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Making Chains (or comboing normal move into another normal move)



In Capcom Vs series games, such as X-Men vs Street Fighter,Marvel vs Capcom,Marvel Super Heroes,or even in games like Street Fighter Alpha the player has the ability to build combos simply by pressing normal moves in a determined sequence.


Here we see Yohko and Shadow Watcher's Strider performing a 4 hit combo just by pressing Jab,Short,Strong,Fierce (x,a,y,z in MUGEN) :



Strider's CMD file :



;Standing Light Punch

[State -1]

type = ChangeState

value = 200

triggerall = command = "x"

triggerall = command != "holddown"    standard stuff you probably already know by now... : )

trigger1 = statetype = S

trigger1 = ctrl = 1


trigger2 = stateno = 210 ;Weak Standing Kick          

trigger2 = movecontact = 1 ;Weak Standing Kick   



[more code follows,not showed here]



Here is the part that interest us,note that state 210 is the Standing Short ,so this 2 lines mean: "if state number 210 (stateno=210)  makes contact with  the opponent ,even if the attack was blocked (movecontact=1) activate the light punch.


What does this mean to the average gamer? That you can chain standing Short (state  210) into standing Jab(state 200)!


But,we wanted to chain  Standing Jab into Standing Short,as seen in the above combo right?


In MUGEN if you want to define  move A into move B,you have to put the triggers into move B. So,if we want to chain Standing Jab (the state 200 in Strider) ,into Standing Short (state 210) we have to put the triggers into state 210,ok?


Let's look at it:



;Standing Light Kick

[State -1]

type = ChangeState

value = 210

triggerall = command = "a"

triggerall = command != "holddown"

trigger1 = statetype = S

trigger1 = ctrl = 1


trigger2 = stateno = 400 ;Crouching Light Punch

trigger2 = movecontact = 1 ;Crouching Light Punch


trigger3 = stateno = 410 ;Crouching Light Kick

trigger3 = movecontact = 1 ;Crouching Light Kick


trigger4 = stateno = 200 ;Weak Standing Punch

trigger4 = movecontact = 1 ;Weak Standing punch



[more code follows,not showed here]


Look at trigger 4: those 2 lines let Strider chain the "Weak Standing Punch" (or Jab) into the "Standing Light Kick" (or Short,using the Capcom nomenclature). As is shown in the Weak Standing Punch code above, we also use here only two lines to let Strider chain the moves:


trigger4 = stateno = 200 ;Weak Standing Punch

trigger4 = movecontact = 1 ;Weak Standing punch


First line refers to the move's state number we want to chain FROM,(stateno=200) ,the second line checks if this mode has made "contact" with the opponent,contact  meaning that the move we are checking in trigger 4 (weak standing punch) hit the opponent or has been blocked by the opponent,in short : the move didn't whiff.


Another example: Captain America Zero (by e-magius)


Here we have Captain America Zero doing a Crouching Jab, Crouching Strong ,Crouching Fierce Chain,launching Piccolo in the air and setting him up for an air combo (more on that later).

This is all handled in Captain America's CMD file, there's no need to put anything in the CNS to make the chain work. Of course we need to put our HITDEFS and states in the CNS, but that's not relevant to the chain itself.


As we said above, chaining in Mugen is handled backwards ,so in the above combo we look the triggers for the Strong -> Fierce chain in the Fierce definition:




[State -1]

type = ChangeState

value = 402

triggerall = command = "z"

triggerall = command = "holddown"

trigger1 = statetype = C

trigger1 = ctrl = 1


trigger2 = stateno = 401

trigger2 = movecontact = 1 ;If move hits, or is guarded by opponent


trigger3 = stateno = 400

trigger3 = movecontact = 1 ;If move hits, or is guarded by opponent


trigger4 = stateno = 410

trigger4 = movecontact = 1 ;If move hits, or is guarded by opponent


trigger5 = stateno = 411

trigger5 = movecontact = 1 ;If move hits, or is guarded by opponent


trigger6 = stateno = 412

trigger6 = movecontact = 1 ;If move hits, or is guarded by opponent


The highlighted code shows how you can chain state 401 (crouching Strong) into state 402 (the crouching Fierce). There are more triggers there, that means that you can also chain from state 400 (crouching Jab),state 410( crouching Short), etc. into this attack (the crouching Fierce).


We now know how to chain from crouching Strong to crouching Fierce, to make the above combo work we need to know how to chain from crouching Jab into crouching Strong, so we look at the crouching Strong code:




[State -1]

type = ChangeState

value = 401

triggerall = command = "y"

triggerall = command = "holddown"

trigger1 = statetype = C

trigger1 = ctrl = 1

trigger2 = stateno = 400

trigger2 = movecontact = 1 ;If move hits, or is guarded by opponent

trigger3 = stateno = 410

trigger3 = movecontact = 1 ;If move hits, or is guarded by opponent

trigger4 = stateno = 411

trigger4 = movecontact = 1 ;If move hits, or is guarded by opponent


State 400 is the crouching Jab,and according to trigger 2 if the opponent is hit by this Jab, you can chain it into the State 401 (Crouching Strong), just what we wanted...: )




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