the harpi files

This is harpi:
Harpi is my computer. she is my computer's personality and what my computer would say if it was indeed, alive. i don't have any idea why my computer is female. anyway, the harpi files is a diary of my boredom in life. this is, indeed, a blog site. i must admit, the truth hurts.

Um. Some day in summer. June 27, as far as I can see it.
I have that feeling that the internet is shutting down, before my very eyes, and I'm stuck here with nothing to do but see it all come down. Gothicpride, chickzrock, and a chickzrock sister site.... uh, Elaine? Anyway, it's a huge conspiracy that is in desperate need of uncovering. A higher power is forcing all of these good web site makers to shut them down. Next will be mandycakes, then invader linz. Pretty soon all the good websites that we know and love are going to be gone forever. Either that or there is no government conspiracy that includes the shut down of teenage girl's sites.
My friend, my only friend, my true friend that doesn't torture me or expect me to torture them, has gone to ITALY. Darn you Italy, and Sardonia, and all of the other places, DARN YOU. This town I live in is pretty small, and I go to a prep school. I wear baggy jeans and a t-shirt every day. Believe it or not, popularity isn't one of my fortes. I have like, 3 friends, that are fun, and that can stand to be around me, Leilani, Alima, and Kulia. Leilani has gone to the other side of the island and has deserted me. Anyway, it's not as if we would have say, gotton together or anything. Kulia has gone to the popular side and is therefore never expected to be heard from again. Alima is in Italy. Then there is Poai, Brooke, Momi, and Rachael. I'd say hi to them in public, but I've gone to there houses minamal times. I've never been to Poai's house, anyway. Why am I telling the internet the story of my pathetic social life? Shaaa.

Friday, June 21, 2002
So here's how I see it.

49/50ths of single women want boyfriends/husbands/victoms. Half of that slim 1/50th that doesn't want a guy because their lesbians, and well... it doesn't work that way. The other half of the 1/50th doesn't want a boyfriend because they are anti-social and afraid of talking to people, and having a boyfriend would be more than they could comprehend. I don't want a boyfriend because I have more important things to do, but I spend a lot of time hanging around with people that are so wrapped up in the whole adolecsent dating pattern that it bothers me. I live in Hawaii, and go to a prep school, so the chances of finding a tolerable male within those two regions is very very slim. None of the people at HPA have spiked hair and assorted piercings, so I think that they all sorta suck. I can't go to the mall and see my skinny, pale, spiked and pierced guy becuase I don't have a can't go to the mall without a car, something that I seriously lack. That and a driver's license. So the choices for me are to either 1)Look for my soulmate with my mother tagging along, or 2)Hide in my room until the world blows up. Personally, I pick 2.
This day has really sucked. Dana has shut down gothic pride. now i'm hating everything. But today I got a whole lot of bubble gum, my most favorite thing in the world. I am prepared to blow bubbles until I run out of my three boxes.

Monday, June 17, 2002
My brother totally redid the computer. It's all Dell like now. I'm trying to look for a good background because the one we have now really sux. Go to the background page to stare at it like a sicko. He copied all his mp3s into my windows media player because he's the best brother in the world. There is over 2 megabites of songs now. Do you realize that that's over 2 million gegabites? DO you realize that that's 36 hours and 46 minutes of mind-hardening rock and techno? Well, now you do realizes.
oh, yeah. Now I have stitches on my knee. My mom that this mole/evil looking growth on my leg was gonna cause me skin cancer, and got all freaked and had it removed. Now I'm so cold inside of my heart. My mind is full of disturbing images of people shredding my skin and me not feeling anything. And needles, oh how I hate needles. They poke you full of numbing medicine, and it looks like it's going to explode. And I felt like I was going to faint. And it has left me with a big ol bandage on my leg, and stitches, and disturbing images. I hate the hospital.
So today I has been slashed by a hurtful looking knife that I'm pretty sure I saw on a street corner last week. That and try to organize all the songs in my files. I'll probably out up a playlist page, and maybe a picture page. Woe is me. I don't have an email address, and I hate making them. I don't need email anyway. All I ever get is chain letters and junk mails. Maybe 23 junk and chain letters for every personal message. Damn damn damn, my life sux, but it's so perfect. It's all relative.

