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If I Were Born a Member of the Opposite Sex...(the Battle of the Sexes!)

College Students Say the Most Interesting (and Unusual) Things!

This site allows the posting of some of the more interesting answers given to "finish the statement" exercises given in my classes such as:

1- "...if I Were Born a Member of the Opposite Sex..." or

2- "...the Best Thing about My Gender..." or

3- "...the Worst Thing about the Opposite Sex..." or

4- "...for Just Once, I'd like the Opposite Sex..."

Only in America!

Censored to keep this site more "family oriented," You are invited to take polls along the way--see how you score.

Clean Joke Index! (several subjects!)

Begun Oct 3, 2000. Last Update: April 2017

Friends (NOT Lovers)
What Gender Makes the Best Type of Friends?

Current Results

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Angelfire - Free Home Pages
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