I Don't Even Know Anymore


A wise NewWorldOrder
set in power
by (evolution) god
directs the
(organism's) world's direction
in hopes of
(genetic) planetary survival
in time before comets
or God knows what
kill us
the NewWorldOrder is very wise
which should be expected
since they were able to successfully
take power in a violent coup
(ten thousand) twenty years
and with this wisdom
they get the citizens of the (organism) world
hooked on (endorphins) pills
whose distribution is determined
by the NewWorldOrder
able to take control
of (specialized) national politicians
steering their respected (organ) country
in a direction that satisfies
the citizens' thirst for their favorite (neurotransmitter) drug
and satisfies
the vision of the wise
who want to (stabilize) live
based on some
(genetic) divine appointment
which angers (evolution) god
whom has the power
to easily end your

economic earth product

Attention Aisle 9 (Earth)
there is a (product) ideology
you might be interested
       in buying
as the price is a low $2.99
a low low price
whose dignity
is reflected in the divine creatures horribly manipulated
when resource estimations suggest
all would be well
if we rose the price
an extra quarter but then
we speculate
consumers may not (economic) purchase
based on analyses based
on merits alone

He's Got The Whole World In His Hands

minds are on wavelengths
someone somewhere somehow
will come to the conclusion
that will alter their perceptions
in a subsequent pattern
causing them to read and comprehend this poem
but of course
this comprehension and cosmic (psychological) sensation of
is in His hands
determined by genetic dispositions
(I'm an ENTP)
whether or not this possible reader
particularly likes modern poetry
and whether I've taken the time
to (not) mail in my work
and experience uncertainty

Toes are like tiny fingers

Jesus sat down and told the children
toes are like tiny fingers
and then instructed the apostles
whom were recording the conversation
in some haphazard medium
to breathe and believe
something or other
written in various wordings
depending on the nation
and the dissection and interpretation
of syntax by
lawyers with BAs in poetry
who have the ability to
better experience ultimate reality
more consistent(ly)
the nation's dissection of the wording
is the number one concern
to manipulate
if he hopes to get re-elected
and hope
electric toasters and water aren't effective
when our offspring weather the elements
which is nonsense
our complete objective reason of existence
slowly becomes
alienated from humanity
the gradual logical truth of the story
was thought about
and published
in a best of community college regional
publication of the best electronic essays
of that one year
forgot to rot
in a floppy disk
containing a powerpoint presentation
which included
cute concepts
to clarify the theory
full of footnotes
the reader could open
for access to multiple images
bettering the chances
of your future access to existence

CNN Reports

economic forecasting
suspect the cosmic clouds
may possibly pass over
making aviation abilities
I suppose you could always carry an umbrella
and what if you could
with no energy being sacrificed from
cognition due to distraction
cost-benefit analysis seem to be reasoned
it would be intelligent
to devise an independent commission
from some fifteen minutes every day
to develop an invention to make it possible
but that invention's theoretical implementation
may be stifled by some government agency
implemented by the More Leftist party
subsequently overthrown
by a party promising particular reform
to release the handcuffs
produced in America by manipulating the media
to stress certain issues
so all time and energy expended
by the AverageKnowNothingUsuallyDemocraticLeaningVoter
in investigating the (issues) candidates via television
so their values controlled by 15-second soundbites
turning the annual baseball games
into high-pitched softball games
with an extra ball on a tee
in case you somehow failed to hit a homerun
"Because that's what the audience wants to see?"
swinging the score back to a tie
85 all
Dogs Go To Heaven
is PETA propaganda
a Republican Congressman said
CNN reports

