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Welcome to the page of
Jägermeister Markus

Please click on one of my projects shown
below to go to the specific subpage!

This subpage is about a project for people involved in
Amiga Emulation and music modules. (updated 2001-09-24)

In this project I try to write descriptions for how to
detect and rip different module types correctly. Included is
a Turbo Pascal 7 program, in compiled and sourcecode form,
which is able to rip several formats out of WinFellow memory dumps.

This subpage is about a program which is able to unpack
compiled WISE-Setup executable files. (updated 2002-01-14)

With this project I try to prove that there can be an algorithm or
detection method which is not bound on version info tables in
order to detect and extract WISE-Setup files correctly. This program
may work for always newest up-to-date versions (which other
programs cannot work for due to missing version info) but may
have problems with older files where other programs can extract
the files successfully. Whenever you find a WISE-Setup file which is
not extractable with my program, please get in contact with me.
All is programmed in Pascal, sourcecode available.

All programs are for educational and experimental, private pursposes only.
I'm not responsible for anyone using them in order to do illegal actions, e.g.
distributing files produced by my programs without having copryrights for them!