Thursday, June 13, 2002

This is the funniest picture ever drawn. I can't look at it without cracking up. I didn't draw it, though, and i don't know who did. Ah, well. It's really close to home. This is the conversation with my mother every night.

Mom: Keely, I want you to be in bed by 12:00am tonight.

Keely: Ok mom, whatever.


Mom:KEELY! It's 12:30am! What the **** are you doing?? GET IN BED!

Keely: Ok, ok. Just a minute...


Mom: IT'S 2:45am. I don't care anymore. Make your eyes bleed. You had better be in bed when I get up.

Keely:(making a strange buzzing sound)o-o-o-ok...Wh-whatev-ever y-you say mo-m...

Scene fades.

Anyway, I have to create a new email address. Someone changed the password to my old one, and it really sux. Then I have to email everyone about my new email address. Then I have a feeling I'll get chain letters with it sent to my old and new email addresses, just to have more addresses to send it to. Life's so funny.
I'm thinking of creating a comic book, against all my logic and smartness. I'm also thinking of putting up pictures, which a warning would be attatched, reading that any eye damage and/or blindness and/or hurting welts or boils to the face due to extreme ugliness would not be my fault, but my parent's fault for having me. So you can't sue me if any of the above actually happens.
my comic would something of "Ghost World", the best comic and movie ever created in the history of movies and comic books. Seriously. I'm not kidding. I want to draw a super-hero that's somekind of depressed suicidal teenager that really doesn't care if the person lives or dies. That's pretty deep, though, and it would be a lot of work. And a lot of people would think it was the crappiest thing put on paper, and probably never go to this site again. OH WELL.

Wednesday, June 12, 2002

I haven't gotton an email in days. I don't know what to say. When I tried to check it today, the password didn't work. I cursed many times and hoped that nobody heared my quiet rantings. Then I had to change the password. Exciting. That is all I can say about today. Oh yeah. My mom and I went to KTA today. I got shampoo!! Our family doesn't go to Foodland because we support the little people, and basically we just feel so damn sorry for KTA. Then we DROPPED OFF A TAPE. It was The Thing. Old movie about a virus that immitated living organisms, making you BELIEVE that the person is humun, when really it is this warped virus. It was SO funny. All these guys were screaming like scared girls and running all over the place. Anyway I was pressuring my mom to drop off the tape today, even though it was a TWO DAY RENTAL because lately I have not been turning tapes in at the... uh... correct due date. My mom had to pay $9 in overdue charges for Alien. Parents can get so pissed out of the smallest things.
I also went to the doctors. No reason. Check up. Very board. I hate that tempurature prod that they jab in your ear. And the belt that they squeeze around your arm like a snake devouring it's prey(in this case my arm). I had always want to try wrapping it around various objects, like, say, a glass of water to watch it break. I used to hang around my friend's mom's office, where they had all sorts of cool machines like that. She worked at the American Heart Association, so they're were a lot of pressure checker things. But they were all broken, so it sucked.
Lately I have been under the alias "spaz" in groupboards, leaving my crappy pictures where ever I go. The same is with mandycakes. This creepy cyber-happy guy known as tat2(tatoo) has been like, everywhere. It's really weird. Picture me huddled in the middle of my room with my arms around my legs, rocking back and forth muttering under my breath about sickos on the internet with my eye twitching. Littered around me like some sort of warped protective circle would be the shattered remains of my computer, monitor, and modem. But HEY! Malcolm in the Middle was on tonight! That makes it all better!

Monday, June 10, 2002
I'm so sick of having friends. After the huge fight of yesterday, My mom sugested that we should take a break from the friendship. I thought it was an excellent idea. Mom told that idea to the friend's mom. But what happened? We are having father day dinner w/ them now. My mom stressed the part about needing time apart, since I don't ever want to see the friend's mom ever EVER again, but it doesn't work. She called 15 minutes ago. Probably canceling the dinner so she feels good. She yells at me AGAIN over her cell phone. I'm gonna start weeping if I see my friend, or the mom, within like, a month. I'm sorry. She's my best friend, and I don't wanna talk bad about her. But SERIOUSLY, DUDE!! I added the dude part to lower the tension in the atmosphere. Never NEVER again will I go to a wedding on a beach.
Well, it looks like Billy's friend will be staying here for awhile. He lives in Mt. View, and we moved to Waimea, which means that he will be staying for about 2 weeks. I find it amazing that he has no homesickness. He would live here if he could. It looks like he dyed his hair blue... or is that black... and other than that hasn't changed since he was seven.
Spent most of my day at groupboard, being sucky at drawing. Got yelled at, which I mentioned, by people outside of my kin, and took a shower.

