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Time will heal, what you don't think it can, I say to myself.
Stay for real, don't show them all your hand. You can, yes you can.

...accept, accept, accept, aceept... Accept that this is the way the cards have been dealt, they're not in your favor.
Accept at the end of the day, the one thing that helps is that you are your savior.
You can forgive anyone, cuz you are the one with normal behavior.
She doesn't know what she lost, or maybe she does, but you cannot hate her.

The damage will not corrupt.
I'll manage to self-construct.

get your head to look up and...
get your head to look up and...
get your head to look up and...
get your head to look up and RISE!
get your head to look up and RISE!
get your head to look up and RISE!
get your head to look up and RISE...
Rise above this shit I call a heart.