = sister of Ruricius [Rurice], Bishop of Limoges

26. Tonantius (525); = daughter of Firminus, Bishop of Arles (d475/80)

27. Ferreolus (550) = Industrie, daughter of Florentinus, Bishop of Geneva (d513), &, wife, Arthemia, daughter of Rusticus [Rustique], Bishop of Lyons (d501), &, wife, [Ommace], daughter of Ruricius [Rurice], Bishop of Limoges (d507), son of [Faltonius] & Fidia Perpetua Julia, daughter of [Fidius Atticus] & Laeta, daughter of Toxotius, son of Toxotius & St. Paula (d404), daughter of Rogatus, a Greek prince, &, wife, Blesilla, daughter of Maecius Memmius (d347) & Constantina, sister of CONSTANTINE I "THE GREAT", RE 312/324-337

28. Ansbert[us], senator (d570) [son, not son-in-law] [note: there are different theories of descent of the Carolingians; this one here given follows that one proposed by Anthony Wagner of their male-line Roman ancestry]; = Blithilde, daughter of Clothaire I, King of France

29. Ferreolus, Bishop of Uzes (d581); = Arnegonde (d573), daughter of Clodomir, King of Cologne [son of Munderic, King of Cologne (d532), son of Cloderic "The Parricide", King of Cologne (d509), son of Sigebert "The Lame", King of Cologne (d509), son of Childebert, King of Cologne (475), son of Clovis, King of Cologne (450)] [generation # 28 is omitted by some genealogists due to chronological concerns, however, these concerns vanish when one compares this segment of the descent-line [generations # 22-32] with other contemporary Gallo-Roman genealogies]

30. Arnold[us], Margrave of the Scheldt (d601); = Dode, daughter of Gundulf (Gondolfus), Bishop of Metz [note to be confused with Gundulf (Gondolfus), Bishop of Tongres]

31. Arnulf[us], Bishop of Metz (d641) ["son-in-law", not "son" of Bodegisel]; = Clothilde, daughter of Bodegisel [II], Duke of Aquitaine (d588) [&, wife, Chrodoare of Swabia], son of Bodegisel [I] (d581/5), son of Munderic, Bishop of Arisitum (578) [not to be confused with Munderic, King of Cologne], &, wife, Arthemia, daughter of Aurelian, Bishop of Arles, son of Sacerdos, Bishop of Lyons (d559), son of Rusticus [Rustique], Bishop of Lyons (d501), son of Aquilin[us], Bishop of Lyons (d470)

32. Ansgise (d685); = Begga [Beggule] (d694), daughter of Pepin [I] of Landen, Major Domo of France (d639), &, wife, Itte (d652), daughter of Grimoalde, Duke of Aquitaine (d599), son of Thibaut [Theudebald], King of France 548-555, &, 1st wife, Walderade

33. Pepin [II] of Heristal, Major Domo of France (d714); =2 Aupais, daughter of Ervigio, King of Spain [List A; # 32] [his 2nd =] [note: Aupais is not to be confused with Chalpaida [Elphide], 3rd wife of Pepin [II] of Heristal, &, daughter of the Merovingian prince Childebrand, son of Chilperic (d632), son of King Caribert II of France]

34. Charles "Martel", Duke of France 737-741; = Rotrude (d724), daughter of either (a) St. Lievin, Bishop of Treves, or (b) Rupert I, Count of Wormsgau, or (c) Roger, Duke of Le Mans, (d) Robert of Burgundy, or (e) Lambert, Count of Hesbaye

35. Pepin "Le Korte", King of France 751-768; = Bertha "The White Lady" [or "Big-Foot"] (d783), daughter of Caribert, Count of Laon (d747), &, wife, Bertha (d735), sister of Clothaire IV, King of France

36. CHARLEMAGNE, HRE 800-814 = Hildegarde of Swabia (d783)

37. Pepin, King of Italy (d810); = Bertha of Toulouse

38. Bernard, King of Italy (d818); = Kunigunde of Austrasia (d835)

39. Pepin, Seigneur of Peronne & St. Quentin (d852); = Rothaide of Vermandois

40. Heribert I, Count of Vermandois (d902); = Beatrice [Bertha], daughter of Guerry I, Count of Morvois, &, Eve, daughter of Gerard II, Count of Paris (d877), son of Lisiard (d819), son of Begue I, Count of Paris (d816), &, Aupais, daughter of Charlemagne & Himiltrude, daughter of King Mauregato of Spain 783-788, &, wife, Usinde [sister of King Silo of Spain 774-783, &, Prince Milo], daughter of Samario [brother of Alfonso I "The Catholic", King of Spain 739-757, &, Prince Fruelo], son of Pedro, Duke of Cantabria, son of Ervigio, King of Spain 680-687 [see List A, # 32; List D, # 29]

41. Heribert II, Count of Vermandois (d943); = Liegarde [Alice], daughter of Robert I, King of France

42. Robert, Count of Troyes (d967/975); = Adelaide de Challons

43. Adelaide (d978/982); = Geoffrey I, Count of Anjou (d987)

44. Ermengarde (d992); = Conan I "Le Tort", Duke of Brittany (d994)

45. Judith (d1017); = Richard II, Duke of Normandy (d1027)

46. Robert "Diablo" ["The Devil"], Duke of Normandy (d1035); =1 Herleve (Arlotte), daughter of Fulbert of Falaise; wife of Herluin, Count of Conteville; =2 Estrith (d1034) [her 2nd =], half-sister of King Canute "The Great" of England; of 1st = begot

47. WILLIAM "THE CONQUEROR", King of England 1066

48-75: see LIST A (above) for interjacent generations

76. H.M. ELIZABETH II, Queen, now reigning


David Hughes, 2005,, bibliography and/or genealogical charts available upon request


see index page