List of things I did today
1. Woke up
2.Took shower
3.Ate cereal
4.Watched tv
5.Became attched to the computer
6.ate lunch
7.More computer, and here I am!
Nice day. Very productive.

Saturday, June 8, 2002
Ugh. What a horrible overnight horrid, horrid overnight. An overnight that makes you never want to see your friend again. One that makes you have a huge argument in Macy's, right before seeing Undercover Brother, making one another hate each other. The mom of the friend would then be called on the firend's call phone, and the other friend would get yelled at again. Making me hate that friend's mom ever so much. You'd think that a psychiatrist would know better than to call me a bitch and a terrible friend, right in front of the friend... And that's how I spent my last night!!!
My eyes hurt because I have not been sleeping much. I can't go to sleep because it's to early. I'm in this sort of in between stage where I'm writing anything that pops into my head. I have a giant rash from my swim suit being extremly tight, and squeezing my chest into a thick tube, and I feel mentally unstable. I like whining about myself. I haven't eaten tonight. I'm not hungry, which is just as well because my brother's posse ate my dinner along with theirs. I have P.O.D. stuck in my head because I hate them, and it is a rule in music that you must have the most annoying song stuck in your head at all times. I don't want to draw anything. I don't feel creative. I don't want to take a shower, clean my room, or go to bed.
I got highest honors on my report card. That's the highest form of honors that you can get. It's the first time I got it this year. Every other time I just got high honors. WE ARE WE ARE... THE YOUTH OF THE NATION... WE ARE WE ARE... THE YOUTH OF A NATION. I despise that song. It's just a song about all the misfits in the world that belive that their are other misfits writing about them, so they will buy the cd.


Wendsday, June 5, 2002
Summer boredom is starting to take it's toll. I am starting to neglect and exercize or contact w/ water, and instead watch tv and wonder how I can screw up my website even more. I haven't showered in a lifetime and a half, and I'm only conected to my friends w/ emails because I make excuses not to see them in person, because then I would have to do more than get out of bed and eat, watch tv, and get on my brother's nerves. Today he got mad because I have been stealing his socks. He yelled at me saying that he used to have 30 pairs of long socks, and now he has none. He told me to search my closet for any of his socks. I screamed "NO" and turned back to my email. You could hear his brain bubbling w/ hatred. He's 16 and away from his girlfriend for the summer, which seems to leave him in a rather testy mood. Even yesterday he found that I had dumped my papers from last school year into the bathroom trash can because mine was full. Dang, was he mad. He thought it was disguisting and slobby. I just do it to tick him off.
I saw Star Wars, and I think it sucked. A lot. The actors were horrible and half the time I was asking my friend if it was over yet, because of my surpreme boredom. I shouldn't have seen it. I really regret that unfortunate mistake.
Later that day...
I found a rat skeleton nestled inside of a hollow cavity in my watermelon, when I was eating it for lunch. Then I conditioned my hair and ate the rest of the watermelon. I'm kidding about the rat thing, but I think it would be cool to see a rat skeleton in a watermelon.
I'm trying to think of a productive thing to do today, that doesn't include bank robberies, or hell, or causing great torment and misery to another person. I thought about cleaning my room, then I went on the computer. Then I froze the computer. Then I ate even more watermelon. Then I turned on the computer and waited it to stop scolding me for illeagally turning it off. And here I am. There are several people on my msn list that are online right now. Unfortunatly they are popular, all-mighty people that I am to afraid to say hello to. I am still wondering how they made it to my contacts list. I will once again try to do something other than write in here.

Monday, June 3, 2002
Well, I skiffed on Jenny's party. 10 people went, out of... 43 students in the 7th grade. 4 boys, 6 girls. Sort of sad.
I saw Alien, and What Lies Beneath this weekend. It was cool. I have this acheing feeling that I won't talk to ANYBODY this entire summer. That would be cool. That would leave me to wallow in my self pity.
I made that yesterday and today, to cure my boredom. Since I don't have dolls on my site except for the mascott, Harpi, this has been a good change of pace. Some of the clothes and faces appear twice because I did half yesterday and half today. And I was to lazy to pick out all of the used props.

