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Our NFL Chapter History

Forensics at Greeley Central began in the earliest days of the National Forensic League. Then known as Greeley High, Charter No. 123 was granted by the NFL in 1928. Unfortunately, that charter was allowed to lapse in the 1930's. Greeley High regained its charter in the 1950's, but that charter was allowed to lapse as well. Greeley Centrals current charter, No. 943, was granted in 1972.

Greeley Central attended its first National Tournament in 1953. Forensics seemed to come and go throughout the years depending upon whether or not there was a teacher in the building willing to serve as coach. The program was revitalized in the 1980's by Vic Mortimer, and has grown steadily since.

Under the current direction of head coach Sarah French-Hahn, the Central chapter has become one of the largest in Colorado. With a current strength of 200+ members and degrees, Chapter #943 leads the Rocky Mountain North NFL District in membership. In the last 10 years, Central was awarded the Traveling Sweepstakes Trophy, the Leading Chapter Award, and three times won the Tournament Sweepstakes trophy. Central has been a member of the prestigious 200 club for the past 6 years. Last year Central had 8 state qualifiers and took 3 students to nationals. Central students have competed in 15 of the last 17 National Tournaments, including the last 10 years in a row. To view the past national qualifiers, please utilize the nationals link below.

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