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Welcome to Casey's Web Server!

Hey there, it looks as though you stumbled across my web server.

As you can see, I'm a bit of a Gollum freak. If you hear me mumbling about my precious or something, just act like you didn't hear it.

Ok, I've decided to actually add some content, Nick Sandbulte inspired me with his witty sarcasm, so I decided I can't be shown up by such a... well, you know. The following sets of words that are not underlined are not finished, but come back sometime and maybe they will be.


A Biography of Kalub A Biography of Amanda Things I Hate and Why I Hate Them Winamp Playlist (Music I Like)

Lord of the Rings Updates and Info!

This man, Steven Hawking, was featured on a time travel edition of "Big Thinkers" on TechTV. TechTV is a great channel, and has a pretty good website.
The Keeper of Memories"

This is my friend Ljubica Tordorovic's website. It features some of her art, and stuff about her. She's a really fun person, and she's got some great art up there. Okay, she usually has some great art up there, but she recently updated her site, so give her some time to get some stuff up there.