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Lab Notes...Please read before completing labs!!! 
During the next term this page will be revised and updated to provide custom, online, interactive labs. 

Please Turn in Labs Ontime...Labs Turned in Past Due Date will lose at least 15%. Labs not turned within a week of the due date will receive a zero.

Lab One: Hotmail
Lab Two: Word Processing
Lab Three: Power Point
Lab Four: Spread Sheet
Lab Five: Internet Research
Lab Six: Graphics
Lab Seven: Web Page Design
Lab Eight:  Final Web Page
Optional Labs Eight and Nine:...............Extra Credit Labs must be turned in on time

Computer Resource Center Page
return to main page

Lab Notes:  Please complete labs on time!

Follow ALL instructions on each lab handout.  

All labs must be submitted in individual two-pocket folders at the beginning of the period on the date due.  Your full name and section number must be clearly visible in the top right corner on the front of the folder...! Thanks.
