My Best Friend's
Wedding -- I object! (Can I object?)
Episode 402:
My Best Friend's Wedding
It's just like watching
it on TV, except without, y'know, the motion
by Dyslexia
How did I get assigned
this episode? Did I draw the short straw? Oh well, at least it wasn't
like playing Russian Roulette, like some popular fictional character
we love but don't always understand…
Felicity's First
The episode begins with Felicity and Noel waking up on the rooftop,
naked. Thank God for the censors that be; we actually don't see Noel
naked. ["That flash of skin was enough. These last two episodes
have been hell for my digestive tract." --Carmexa] Nevertheless
I am certain that gasping emanated throughout the nation (well, at least
a 3 share of it, anyway (not sure what the exact ratings were)). For
the past week I had been hoping that by some grace of divinity Felicity
and Noel didn't have sex. Between my naivete and my not being able to
rationalize why the great writers of the show would make such a contrived
plot decision, I was hoping for the best. ["That'll learn ya."
But alas the preferable
scenario was not to be: Felicity jumps up from her reclined position
on that rooftop, wide-eyed with a look of sheer terror [and probably
the webbing print of a lawn chair on her back - Bitchavia], and
starts to get dressed. Noel tells her "Everything's gonna be OK."
How does the loathsome mimbo figure? She replies "Honestly, I don't
think it is." Well now Felicity's starting to use common sense.
Where was it 10 minutes ago (give or take 30 seconds) when they "commenced"?
["I think ten minutes is giving Noel a little two much credit.
Your mention of 30 seconds is probably closer to the actual, icky truth."
--Carmexa] ["Word." -Litigia] She asks Noel to wait five
minutes before he goes back down to the loft. Wow. What quick thinking
for a girl who has never done this before.
Felicity quietly
tiptoes off the elevator and I can't help but mutter "Tramp, tramp"…
I feel bad that I think this of Felicity, but I can't respect her. What
was she thinking? She is confused and has one fight with Ben and has
sex with someone else on the roof? Wasn't it cold up there? [Did
she just want to find out how sturdy the lawn chair was? - Bitchavia]
How did Noel even manage to…never mind. It will never make
So Felicity sneaks
off the elevator and grabs her bag, hoping to exit the loft without
any commotion. Are you kidding me? This is a TV show! I knew Ben would
show up, and voila! He's there equipped with pizza and an apologetic
smile that makes me want to bust onto the set, knock Felicity over,
and kidnap Ben in hopes of protecting him from getting hurt. I can barely
stand hearing him apologize to her, saying that he shouldn't have freaked
out on her just because his school year was going to be difficult. ["God,
I never thought I'd say this, but it's really hard watching him be so
perfect. I hope his girlfriend--ugh--feels the same way." --Carmexa]
Is an episode of
Felicity complete without Noel butting in on Felicity and Ben? Surely
not, for Tramp #2 comes down the elevator, pretending to be surprised
to see Felicity there. He's got this sort of smug glow thing going on
that makes me grateful I had a light dinner. Oh, and that request to
wait five minutes before coming downstairs wasn't fulfilled; Noel waited
a good 74 seconds ["Didn't think it was even that long."
--Carmexa] and deemed that sufficient. Cranium, next time you have
sex with someone in a thrown-together cheap fashion, remember: one-onethousand,
two-onethousand, and continue until you get to 300. ["Better
yet, just jump off the damn roof afterwards and save everyone the trouble."
Felicity's Second
Noel leaves Felicity and Ben alone and Ben asks Felicity if she wants
to eat some food and talk. Wow, so the funny thing is, if she didn't
have sex with Noel she would have been able to sort through her confusion
with the man she loves. How's that for poor judgment? Felicity tells
Ben she needs to go home because she's not feeling well - she's tired
and needs to get some sleep. Translation: "What I just said to
you is merely the beginning of a series of lies. The reality, my perfect
boyfriend of whom I am not worthy, is that I need to go home and take
a scalding shower." She leaves and pauses in the hallway, seemingly
pondering whether she should tell Ben. Um…yes? Apparently it's
not that simple, and she leaves. I guess ghastly blunders come in pairs.
