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-confusion is the beginning of learning-

little boy, how did you get so confused
who spun you around blindfolded
what makes you not know what to do
every answer to your questions, golden
little boy, what makes you hurt so much
is it that nothing is okay
is it that they pull away from your touch
or that nothing's going your way
little boy, is that what scares you most
you're actually getting used to it
her face now surreal like a ghost
and none of the pieces will fit
little boy, why is it so hard to heal
all of what you crave, untouchable
all of what she's made uncomfortable
all of what you do, corruptable

you need to make up your mind, and decide
you need to decide who's on your mind
it seems the more i try, the more i'm hurting
confusion is the beginning of learning

torn cuticles from my teeth
dried up tears on my cheek
empty bottles, shot glasses cracked
some weight i've lost will never come back