July, 2002

August 17, 2002

Okie. Their will be changes. More links will be added, more layouts put on, I will make graphics and stuff. Like desktop art.
Anyway, Kulia invited me to her party, which is nice. All these sort of not close friends of mine will be there and I have no idea what I am going to do.
School is creeping ever nearer, and I am beginning to shake and compulse at random points in the day. That always happens when school starts. I think I have a serious problem.
My brother's girlfriend is staying for five days. Well, she already was here for three. SHe is slowly chipping away at my sanity. I mean, she's not a bad person, she doesn't commit crimes, and she thinks I play the guitar well, but she squeals. That's right, squeals. I'm sorting through bloggs of gay guys(please don't ask) and all of a sudden I hear this high squeal from down the hall. Apparently Billy likes to tickle her or some disguisting thing. It's incredibly loud and annoying. She is about two heads shorter than me, so it is pretty weird. Oh, and they have being together for almost three years. Yeah.

August something or rather, 2002(I think)

I'm back. From Europe. Actually I was back 2 weeks ago, but due from chronic boredom, I did not even stray to angelfire for a vist of my pathetic html. Anyway, it won't matter if i tell my little Paris tale, so I won't. It involved much depression on my part, and I really don't think anyone knew that my family even left for two weeks. Except for my brother's ca-razy girlfriend. They were talking every single night in hotel rooms for like, an hour. How they find so much to talk about is beyond me.
...School is in 8 days... I will not write here in a long periods once school starts. Because I will be to busy sobbing uncotrollably in my room after school. Man, I can't wait.

July 13,2002

I will be going to Europe in two days. ugh... I don't want to at all. That is three weeks without computers or internet. My parents say that it will be an educational and FUNFUN FUN trip for the family. I say that it's three weeks without computers or internet. Oh yeah, say, I changed my layout. Heh...I think it will be called pretty in purple. Version 3, by the way. I'll edit the picture again when I feel bored enough. I know I have been neglecting this website, but who the hell cares, anyway?? Nobody even comes here. Dammit, I feel so alone.

Also, my old friends, Caley, Meagen, and Nicole came over for exactly five minutes today. It was weird. I didn't really connect with them at all. We were all bestfriends in 3rd grade, then Caley and Meagen's parents got divorced and they moved to California. It sucked. Then in 5th grade I went to HPA, and Nicole went to St.Joseph. Now Caley and Meagen come back every so often, but I never see them cause I'm on the other side of the island, and they live near Volcano. I'm not hurting, though. Whatever. Writing sucks. So this will be my blogg, and the files will be for writing stupid things, and little stories about man eating bacteria and things. Pleasent.