Hickeys: They're
Not Just for Seventh-Graders Anymore
In the next scene we see Felicity in bed, obviously feeling horrible
and likely nauseous. In walks Tracey and Elena who ask her to be the
minister at their wedding. Did you know you can get ordained online?
["Actually I did, because they already did this plotline on
Friends last year." -Litigia] [Yes, I knew. I got that offer in
my e-mail. Is anyone getting married, because I could be licensed by
nightfall and be all yours and ready for service - Bitchavia].Interestingly,
with all the religious ties Tracey has, you'd think he'd have at least
a dozen back-up ministers accessible with just a few taps of his Palm
Pilot, but if that were true, we wouldn't have the drama. Or the irony.
["Or the contrivance. Or the crappiness." --Carmexa]
Elena and Tracey feel Felicity would be perfect to perform the ceremony,
given she has such strong feelings toward love and fidelity. What's
an innocent, level-headed girl like Felicity to do but agree? Elena
hugs her and notices a big fat hickey on her neck. Uh oh.
Favors and Bad
Sean and Javier are planning Tracey and Elena's wedding. Sean's got
this wacky party favor idea of a condom that plays wedding music. ["It
wasn't just any wedding music. It was "Here Comes The Bride"
which is just gross if you have a dirty mind like I do. Heh, that reminds
me of the scene last year when Felicity told Ben she 'really wanted
[him] to come.' She was talking about a party, but I could see Scott
suppressing a laugh, so I think he got the same joke I did. How's that
for a major digression?" -Litigia] Javier is freaking out because
he didn't budget for Elena and Tracy's rehearsal dinner. Ben pipes in,
"Well, that was smart." How I love this boy's humor and sarcasm.
Javier's reply is obviously pure improv, and it's gold; he says something
like, "Thank you very much GI Joe Kung Fu grip boy looky."
I seriously love Ian Gomez. ["So does Speedy. He giggles like
the little school girl I am every time Mr. Gomez comes up with one of
those nonsensical one-liners." --Carmexa] I'll bet the directors
just tell Ian to show up and say funny things. There is no way you can
write for this man, he's too hilarious on his own.
Sean and Meghan
argue about Tracy. Meghan thinks she can get Tracy to kiss her on the
lips. Is this third grade? So they bet, and I figure the writers are
just setting up yet another Sean and Meghan fight. Blah blah.
Tracy wants to have
sex. I love Tracy ["Even though he's a Christian-y Christian,
I would marry Tracy in a heartbeat...and um, if he wasn't a fictional
character." --Carmexa] [But you'd have to get rid of your glowing
Jesus nightlight or whatever you have. And besides aren't you supposed
to be marrying someone else. Eh-hem! - Bitchavia] "Unfortunately,
I don't yet own the night light. But I do have an action figure! Gliding
action! All Jesus' toes are the same length! As for my comment about
marrying Tracy, strike it from the record. I was momentarily distracted
by the rush of caffeine to my brain. Come back to me, my sweet JC! Ahem."
--Carmexa] ["If I could not get Ben, I would totally marry Tracy."
-Litigia], but I know he's leaving the show, so I don't care. Luckily
Scrubs rocks so I can get my Donald fix on another network. That show
cracks me up.
But what's not funny
at all is what Tracy described as that "big-ass hickey." [No
kidding. Does Noel have a hinged mouth or something that allows him
to open that wide? It looks like Felicity lost a fight with the biggest
accessory on the Electrolux Super Deluxe Vacuum Set. - Bitchavia] Now
there's a visual reminder of that pathetic night on the rooftop. The
next scene cuts to Noel pointing to Felicity's neck asking "Did
I do that?" which really only adds to the cheapness of this hellacious
event. He brings this box of emergency hickey removal products. Where
the hell does he find this stuff? ["Hey, he should give that
business idea to Sean! Hickey removal packets-five bucks!" -Litigia]
Did he whip it out (sorry, bad visual) ["EWWW! Why did you do that!??!"
