Here you will find links to some of the best G-sites on the Web, where the huge magnitude of the Big G's long-established presence on the Internet can be experienced firsthand :)
More links will be continually added to this section, of course, and I am quite appreciative of my fellow G-fans for working so hard to keep the Kaiju King's aforementioned presence in cyberspace as formidable and imposing as his visits to a big city onscreen :)
Thanks, guys!
Oh, and please be advised that some of these review sites are not PG-rated, like my own, and since none of these sites are mine, I cannot be held responsible for any of the content that appears on them, either now or in the future. However, all of them, IMO, are good sites that are worth taking a look at.
Topher's Great Godzilla Reference Pages--the best reference site on the Web for finding Godzilla online.
Stomp Tokyo--a way cool site for G-film reviews, and a whole lot more across the cinematic spectrum by the highly talented Scott Hamilton and Chris Holland!
Barry's Temple of Godzilla--The G-site that started it all for Godzilla online resources...though Barry has now unfortunately retired the site, its extensive archives are still online, and this site serves as the inspiration for numerous other G-sites to follow in its wake, including The Godzilla Saga.
G-FAN--official web site of the great print magazine for Godzilla and other dai kaiju brought to you by many fine years now by G-fan extraordinaire J.D. Lees.
Rodan's Roost: The Kaiju Site--excellent kaiju site, with heaps of good reviews and information about all things kaiju, including, of course, much info on Godzilla, all brought to you by the inimitable Brandon Waggle and C.L. Werner.
Toho Kingdom--good site for information on the entire filmographic history of Toho Pictures, with a strong focus on G-films and other kaiju flicks from Toho, courtesy of the exhaustive efforts of Anthony Romero, James Webster, and Forrest Freund.
Monster Zero--Amazing Godzilla site for news, reviews, interviews, pics, and everything else conceivable for G-fans, as well as fans of Gamera, Ultraman, Dai Majin, and many other things kaiju, brought to you by the mega-talented Aaron Smith and Richard Cox!
Henshin! Online--Terrific web site, based on the excellent print newsletter, covering all aspects of Japanese Sci-Fi and Fantasy, including a certain King of the Monsters.
Kensforce Science Fiction News and Updates--Ken Hulsey's terrific G-site has a huge, frequently updated degree of not only any and all news and data pertinent to the Kaiju King, but also information relating to many different areas of sci-fi. This site is an invaluable asset not only to G-fans, but also to anyone who happens to be a kaiju-fan in general or a fan of the greater sci-fi genre. Hey, and his hot sci-fi actress profiles aren't bad, either ;-)
Godzilla Tower--an awesome, highly rated site on the Big G from Iguanoman contains movie reviews, kaiju stats, an arcade, and much more! Be sure to check it out!
Wikizilla---a Wiki devoted to Godzilla and other dai kaiju where you can edit or write the articles yourself! One of the most definitive sources of G-info on the Web!