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Welcome to Carpathian 101!: Living the Life

You are required to take this class before you can move on to 202.
Be sure to pay careful attention as some of this may be on your final

Grace's Credentials
Bachelors in Countless Rereadings

Christine quotes come from Christine's Yahoo Club which you can go to by clicking here

But wait before you go a little information from the Master herself! Want a peek at Lucian’s motivation? Read ON:

Insight From Christine Feehan!
"Lucian had administered justice for over a thousand years. he didn't need to brag, to show anger, to be angry, to puff out his chest or pound it, or in any way show he was a dangerous man. He is dangerous and his reactions are quick and violent and immediate.

He doesn't bother with talking or threatening or showing emotion, he simply does whatever is called for. He is a ruthless, merciless being and has complete confidence in himself. He is not perfect and his confidence was his downfall. And he would never have bothered to confront a being such as Tyler.

Why would he? What would be the purpose? You wouldn't even begin to explain it to him. Dead is dead to him, torturing someone beneath his skills would have sickened him.

His battles were quick and clean but just as deadly, even more so than those of his people. It is why he is the legend of the vampire hunters."

Carpathians 101: Living the Life
Carpathians are a race of beings with animal instincts, imprinted before birth. Their very nature was/is to take what they believe is theirs, hold it and protect it. They are a race of people that control the earth, the sky, the wind and the water. All Carpathians can communicate on a common mental path if they desire it. Carpathians rejuvenate in the soil.

Healing is done in various ways depending on the severity of the wound. The Ritual healing chat is spoken in ancient tongue. Most severe wounds are packed with Carpathian soil, which is rich in healing properties and with herbs. The Saliva of the Carpathian can heal as well. When their are internal or grave wounds a healer is needed to heal from the inside out.

All Carpathians take great care to acquire the habits of mortals. Foods in the cupboards and clothes in the closets. They can regulate their body temperature naturally. All of them take showers when there is no real need and most of them enjoy it. They can hear things human cannot. They speak to the animals. Carpathians can talk to animals and shape shift into animals.

Carpathians do not live with any other than their lifemate. Carpathian women and a few human women who are true psychics are the light to the male's darkness, their lifemate. Without her the beast slowly consumes the man until there is complete darkness. The longer they exist the harder it is to go into the light until only turning a vampire is the option.

Until they meet their lifemate sex is a simple sharing of the body that fades after two hundred years. After that Carpathians start to lose their emotions and colors. When a Carpathian male loses all hope he has two choices to kill himself or become the undead. Vampires are Carpathians who have turned intentionally by taking blood not to feed but to kill, to feel power. Ancients (Carpathians a thousand years or more) are at a greater risk of turning into a vampire. Ancients can take early sunlight and late sunlight as long as they protect their eyes.

The decision to take a lifemate is not a conscious act; it is instinct, a hunger and a need. They know and recognize their other half. Separation of lifemates is very painful when one is apart from the other they fell bereft. They need to share their minds with lifemates as well as their bodies and hearts if they are apart they will crave the sight and touch of there mate. A Carpathian would do anything to ensure his lifemates happiness. When one lifemate dies the other usually chooses to follow.

It is very hard to have a child as a Carpathian woman. Most do not survive after the first year. Although different woman have different cycles. Some can go hundreds of years without having a child some can---

Christine says "Carpathians are a Species. In every species there are young born with Defects, physical and mental, and there are Differences in the way they are born. I think most people should be able to figure that Although the norm might be ovulation every fifty years, Some women managed to ovulate closer together."