--Carmexa] just as fast as that lame-ass break-up kit? I find it
curious and quite foul that Noel just had this box of magic hickey remedies.
It was as if he had been prepared for this sort of thing. Felicity whines
because none of the remedies are working. I couldn't be more annoyed
with her. Now she's bitching. What did she expect? She tells Noel, "How
did this happen? I love Ben." ["I could tell her how it
happened but that would just turn into a long rant that I know nobody
wants to read right now." -Litigia] Good girl. Remember that.
She wonders if she should tell Ben, and Noel says he doesn't think it's
a good idea. ["Yeah, because he's just chock full o' good ideas
lately." --Carmexa]
Felicity visits
good old Dr. Stinky. She's hiding her hickey behind a turtleneck but
is visibly guilty. "I know this stuff happens … people do
this stuff all the time," she stumbles, trying to make herself
seem redeemable. It isn't working. What "stuff" do people
do all the time? Sleep with their loser friend when they feel sorry
for themselves? Pavone says she thinks there might be something "in
the drawer" and Felicity needs to find out what's inside. Great,
I know what Pavone is getting at and I'm not liking it.
Let's Revisit the Good Versus Evil Dichotomy
Remember Richard?
He's back and still as nerdy as ever. He and Noel are getting music
ready for the wedding. Richard notices Noel is preoccupied and soon
realizes Noel "got some." Quite a perceptive fellow for a
man who only got it on once with the woman that Noel stalked for a few
weeks. Noel lies and says the woman's name is Sandy and she works at
a nearby pizza joint.
The gang is getting
ready for the rehearsal and Felicity peeks into Ben's bedroom. She is
feeling vile and I'm feeling more horrible that Ben isn't shirtless.
["Just close your eyes and pretend. Ahhh." --Carmexa]
I need some beautiful distraction and I can't get the visual of Noel's
bare chest out of my head. Ben asks Felicity what's wrong and is amazingly
perceptive. "It looks like you're about to cry." Does it make
sense to say that he is more perfect than perfection? ["Yes."
--Carmexa] I love this boy. Felicity has to be about ready to drop
from guilt at this point. Ben tells her to "c'mere" and closes
the door to his room. She tells Ben she feels like everything is changing
and at any moment it could all disappear. Basically it's her discreet
way of saying she's afraid of losing the love of her life. She should
be. My heart sinks thinking of the moment Ben will find out she cheated
on him.
Speaking of cheaters,
it's time for Buttinsky to knock on the door again. He says Felicity
is needed at the rehearsal. That's all fine and semi-annoying, but the
trollop has the nerve to ask Felicity if she's OK. That question irritates
me not only because Noel should know that Ben is obviously competent
and in tune with Felicity's feelings, but also because Noel is a possessive
wench. ["Yeah, and because Noel should realize that Felicity
is most likely NOT okay, and that he's the reason for that. But he's
a giant selfish moron. So I don't expect much." --Carmexa] ["The
idea that Felicity needs Noel to make her all better when she has Ben,
the most perfect man in the world, there trying to help her, is about
the most ludicrous thing I've ever heard of." -Litigia]
Later Ben asks Noel
if he knows what's going on with Felicity. Noel does what he does best
and lies. Wait, I think he actually whines better than he lies; it's
a toss-up. ["Don't forget how good he is at acting like a self-righteous
asshole." -Litigia] [And he's pretty good at feeling sorry for
himself too, so he's actually multi-talented. - Bitchavia]
Meghan tries to kiss Tracy. It's actually a pretty funny scene, but
she fails miserably. It will be sad to see Tracy go.
So Felicity's off
to visit a few ministers and other sources of inspiration in preparation
for her officiating Tracy and Elena's wedding. She stops to see Ben
on her way, only he's not there. As she's writing a note to Ben the
phone rings and some chick named Janet leaves a message for Ben on the
answering machine. You can totally tell she's hot for Ben (who could
blame her?) saying she missed him and she drove by their hotel. Felicity
is caught off-guard.