Friday, May 31, 2002
Stupid insensitive friends. They wouldn't know anything about being sensitive. They're to wrapped up being... insensitive and junk. No siree. I don't need friends. I don't need anybody, and I don't need YOU. That's right, feel bad that everybody hates my guts and it's all YOUR FAULT. Pssshhhh. Everybody is STUPID. Everybody SUCKS. You SUCK. Yeah, I'm dissing YOU and your PERFECT LITTLE LIFE. Go make brownies with your boyfriend and don't ever call me, and go totally blow me off. I don't even NEED to see Star Wars. Who CARES??? I'll just listen to Rage Against the Machine until my EARS FALL OFF. Then I'll go into my little dark, dreary, lonely corner and DIE. In the fetal posistion. CRYING. Hating EVERY ONE OF MY INSENSITIVE FRIENDS.
Well, you can see how my day has been. My friend totally blew me off. No, scratch that. Two of my friends totally blew me off. Gawd, I'm such a freak. I hate my school. I hate preps. Know I know why everyone online hates preps. That's cause they SUCK. Hey, I suck. Everything can go screw itself, cause it's 10:11 and my friends "call" is like, 49 hours late. This is my webpage and I can say anything I want. And you have to read it. Unless, of course, you get sick of my jabbering and shut the computer down and go play outside or doing something productive, or something... But what are the chances of that happening?

Wednesday, May 29, 2002
It's 11:10 pm. My contacts fell like scratchy plywood jammed into my eyes. I think I have dirt of seed or air soft pellets stuck in them or something. It aint pleasent.
Yesterday I saw a homemade cannon being shot. It made this BAM, and it shot objects out of this long tube. My brother and his friends made it. I got to hover around and ask annoying questions. Billy's friends like to torture me. I am the definition of anti-social. When I'm not around someone I know, and someone talks to me, I get really really nervous. Freakishly tall senior boys come up to me and cry "Hi Keely" and giggle. I usually go pretty red and shake until either I leave the room, or they do. Not fun. Anyway, this great big, long, black gun shot t.p. and a sock w/ dirt in it. Why is that so funny? It just is. Since I live in middle-class-neighborhood-hell, everytime they shot the t.p. loaded cannon thing, the bang would make all the dogs go crazy. I really think their is serious damage.
Tonight I talked to this girl... Jennifer... I thought it was weird because she got added to my msn contacts, yet I never give my email to anyone. One of my friends, I learned, went email crazy and passed it out to everyone I was never close to. She asked who I liked and I simply stated "Benji" because it's true. Good Charlotte fans can eat my brains. Now I'm tired and want to sleep. In an hour or two.

Monday, May 27 2002
My lip hurts because I stabbed it with a chopstick. No, not because I was trying a home piercing kit. I was eating chinese food and watching some mindless tv show, "spongebob squarepants", a show that my dad thinks I shouldn't be watching because it has to do w/ learning how to tie a show, and frankly he's quite right. Now I don't know what I was writting about in the first place. Now I have to look up and read my inane writing just to finish this stupid train of thought.____. I stabbed my lip because of the greasy fried rice that made the chopstick slide. I was going to devlop this blogg into an elaborate theory of Chinese food and the crazy conundrums of putting to much MSG into the food, but surprisingly I'm not going to. I've had to much time on my hands recently, due to summer, and thought of all these undercover conspiracies made by the government. Oh yeah, and I saw "The X-Files, The Movie" last night. As if that had any difference in the outcome of this journal...
Cause I'm bored I'm not going to talk about tv. Yes, tv. I spend unholy amounts of time just staring at this inatimate box. Yeah, I watch "Invader Zim". I'm almost ashamed to say so because SO MANY people out there also watch it. I think it's funny and everything, but I'm not totally obsessed w/ it, making it the center of their own little sick bible of Invader Zim type things. Of course, I've also been known to watch "Blue's Clues" and "Spongebob Squarepants" when I don't want to do anything worthwhile, and don't want to go out of the room for fear the my mom will catch me and send me outside.
1. Isolated from everyone
2. No concerts. Some concerts come to Oahu, but I can't fly over there just to see the concert.
3. No Hot Topic stores. I've only been there once. Pity me.
4. No cheaply made foreign films that I enjoy seeing. We only get the big releases over in our little world.
5. Beaches... So many beaches...
6. No hamsters. I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing. Also, no snakes or dogs w/ rabies.
7. Everything on tv is later. No live tv.

