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After a while away from the Xin-Dien course(they got rid of the most challenging holes) golf has made a bit of a comeback. Here you can see me thrashing around in the rough...showing that I haven't improved at all!

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Mr Edwards is a very competent golfer, whilst Keelung and myself were battling it out for the wooden spoon!
Mr Edwards in action
The lads line up for another weekend golf session.
Unfortunately Matt always wins!
The main wooden spoon contender...Mr Skelly
Stuck in the 70's...Moi
And getting closer to the 50's...Mr Wharton

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A little light mirth on the greens

Back in 2004 we even attempted a full size course...probably a mistake in hindsight...

And worra game it turned out to be!!

Early saturday mornin' rise in October to head for the hills and the world famous Linko golf course. I had to use the default clubs complete with sock covers but it didn't stop me from hitting ferocious drives and generally making Mr Skelly look like a chump.
I have to say Brett(decked out in spiked shoes, plus 4's and leather glove but also equipped with pocket warmer, ball washer, wind directometer and satellite ball tracking device) was quite handy with the old irons and narrowly scraped a victory. The day however will be remembered for two things; the lunchtime Sushi and the sight of Kevin scratching around forlornly in bunkers, lakes and forest trying to get the 'nasty' ball fractionally closer to its intended target...

<a href="golfmarkdrive.mpg"> <img src="golfcaddy.jpg" border="0" align="left" width="160" height="120" vspace="10" hspace="20" /> </a>

The maestro warming up for a tee off

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Tremendous effort from Skelly sends the ball soaring out of bounds...
The two of them playing sill buggers back at the club house
Half time sushi break...

<a href="golfskellycart.mpg"> <img src="golfskelly.jpg" border="0" align="left" width="160" height="120" vspace="10" hspace="20" /> </a>

...Skelly desperate for some credibility lies into the camera

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A smiling Mr Davison after potting a hole in 10...

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