8.4M | 9.2K | 39.7K | 6.4M |
4.2M | 290K |
About 7K each |
24K |
9K | 9K Please note that this is a transparent image designed for dark backgounds, so it will vanish on a white page | 72K | 31.6K |
1.3 M
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The original image was from the Texas State Library & Archives Commission, (my Texas tax dollars at work) and may be freely used as long as (quoting the email from them):
The minimum credit line is "Texas State Library & Archives Commission."You are completely free to use the unmodified image in accordance with the Texas State Library & Archives Commission
"Courtesy of ...." is nice.It is preferable to have the credit line with the photo if possible. If it
has to be at the end of the publication for some reason, that is acceptable.
Basically, I'm putting together a T-shirt that has the graphics that
you see below. The GW Bush "LIAR" design is ©Matthew
G. Saroff, 2000. Get my permission for any commercial use
of these images