Friday, May 24, 2002
Summer. A word that excites many to the point of delusional drooling. And I don't really give a crap.
I crank called my crush. Not a particuarly smart thing to do. I swear. The stupidest things give me so much pleasure. I pretended I was a young girl working in as a telemarketer for a magazine called "Teen Beat". He was all mildly weirded out but trying to keep his cool. My fried dared me to do all of this, by the way. But half of me wanted to know what he sounded like on the phone. I hate myself.
I'm making a new website, another one among the four that I already have. I should preobably just try to build one good one instead of four crappy ones, but who the hell cares?? I sure don't and you really shouldn't!! ok... back to cleaning my room, doing the laundry and trying to persuade the dog to get out of under the bed so I can give her a bath. Then I have to clean the famliy room and unload some more boxes from the garage. I don't even half to do this stuff. I just like to create misery for myself.

Tuesday, May 14, 2002
Do you know what? Do you? I think that I will change my layout. I will start making custom buttons.
God, I go to to much for my own good. And I miss the infamous movie reviews. I miss them much. Now I have to go to the movies to see what I like. That led me to see Lord of the freakin Rings TEN CRAPPY TIMES. Just to defy people. I saw Spiderman. Next thing you know, I'll be seeing Ice Age. God forbid. Now people are talking about Star Wars. As if life wasn't craptacular enough. Bad acting with a boring-ass story line. How does George Mucas stay awake when he's writing those scrips? They put me into a coma. By the way, I'm not an idiot. I know his name is George Lucas. The pun is out of spite.
Today was my English final. Tragic. Again, as I was surfing through the internet, I felt so alone. "WE EAT PREPS FOR BREAKFAST""PREPS ARE AS GOOD AS SLAUGHTERED""TEN THINGS THAT I HATE ABOUT PREPS(THOUGH THERE ARE HUNDREDS MORE)". I shook in my seat, biting my lip nervously. "Do they know where I live?? What was that sound? Do I hear the rampage of a million disgruntled pre teens with pitchforks and torches?" Damn, I make a big deal out of my school. Like I really want to go there. My mom bribed me to go. Dammit.

Sunday, May 12, 2002
I hate finals. I really should be studying for my finals. I really should. Today is mother's day. I got my mom a silk scarf that I painted. My head feels like it's going to fall off. I yawn every few seconds. in 2 hours i have 2 go to the beach. I hate the beach.

Saturday, May 4, 2002
I hate colds. I feel like my head got run over. My nose aches from me constantly blowing it. Whenever sniff, this deep-throughted mucas comes and slides down into my swollen, hurting mouth. It would seem that i would have anthrax, but i don't think that one of the symptoms is sneezing all over freshly baked cookies. i sort of sneezed in the cookie batter on purpose, though. then i forgot that i had cookies were in the oven. i was watching some deeply rooted phychologically disturbing cartoon, when my mom ran into the kitchen. i watched the smoke rise outof the oven. they looked like charcole brouquettes. i hate spelling.
last night my mom and dad went to a movie. my brother went to his friend's house to study, and I was left alone w/ "Thirteen Ghosts". I THOUGHT that it was going to be scary. the acting in it was. for about a month i have been searching for the scariest movie. my mom won't let my see "The Exorcist", so i'm not left with much. So far i have seen "Joy Ride", "Jeepers Creepers", "The Craft", "The Abyss", and "Thirteen Ghosts". They all suck. None of them are scary. A few little jumps, but nothing in my nightmares. I WANT to see the "Halloween", "Friday the 13th", and "Hellraiser" movies, but my mom won't let me. "Sleepy Hollow", "Chucky", "Interview W/ the Vampire", and "The Faculty" wouldn't be horrible either. You'd think i could see "Sleepy Hollow" if i've seen people being cut in half, having nails driven through their legs, having their backs snapped like twigs, and seeing a naked, dead porn star creeping around w/ a butcheer knife, but i'm just not mature enough to see a guy w/ a horse decapitating people. Makes no sense?

