Um, yeah. This is my cypris egg. it's pretty snazzy. I can feel your seething jealousy. YOu can get one. Click on the bannner at the bottom of the page. You know you want to.

How did i get my beautiful beautiful egg, you ask? The story is a long one. You had better get comfortable. Well, one day, in Slomtiva(my imaginary country) I went out for a stroll. It was a murky day, full of overcast rainclouds and a fine but steady pour of drizzle. i loved it. the perfect day. but anyway, since i had taken the day off from dictating other's lives(being the high preistess and all) i had the whole day off. i had walked to the distant part of Slomtiva, a place where i had never been. i was deep inside a dark forest, so thick that even the rain couldn't touch me. i heard a roll of thunder, and decided to walk just a bit deeper. well, i saw a clearing. naturally, i wondered into it, very realived from the tight closeness of the trees. directly in the middle of the clearing was a blueish-greenish, very attractive egg. i touched it, and it radiated much warmness. since it was just sitting their, without anything in the world, i did what any self-respecting high preistess of an imaginary world would do. i kept it and brought it home to my big, drafty castle. i gave it it's own room, and made that egg extremly comfortable. now i am waiting. waiting for to accept my website, in all of it's crappiness, give me permission to keep the egg. we bonded, but if it's not orion's will for my to give it a home, then i must accept that. but until that time i will take care of it and make that egg the happiest in all the world. thank you for listening to the tale that i told. take care.

That story was when I had the egg, not the coolio child. It's growing!

Cypris's Caretaker: Keely
Cypris's Name: Aloeishious
Cypris's Age: Egg
Adopted From: c y p r i s . o r g