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Dear emotions, mixed so volatile
Cast never ending let-downs out to sea
Everything once believed not worthwhile
Make your move...
I brought you smiles once, or do you forget
'Heartbreak disease queen tragedy'
Too many great memories mixed with regret
Make a choice...

Within recent dreams I believe there's a chance
Your smile gives me hope and our eyes still dance
and within frequent scenes in which we're entranced
there's not enough touch and too many "cant's"

Curse this invisible wall between us. Curse this invisible wall between us. Curse this invisible wall between us. Curse this invisible wall between us. Curse this invisible wall between us. Curse this invisible wall between us. Curse this invisible wall between us. Curse this invisible wall between us. Curse this invisible wall between us. Curse this invisible wall between us. Curse this invisible wall between us. Curse this invisible wall between us. Curse this invisible wall between us. Curse this invisible wall between us. Curse this invisible wall between us. Curse this invisible wall between us. Curse this invisible wall between us. Curse this invisible wall between us. Curse this invisible wall between us. Curse this invisible wall between us. Curse this invisible wall between us. Curse this invisible wall between us. Curse this invisible wall between us. Curse this invisible wall between us. Curse this invisible wall between us. Curse this invisible wall between us.