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Warrum Bungles
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Warrumbungles(also known as The Breadknife) is a volcano that is located At 150.5 east laditude, 30.55 south longitude in New south Wales, Australia. Warrumbungles was active 13 to 17 million years ago.This eruption was a gentle meaning it wasn't exploding volcanic ash. This volcano is special because itis not an ordanary volcano, it is more like a giant rock. The igneos rock that formed Warrumbungles is trachyte It rises 3000 feet or 1000 meters above its surroundings. Most of the volcano has been eroded, exposing the interior plumbing of small plugs and dikes. The BreadKnife is about 2000 feet long or 600 meters. You can find Warrumbungles at Warrumbungle National Park. Check out my photo gallery and check out how cool it looks. Also Check out info on Mt. Fuji and Oshima on this site.

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