Thursday, May 2, 2002
Normally I wouldn't write a entry on a weekday, but now i have something to complain about. i am REALLY sick of websites that say that they hate preps, and wish us dead. not all people who go to prep schools are preps, you know!!! I go to a prep school but i'm not a ditzy prep. People are so judgemental and think that all preps are the same, when they are so much worse than we are. I don't have N*Sync, Backstreet Boys, Britany Spears(how the hell do you spell her name??), or Christina whats-her-name. I have Smashing Pumpkins, Static-X, Kittie, PJ Harvey, Sugarcult, System of a Down, and Ironman 500, just 2 name a few. Some may be surprised, but i have no name-brand shirts except Roxy, which relatives gave 2 me, and nothing that shows midriff. No makeup touches my face, and no prepish slang goes out of this mouth. it really isn't fair that people judge you by where you go to school, and not the way you act. I'm getting way to Martin Luther King for my own good, and i'm tired, frusterated, and craving chili. i'm out.

Sunday, April 28, 2002
I got a new MAD magazine yesterday. It features Britany Spears pictures, of what life would be like if she would marry the N*Sync Loser, what's his name. I laughed my head off. Also, yesterday, I got my hair cut really short, got 2 pairs of shoes, and 3 t-shirts. Life is cool.
Today I tried to make my website better. The only thing that I managed to do was make a little pop-up window that laughs at you every time you try to right-click on something. It's awfully annoying, and keeps people from stealing graphics on one's site. I always hate those on other people's sites, but it doesn't really matter on mine. there isn't much to steal.

Sunday, April 21, 2002
Today was(is?) a weird day. my brother took me against my will, to subway with his friend and girlfriend. it was ok, due to the fact that i just sat there in stony silence, eating my tuna sandwhich. then a lot of pointless, useless stuff and arrends. his friend was actually ok. he acknoledges me... the rest of the day i plan to either work on my website or watch tv.

Saturday, April 20, 2002
Well, it's a perfectly good saturday night, ruined by my anti-social stupidness. Instead of going to a play w/ my best friend and meeting a NEW person, i'm sitting here, at my computer, listening to my brother's crappy Winap files. Discount, On the Counter, over and over. Neways, i'm totally stressing about monday. I gotta have this science project done and have to do this report on Smashing Pumpkins said in front of the class for a whole 5 mins. I'm not ready at all, but i'm not going to do anything for either subject. Then I plan to complain to people about how unfair life is, and that the world hates me. sounds like a plan.
I'm really thinking about removing those internally annoying stupid doll things from my website. but then i'm worrying: "but then i won't have anything on my website!" A few seconds later i think: "Oh yeah, i have 2 readers on my website(one being myself) so it doesn't really matter!" the trouble is that there really is nothing for stupid, technology-unfriendly people to do on the internet, and show off to people on their websites. i could make banners, links 2 me, and animations, but wait... i don't know how! and that, folks, is why i don't spend a lot of time on the computer.

Monday, April 15, 2002
I had better make some more goth dolls, or else people will have absolutly no reason to come here. And harpi dolls. People don't really like harpi dolls, but they are certainly fun to make. And i would make all this, and more, if i wasn't so lazy and there wasn't The Fast and the Furious at my house, just waiting for me to see it.
Today i learned that one of my classmates found out how to get here, and was telling me how stupid it was. I didn't really care because i didn't submit any personal information in here, and this is only here to waste time.
Tommarrow is water polo in PE. There goes another one on the things i really hate. i hate water. That might sound really ignorant/retarded since i live in Hawaii.
My room is so messy and disguisting i have a feeling somebody is going to look in it and make me clean it. there is just no denying it.
Today i went to Parker School. Those who don't know what the hell i'm talking about, it's that HPA and Parker are virtually 20 feet away. it sort of sux because we HPAians are notoriously known for our preppyness/bitchyness and really don't make friends w/ non prep schools easily. Sure, parker is a private school, but it really isn't the same. it doesn't have the word "prep" in it. anyway, i went there for the first time today. i was mildly freaked out and really didn't know what i was doing. it was a whole school of really cute boys w/ skateboards who looked at me like i was something not of this world. then there were the popular 16 year old girls who were sitting backstage to the stage of this auditorium, when we absent-mindedly walked in during a rehearsel. we were trying to look for someone, but it never really worked. the whole thing was pretty amusing in all.