Noel meets Felicity
outside her dorm room and gives her the low-down on "their story."
Yep. They have a "story." Lovely. That's got disaster written
all over it. She's pissed about Ben's potential fling with Janet, even
though she says she has no right to be. Felicity rips off her "I'm
trying to hide my whorishness" ["It's not working, schmookims."
--Carmexa] turtleneck sweater and grumbles, "I feel like I'm
suffocating in these things…" This is the moment I hate Felicity
the most. Now she's complaining about feeling suffocated? As if the
horrible asp attached to Noel's face invaded her without warning her
of its consequences?
Noel "I-have-a-forced-parallel-for-everything"
Cranium tries throwing in this dreadful kite analogy to attempt to put
the whole situation into perspective. Huh? Knoll, why don't you go fly
a kite? ["Yeah, like in Afghanistan or something." -Litiga]
Can someone please write this man a storyline? He's loathsome. Then
he tells Felicity, "if you want to tell Ben what happened, do not
worry about me. I'll be fine." Reference my earlier comment about
being grateful about the light dinner. However, dry heaves are no picnic.
Richard comes in
and tells Noel he tried to find "Sandy" ["God, through
this entire episode, I couldn't get John Travolta's voice out of my
head. And that's just wrong." --Carmexa] ["Stranded at the
drive-in; Branded a fool; What will they say; Monday at school? Oh,
Saaaaandy, baaaaayaaybeee…-- Bitchavia] [--"NOOOOOOOO!!!"
--Carmexa],and she doesn't work for the pizza shop that Noel indicated.
Why does Richard care so much about Noel's personal affairs? Will those
two just kiss and get it over with? He notices Felicity's scarlet letter
(in this case, it's a hideous 'O') and immediately figures it out: "You're
Sandy!" Felicity is appalled, and Richard's response couldn't be
more accurate, "Hey, listen, missy, don't do the crime if you can't
do the time."
Felicity's Third
(or 18th) Mistake: Who's Counting at This Point?
The next scene is Felicity and Ben at Epstein. I brace myself, knowing
she's about to break up with him, the coward. She asks Ben about Janet
["For me, this was the moment I most hated Felicity. She wanted
Ben to say that he'd screwed around on her. Then, in her mind, the playing
field would be even, and she could go on her merry way, guilt free.
Bitch." --Carmexa] and he begins to offer an explanation and
she cuts him off. She does this because she knows Ben is perfect and
has a reasonable explanation. He says Janet was a girl in his class,
and one night they got hotel rooms to study and Janet made the moves
on Ben (who could blame her?) but he cut her off. He told her he had
a girlfriend that he loves and wasn't interested. Hmmm….how's that
for guilt, ya floozy? This is the turning point. He knows Felicity's
having a hard time because she has no direction and he does. Noting
that they've "switched places," he can offer insight because
he's been there. But what sucks is Felicity's already screwed Noel,
so all she can do is let the guilt encompass her. I'm feeling extremely
resentful of the storyline at this point. It was all so forced and contrived.
When Ben asks, "What can I do to help?" ["Oh God!
And when he said, 'I'll do anything. What can I do?' I seriously wanted
to cry." -Litigia] I about fall over. Much … too …
sweet … can't … focus …
Felicity takes a
seat in the vehicle of my emotional overdrive. Ben's sweetness and complete
flawlessness pushes her over the edge. What would be the most cowardly
thing to do at this point, she wonders, and then she does it. ["I
agree. It was a wimpy thing to do. Total pansy. But indirectly, I like
to think that she was trying to save Ben a little bit of pain. Maybe.
