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Club - A crude bludgeoning weapon.
Buckler - The smallest shield.
Dirk - A weapon made for stabbing.
Spear - The standard weapon of the footman.
Leatherarmour - A suit of leather amour.
Halberd - The simplest of the pole arms.
Calvary - A small shield, but more effective than the buckler.
Shortsword - A smaller version of the long sword.
Mace - The Basilican maces.
Ringmail - Armour composed of overlapping rings of metal.
Axe - The handaxe; made for throwing.
Bardiche - Another polearm. More complicated than the halberd.
Dagger - Obsidian throwing daggers.
Banded - A shield of reasonable effectiveness.
Whip - The feared weapon of those who practice serpentry.
Talons - Steel talons to equip falcons with.
Morningstar - An iron ball connected to a handle by a chain.
Scalemail - Armour made of overlapping scales of metal and leather.
Warhammer - A large bludgeoning weapon.
Rapier - The weapon of the cultured urbanite.
Javelin - Nothing hurts quite as much as being hit by a javelin.
Kite - A large, protective shield.
Flail - A wicked-looking variation on a morningstar.
Chainmail - Armour made of interlocking rings of metal.
Trident - Oftentimes the favourite weapon of gladiators.
Battleaxe - Favoured weapon of the mountain dwarves.
Tower - The largest and most cumbersome shield.
Splintmail - Good armour made of strips of metal and leather.
Bastard - The famous Delosian bastard swords.
Lance - Weapon of the mounted knight.
Scimitar - A very effective curved sword favoured in the south.
Fieldplate - The most common, but still very good, form of platemail.
Broadsword - A popular variation on the longsword.
Longsword - The standard against which all is based.
Fullplate - The most magnificent armour. See AB FORGING FULLPLATE
