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The word "loyal" is defined as unwavering devotion to a friend. When I think of Byron, that word becomes synonymous with the kind of person he is. One can only be so lucky to find a friend like this in thier lifetime. I'm fortunate enough to say that I have. I can't count how many times this guy has looked after me when I haven't been sober. His selflessness and dedication to making all of his personal relationships work, defines him not only as an entity of human compassion but also as a person who cares a great deal for the human condition.

Byron graduated from dental school in the Spring of 2003 and is on his way to becoming what I believe to be, a major contributer to making the world a better place. Although I haven't seen him in action, I have no doubt in my mind that this is a dentist who dedicates 110% to his patients. If he is anything like the friend he is to me and many others, I know that his patients are in good hands. There really isn't enough praise that I can say about this induvidual, except for that anyone who crosses paths with him in the future, and is fortunate enough to have a friendship with him, that person will never have to question what true friendship is. I certainly don't question it. Not for a single second.

Question Most Likely To Ask You:
"Do you need anything?"


I've known Jennie for a couple of months now. It certainly doesn't feel like it though. I can't begin to describe how funny this young lady is. One of the things that I'm most greatful for is her ability to make me laugh regardless of what mood I'm in. They say that laughter makes you feel younger. If that's the case, then I feel 20 again. This is an induvidual who definetley cares about her friends and family. Compassionate, strong, witty not to mention funny, Jennie is the antithesis of anger and hate. I like having Jennie in my life because I know that as long as she's in it, I'll know that I can laugh for the rest of my life.

The only thing that really upsets me sometimes is the fact that she has such a great body and I hate her for it. Call it jealousy if you may, but I don't think its legal to be this beautiful and let loose into society. Girls like Jennie will end up breaking alot of hearts. And there is no doubt in my mind that she already has.

With that aside, Jennie has one of the most kickass wardrobes I have ever seen. Always dressed in something feminine, yet classy with a bit of an edge but never trashy or desperate. Jennie can pull off almost any outfit. This is one girl who can simply light up a room not simply by her clothing, but with that big beautiful smile and the light that beams unwittingly bright because of what she has within. Her heart.

What is Jennie's favorite Junk Food?
"Smores, Smores, Smores!"

My Friends

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Aristotle onced said "A friend is a single soul dwelling in two bodies". Cody and I are virtually the same person in some aspects. We think the same way, we get paranoid over the little things, we react on the defensive sometimes and we like alot of the same things. However this friendship is kind of unique. Cody has been my best friend for the past 3 years and I honestly feel that this induvidual knows me best. He knows when I'm keeping things from him, he calls me on things when I need to be called on them but most of all, he keeps me sane (as well as insane) and grounded.

He calls me his therapist and has claimed my bedroom his sanctuary, a solace of sorts when trying to escape from the world. He is mine as well. Of course, we have had our shares of fights but in the end its always been Cody and I. We've both gone to HELL and back with each other but we always seem to gravitate towards each other in any situation. I love this boy to death, and he will always be a part of who I am, and whoever I become in the future.

One Of Many Famous Quotes:
"Everyone wants a piece of this creamy white chocolate"


The circumstances as to how Chris and I met will remain a mystery. The "HOW" is one of those stories that will never be told; but the "WHY" obvious. We were simply just meant to be friends. From the minute we met, we instantly clicked. Something there just seemed to be natural about the two of us embarking on a lifelong friendship. He and I are the same in the sense that we're both "DREAMERS". Like everyone else in the world, we both dream of finding true love. I think that's one of the only things that we have in common.

Chris has this obscene obesession with reality television. He pretty much schedules his day around what show will be on that night of the week, whether its "Canadian Idol", "The Amazing Race" or "Big Brother". Despite the fact that he is a reality television junkie, its his compassionate and friendly demeanor that makes him stand out to me. As I've matured, I've learned that you shouldn't question the things that happen to you in life. They happen for a reason. This is something that I choose not to question at all, and that's because I got the better end of the deal. I have Chris' life long friendship to show for it.

One Of Our Songs:
"Stand By Me" By Ben E. King