All About ME!!

Hey guys! Thanks for visiting my site. I know, it's way crappy, but that's ok. It's mine, so that's why it's so special. I'm koo. LOL. So... here's some info about me, and a pic of my bestest friend (Mattie) and I back in mid 9th grade... If you want to know more, just IM me and ask or something.

Name:Holly Day Gildner
Age: 16
B-day: 12/21/86
Boyfriend: Well... I'm working on a guy. Let's just leave it at that
Best Friend: Mattie Loeschner
City/St: Holland, MI
School: West Ottawa High School
Grade: 10
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 99Lbs... HAHA! Still under 100! LOL
Hair: Medium, straight, light brown
Eyes: Hazel
Music: Punk/Ska
Pop/soda: Jones -- Fufu berry
Food: Italian
Quote: Make it a personal note to never regret things. You can always change the future, but you can never change the past. -- Said by me to Aaron
Sports: Cheerleading, softball, lacrosse, skiing, TRYING to snowboard
Hobbies: Writing, music, beach, dancing, singing
Siblings: 1 - Sister - 19 yrs.
Pets: Dawgs - Jazzman & Gizmo <-- He looks like the Gremlin guy
Dress: Preppy
Movies: Joy Ride, American Pie's, Not Another Teen Movie, Out Cold, Silence of the Lambs, Happy Gilmore, Billy Madison, Darkness Falls, The Ring. I like movies where I get skerred cuz it gives me a good reason to cuddle. LOL
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