Emo makes me cry

Confusion Runs Strong (Spring term 2001)

What the fuck?
Sweetness one minute, and your a dick the next.
I didn't know friendship worked like that.

So much respect for you,
But what do I get in return?
Puzzled looks;
make me feel like such a loser.

Why do I find I want to talk to you,
But it's so hard?

You make me happy and nervous.
Angry and depressed.

How can one person set off so many emotions?

Love and Hate
Admiration and Detest
Confusion runs strong.

Why is it confusing?
If you know the answer please tell me,
Becuase I don't know.

Is it my fault?
What went so wrong that we can't be
Normal friends?

What the fuck?

Pouring Rain and Tail-lights (Spring term 2001)

Seeing you drive away,
Into the rain
With no hello or goodbye

I turn up the radio,
Close to blowing
A speaker.

Waiting for you to come back.
Hoping you'll come back.
An explanation is all I need.

To make me stop
Feeling like shit.

To make me stop
Thinking you don't care.

Do you care?

Sorry About That (Spring term 2001)

I'm sorry that I'm shy,
That I don't explain,
That I assume you know.

I try to be myself.
It's not your fault.
I want to impress,
without seeming like a try.

I think I'm wasting my time.

Description of a Boy I Know (Spring term 2001)

Sweet brown eyes and dark brown hair. Gorgeous smile and a laugh that carries happiness. Skin smooth to the touch. Finger tips beg to carress. Soft lips, ironicly unkissable, uttering sweet words which are hung onto long after they're said.

Thursday Night (Fall 2002)

A million pieces of my heart
lay scattered across the pavement.

With your brass knuckles
you shattered the glass
and your hand trickles blood.

Tired and alone I stand
in a smokey room.
You left and you're not coming back.

My head swims as the tears
sting my eyes.
I can't see to pick up the pieces.

The window is smashed
and the neighbors watch.
What else is there to do on a Thursday night?

I run outside to the street.
It hurts more when you're away.

Blue Eyes (Feb. 28, 2003)

It's dangerous to look you in the face. Your eyes will pierce my heart and I'll belong to you. I don't want to belong to you. Not again. Focusing on your fingers, dancing across the strings of your guitar. I'll try to forget you're the one singing becuase your voice will break into my head. Memories take over and I can only see the good. When I belonged to you. Summer nights under bright stars. Holding hands, but only when we were alone. I don't want that again. The pseudo-sweetness in your songs; they weren't meant for me. Eyes catch eyes, my heart is held. I belong to you, but I don't want that.

Just Another Love Song (April 30, 2003)

Holding your hand. That’s all I want to do. Drive around in your car, windows rolled down. Fresh air and no worries. We’ll sing along together, and laugh at nothing at all. Never let me go. forget every other girl. Forget what they’ve told you. Follow this feeling. Never let it go. Hold my hand a little tighter. Drive a little faster. Red light green light. Race this next car but don’t rush me home. Because I don’t want to lose you when you’re so close now. Don’t forget me while I’m gone. Roll down the windows and sing by yourself, just another love song. I’ll come back just to hold your hand again.

Chase the Princess (May 1, 2003)

You live in a fantasy. You don’t see the facts. The world is yours and you give it back. Go for what doesn’t exists, waste away your days. Chase the princess and forget who stays. By your side, she was there all along. You look over and through her, around her and ignored her, but she stayed where she stood, too long for her own good. You chased the princess with her help and didn’t look back. Left alone she waits for your return. You forgot her now. The princess vanishes like you did to one before. At least you’re real; some days. Crawl back with your heart in your hand (it’s broken, again). She’ll be waiting for you like always. Maybe one day she’ll go away too. You won’t wait. You’ll chase another princess. And when you come back, no one will help you repare your heart.

Tears for Another (Nov. 19, 2003)

Smile real big
Don't show the tears
That are pleading to come out.
They push at your eyelids,
Fighting against that fake smile

They dare you to relax
"Just let it all out" they say
"It'll all be better when we're free"
Racing down your cheeks to bring down the smile

But you won't let them out.
You can't be seen crying
You will not be weak
You will fight back

You are unworthy of sympathy and pity
These tears should be shed by someone else
Why should you be the one crying?
I am undeserving of this consoling.