La la la..." --Carmexa] She breaks up with him. She says she
thinks they need to spend time apart, all the while never looking at
Ben. The poor boy. He has no clue, he feels so confused and hurt, and
all we can do is watch her walk away and him sit quietly. ["And
so on top of cheating on him, she now makes him feel like his finally
finding direction in his life has led the person he loves the most to
leave him. How nice." -Litigia]
The next scene is
Richard and Noel. Richard considers Noel noble for keeping his secret
inside. Blah blah. In walks Ben, visibly upset. Pizza for President
leaves and Ben offers Noel a beer, saying he and Felicity broke up.
You'd think the guilt would be eating Noel at this point, but either
the writers aren't asking for it or Foley's a putrid actor. ["Or
BOTH!" --Carmexa] ["Noel actually said he was sorry and then
Ben gave him the look of death. But then, because he is perfect, he
still offered him a beer." -Litigia]
Elena "disinvites"
Meghan to the wedding on account of her trying to suck the venom out
of Tracy's lips. Meghan tells Elena that she's marrying Mr. Scrubs only
for sex. Elena ponders. Moving on…
Audiences across
the world groan again at the site of Felicity confiding in Noel. What
the hell? Now she's wearing a green turtleneck sweater. ["That
sweater was uugggllly. Down with mock turtlenecks!" --Carmexa]
[Mock turtlenecks are a neckline for the noncommittal. Felicity is subconsciously
expressing her inability to commit to a guy. Next thing you know, she'll
get a mullet. - Bitchavia]. How many turtlenecks does this girl
own? Obviously she has an emergency supply of hickey apparel cover-ups
as readily available as Noel's worthless hickey serum. The other option
would be to not cheat on your perfect boyfriend. ["But then
we wouldn't have the drama!" -Litigia] Or screw your friend
in a moment of self-pity.
The Only Drawers
I Care About Are Ben's
Or you could hope for forgiveness, as Felicity is apparently shooting
for. Come on, Ben is god-like but not all-forgiving. The greedy tramp.
Elena's aunt and uncle tell Felicity that forgiveness is an amazing
part of marriage, and "the heart gets stronger the more you use
it." She's relieved to hear these words of wisdom.
Forgiveness may
not solve all her problems, she later tells Pavone. If Ben forgave her
she'd still feel terrible. Dr. Yale brings up the drawer again. How
annoying. Who cares what's in the drawer? Can we slam it shut? I mean,
it's bad enough that we never found out what was in Meghan's box, now
we have to reintroduce some other mystery storage area? Felicity asks,
"Who's in the drawer?" and Pavone raises an eyebrow. "So,
it's a who?" Felicity sighs. Pavone says Felicity chose Noel for
a reason. Then Pavone tells Felicity that she wants to be with Ben,
but she also wants to be with Noel. Jesus, Mary, and San Jose. I hate
Here's what the
writers are doing: they are reverting to the original premise of the
show, trying to make Noel more "attainable" and Ben more out
of her league. I resent this. It's forced and phony because the highers-that-be
never anticipated that viewers would have such a strong and immediate
liking toward Felicity and Ben as a couple. Their chemistry is astounding;
we never saw this with Felicity and Noel. JJ and/or Matt: call us. We'll
Will They "Survive"?
At the wedding, Felicity paces nervously outside of the chapel. Fortunately
Hester Pryne was able to rid herself of that scarlet O just in time
to wear a collar-less ["And ugly. --Carmexa] suit. What
great timing. It doesn't appear that the guilt she still reveals can
be wiped away with some of Noel's cucumber remedy. She's obviously miserable,
and I hate to say it, but I'm glad.
Surprise, surprise,
Elena and Tracy decide not to get married. Tracy says it would be for
the wrong reasons. But guess who else gets married? Sean and Meghan.
This sudden wedding irks me because it decreases the possibility of
Felicity and Ben getting married in Season 4. So sue me, I'm unrealistic.
Call it a defense mechanism.
Felicity weds Goth
Chick and Gadget Boy. Ben gives her a penetrating look that pierces
the hearts of viewers everywhere. It's all so unfair. Later at the dance
Felicity and Ben exchange longing stares, Ben's is filled with hurt
and confusion, and Felicity's is filled with complete regret and sadness.