Sunday, April 14, 2007
Today my parents are making me go to a KECK open house to improve my growing mind. i shouted i won't leave my room and read my comic books until i didn't hear anybody outside of my door. i then snuck to the tv and computer, watching beyond belief crappy cartoons(wtf is 'rocket power'??) and reading chickzrock new update. so much for improving my growing mind.
Anyway, i have been so lazy w/ this website, i hardly know the point of having one. less than nill people have been going here, and it's like... existing, but not really being there. on friday i spent the night at my friend's house. We watched "O" (the movie w/ hottie hott hott Meika Pheifer in it), but it really sucked. we played nintendo mario cart for unholy amounts of time, and went to sleep unusually early. and woke up unusually early, too. Oh yeah, THIS is why i hate spending the night at somebody else's house... the next day we ate banana pancakes and went on a 4 hour walk in her forest land. damn, there is a lot of trees. to many trees than is good for the mind. we went to this nice bamboo grove thing, which had this big gulch/ditch/cliff next to it. we climbed down, and saw this hermit/skitz guy's old shack, and naturaly climbed the very steep cliff wall to get to it. the floors were rotted through and bottles of Jolt Cola were littering the bottom of the cliff gulch. much to my tingling spider alert senses, we climbed inside the little tent like structure and peered around inside. the whole thing reeked Blair Witch Project, though i'm sure those filmmakers never worried about falling through the concrete floor when they went into their hermit house. then we talked a lot, almost broke our neck trying to get down the ditch, and swore more times then Danny Devito in The Heist. when we got to the end of the ditch, and got out, i guess we made a lot of noise because we heard a lot of barking and crap and the next thing we knew, a big ol' pit bull was looking to eat our skin. of course we screamed our brains out, and the dog looked a little startled, and we found out that it was really friendly. a really hot guy 19 year-old came and started yelling at us to be more careful, and got really pissed at the youth of tommarrow. then a little while later we got in a fight and i went home. what a fullfilling weekend.
Later that day...
Damn damn damn. I had to go to the KECK open house. I tried, oh i tried to get out of it, but i didn't really want to get on bad terms w/ my parents on money day. My brother had to do a exhibit w/ the robot that they created. it won a bunch of awards and junk, and he and his team of mechanic/nerds had to show everybody that HPA had done something productive for once. I stood around in my black clothes trying to look as lethal as possible, scaring old folks that saw me sullenly reading For Whom the Bell Tolls. Then I went home and watched The Fast and the Furious for the second time. That movie appeals to me. I like Paul Walker.

Sunday, April 7, 2002
Wow. What to write about. not much has happened in my existense in these days. My performance came and went, with not THAT much trajedy. On thursday we had to do the show for the Lower School. Appenrently they were our test guinea pigs, to see how a audience would react to the whole thing. I used my paper for the poem, and wished that i was anywhere but here the rest of the show. I felt so sorry for those little kids. what did they deserve to have to see our show? it was surely worse than torture! anywho, right in the middle of the show, when we were singing the song w/ shine the light, the power went out. everybody was silent for about 2 seconds, and then there was much laughter. we couldn't do the end of the show, which made everybody happy. Unfortunatly, the power didn't go out in the second performance. i didn't have to do the waltz, which greatly dissapointed my parents to a great degree. but i was happy, as was scott. i remembered ALL of my poem, but it didn't count because Kyle forgot his part of the poem, and screwed the whole damn thing up. ah, well. a lot of people screwed up worse. i should be happy.
this weekend was SO boring. i didn't call any of my friends, and they didn't call me(those ungreatful whelps) so i had to stay at home. I watched Jeepers Creepers, a muchos bad horror movie which wasn't scary or good, just in a movie sense. the whole thing really had to point, and it just had a lot of amature gore, just to have gore. i was dissapointed.
today, i went to kona. not w/ my friends, but w/ my brother and his girlfriend. that was how desperate i was to have some human contact in my day. it turned out that it wasn't that bad. we went to Ross, Jeans Wearhouse, Wendy's, Starbucks, and Borders. I got a Sugarrush cd that i think really rox, really nice belt, and some lip gloss. now it's time for the Simpsons, so I'm going. bye.

