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Duo Interpretation:

Rules and Procedures

This is the place to come to learn the rules and procedures of Duo. If you are interested in this event, you need to talk with Mr. Cook or Frenchie ASAP because you have a script to find, and a cutting to create.


A. The oral interper recreates and shares a selection of material from printed, published source(s) that have literary merit.

B. While there is no minimum, the selection may not exceed 10 minutes.

C. The interper must be careful to avoid violating the author’s intent.

D. Deletions of words from the original may be made, but words may be added only for transitional purposes.

E. The interper must provide an introduction.

F. If the interper uses a teaser from the selection in the introduction, that teaser is part of the selection and is subject to the rules of the event.

G. During the portion of the introduction where the words are the interper’s, he/she may use movement and interaction.

H. When an interper is using multiple vignettes, multiple introductions may be used.

I. The interper may use vocal, facial, and bodily expression as long as they do not detract from the meaning of the material.

J. Singing is allowed.

K. Material printed off the internet is NOT considered to be a printed, published source.

L. Material printed on the jacket of a recording is considered to be printed, published material.

M. At both Regionals and State the interper must bring the original source. If there is a protest and the competitor cannot produce the original source, he/she will be disqualified.

N. A competitor may not compete with the same source used in any prior Regional or State Tournament, even if the source was used in another event. For example, a student who competed in a previous year in duo with a cutting from Sybil may not compete in a succeeding year in Drama with a cutting from Sybil.

O. No props or costumes are allowed. (Touching and using a real watch during the presentation would be considered using the watch as a prop.)

P. The student not the cutting qualifies for the State Tournament; therefore, if a student wishes to change his/her cutting from Regionals to State, he/she may do so. However, the cutting listed on the final registration form for the tournament must be the one the competitor uses in that competition.

Q. Scripts are optional.

R. Each speaker must portray one or more characters during the presentation.

S. Narration may be presented by one or both speakers.

T. Eye contact with specific audience members is permitted.

U. The speakers may not look at one another or make contact with each other in any way, except during the introduction.

V. Both speakers must remain standing.

W. Either may pivot from side-to-side or turn around, change places, stand with one behind the other, or otherwise suggest movement and changes in relationships.

X. Material may be humorous, serious, or both.


1. Schedules and room assignments are furnished the students. Speakers are required to follow the assigned schedule and speaking order.

2. Students should refer to a manuscript (optional) but should not let it interfere with the presentation.

3. Maximum time is ten (10) minutes. The starting and ending time should be marked on each ballot. If the contestant continues beyond the maximum time, the STOP card must be shown and an audible “STOP” provided at the end of the 15-second grace period. If the contestant continues beyond the STOP signal, the contestant will be ranked fourth or last in the round. Total elapsed time must be indicated on the ballot.

4. Critics will rate and rank speakers and give constructive criticisms. The total score automatically provides a rating by use of the rating scale on all evaluation forms.

5. Completed ballots, plus the summary sheet should be turned in to the tabulation room promptly. After tabulation, each ballot is given to the participant via his/her coach the end of the tournament.

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