Micko Westmoreland Aka The Bowling green |
This is Micko Westmoreland, a lot of you might not know who he is. He's mostly known as Jack Fariry in the movie Velvet Goldmine, a Brian Eno type of charachter. Velvet Goldmine is the only movie that Micko has stared in actually. Some people might have heard of Micko's band, The Bowling green. Maybe it's wrong in a way to call it band, since it's a one mans show, Micko is the only member :-) . The music that TBG plays is a combination of a lot of things, like electro, jungle, and downtempo/trip-hop. He's released two records, the first one is called "One pound note", and the second one is called "Fabrications", and that record is coming out as we're writing this. The new record is to be promoted by some one sided 12" singles. Micko's been a real darling and he's answerd our questionary. To see what he's answerd, please go here. Some Micko pages