Wednesday, April 3, 2002
Well then. I wonder if anybody went to my site... I haven't checked my cheesy angelfire counter in hours, days even! My school is doing a theatrical performance. America in Song. I know i shouldn't be disrespectful to America and all, but the show really sucks. Were doing all these different retardo-songs and having to dance and things. I have to do the waltz w/ someone i really don't like. and hooo boy. he doesn't like me. he is really scared of me... like i'm going to bite his head off... Hey! I only did that once!
Anyway since i have to memorize all these lines, and doing the production TOMMARROW(oh yeah, did i mention that we have been practicing for this for a very long time? But i'm still not ready!)so i really should be memorizing something. but i just won't. i'm gonna suck anyway, it just depends on how bad.
Today i watched gilmore girls. it was cool. i wonder why that show entertains me. all of my friends like buffy the vampire slayer and mtv. and i watch gilmore girls. *sob* i just don't fit in to my school's crass commercialism! whatever will i do?? it's looking that i will be getting a subscription of MAD magazine. i don't know whether it is good or bad news. I'm going now. Buh bye.

Sunday, March 31, 2002
It's Easter. I really don't know what to say. I'm an atheist, so all i like about the holiday is chocolate and rabits. Those marshmellow peeps really rock too. I don't go to church or do anything spiritual( i have beyond majorly crappy spelling) or anything, so i'm really bored. i've spent most of my day today playing that stupid Diablo 2 game which i really don't like at all, and i feel beyond cranky. my site has 8 hit counts, which is beyond what it was yesterday. 6. i feel despair in the air, or maybe it's just smelly incense, but it's all the same. i'm surrounded by the sound of the tv, which my parents are watching. i think they have seen over 20 versions of the jesus story. those programs always bore me, and so here i am. yet again i haven't brushed my hair, and i am in shock that tomarrow i have to go to the really evil school which some reffer to as HPA. Normal people would say "the school of satan".
In other news it is a very overcast day today, and my brother is not back from Seatle. He's going to Honolulu at like, 12:30am tomarrow and staying there for a while. lucki. he gets to miss school.
Major news in the minor news department. i found a website that has all the elivish phrases in Lord of the Rings. Soon i will commit it to memory. I realy don't know why i will do such a thing. i guess it beats reading "101 things to do with your makeup" or some such book. A fly is bothering me. i lack the charisma and talent to write an interesting journal. morale is low and talk of mutiny is spreading. that was random. i will go now. fare-the-well.

Bah, Humbug

Saturday, March 30, 2002
I just got back from a trip w/ a "friend" to some ratty old hotel. It involved sleeping in a room w/ her snoring parents (not to mention her), watching painfully bad movies, and swiming in frigid, freezing cold water. Did somebody plan this? I gave her a $2 crystal thing so we would have a truce, but she kept the crystal and stayed like a biotch. i could keep writing on like this, but she might find this and i would be fearful of my life.
I have had the most boring spring break of my existence. i am feeling very anti-social these past 2 weeks, so i have actually set up camp on the computer desk. i eat, sleep, and read not 2 feet from the computer. it calms me to a mellow state. maybe if i take anti-depressents...
tonight my parents are going to a fancy french restraunt and leaving me all by my lonesome. i don't really know what to do tonight. it don't matter to me anyway. i like being alone. it gives me time to think about how stupid people around me are. school is in 2 days and the thought takes me to a portion of my mind where i sream "no! don't make me go to school mommy! it's... it's... evil there...". tomarrow's easter and the day of chocolate. how fortunate that they put easter the day before i go to school. wowi! brakeouts for all! and gaining weight! lots and lots of weight! i really can't wait.
oh no. no oh no.not all of it...ok, i just deleted like, 3/4th of this message blogg. it contained many cliches and whiny complaints. oh well. i guess it's all for the best. i know it wasn't and i was just a lunatic, but let's not dwell on that.i was visiting my brother's site and realized that this would delete everything. smarti... speaking of my brother, my brother's dog was starving. i fixed the dog something to eat and she was quite happy. then she ran to it, sniffed it once, and looked at me like i was an idiot. then she strutted away and left the food like jennifer lopez leaving puff daddy. i really didn't know where that came from...i'm usually not one for ucked up realtionships of the celebs. though i'm reluctent to say "p diddy" is a celebrity. ok... enough of that. i'm going. for good. maybe.