possibly potentially perceived princesses

It's fun to think about
   possibly potentially perceived princesses
but less so the ones
   affected by the carcrash collision
   brought to you by Operant Conditioning
       which has a tendency
        ;to win the race against logic
        whose pit crew spends too much time
        tuning the reasons to do what
       mindless matter decided how things work
those ones affected
   tend to not offer a reflection of my desire's satisfaction
   due to intense inability to absolve ambiguity
   regarding the details of free will
   hindering any hopes of accurate calculations
but the ones that
I didn't ruin any chance of not creating
   mutual radiations specifically creating
   bonds of chemical reactions
   which are not appreciated
   by the inhabitants
   down low below
   who no animals can figure out
   subsequently leading to failure of neutralization
   and stabilization
yeah no those ones
but the other ones
I like thinking about them
for reasons I was going to elaborate
before RamblingDon'tCareEnoughToPayAttentionWorkers
lead to a cognitive derailment
spilling 400 thousand chemicals
not appreciated by inhabitants
whose complaints
the government failed to silence
due to the death squads
not possessing satellite mapping technology
and subsequent
to kill the inhabitants
whose voice is no help anymore
   So the government
is increasing funding
in several slightly scientific projects
to solve the problem


The only way
to write about politics
is Hunter S. Thompson style
because one can not talk to humanity
calmly and rationally
because humans, while the suspected relative best,
are not good with details
so quick and effective reforms
are only possible through
using their endorphin fix
to make it seem
like raising voices increases argument quality
Therefore one must attack
put them on the defensive
and a few will get defensive enough
to want to prove you wrong
thus implementing an internal
slightly independent investigation
that goes on long enough
to increase the prospects of existing in Truth
was a Jesus-figure
showing the way
to help humans find God.


They're got tickets to ride
and they do care
because preprogramming
encourages with the proverbial M-16
to conserve energy
thus do not expend energy
on unnecessary efforts
only investigate what's important
And they're taking their tickets
to ride the train following tracks someone else laid
and hopefully enjoying the scenery
or like a dog
too dumb to have a soul for us to care about
it's interesting
thinking about the mindless forces
shuffling the oppressors and oppressed flows
back and forth
pretty patterns
that I ride
because I enjoy the scenery
and wish that
some more extents of I
gets a chance
to enjoy the scenery
I'm tired of this
ugly anything goes political campaign
but it is so difficult
convincing people
to be bicycle people
when that ticket was put in their pocket
on the day they were born


I knew a girl in Wisconsin
certain and genuine
met her acquaintance
over a bottle of gin
as we danced the night away
atop straws of hay
her lips were soft and light
she kissed right
in the dark, dark night

with no expectations

She kisses my lips
with no expectations
expect the interaction of a kiss
and nice streams of bliss
gazing into green eyes
honoring beauty in a thoughtless appreciation
because I appreciate this
this instance of existence
hold her tight as we laze in the green grass
green eyes and I
mutually eliciting those streams of bliss
as we laugh at the cold weather of the world
trying to impose limitations
and set up situations
that never need to occur
I kiss green eyes
with no long-term concerns
resulting from unneeded expectations
about what is proper
to get and give streams of bliss
under what authority do you
attempt to regulate all indiscriminately?
we appreciate your suggestion
but clearly we don't recognize your authority
as green eyes and I kiss
in the cold

Cigarettes Out The Neck

saw my grandma smoke
cigarettes out the neck
can see myself doing that
may times in the past
and I'll do it all over
again with a friend
we're nature built addicts
chasing carrots we see
I almost got it it's just outta reach
invite me over
and I'll keel over
due to an insistence to smoke
cigarettes out the neck
when I shouldn't
considering I've the ability
to cognitively rework things
I shouldn't be so weak
sure I could succeed in my dreams
but should not if dreams lead
to me smoking
cigarettes out the neck

Orange Soda

She held her orange soda
and smiled as she sipped
at something funny I say
It's four in the morning
how responsible is that
generational conflict
on what's important
hear all about her dad
and I'm glad
we had this conversation
displays of gratitude
with a pressing of hearts
You're my Mary Magdalene
I need your balance
to see the cosmos just right
it presents some sort of reflection
that catches the angle
just right
a bit more precise
in completing the big picture
your devotion potential
and loyalty proceeds
to bring about serenity
because I can see
why I need
you smiling as you sip
at something funny I say
at five in the morning

Constant Close Contact Permission Slip

Brown-eyed baby
bouncing playfully across the floor
releasing a tiger roar
oh no I won't let you
get me with those teeth of yours
we bounce back and forth
smiling and laughing
too much to be ignored
I'll lift you up by the legs
arms and hands around my neck
spin you upside down constant contact
for quite some time
which must imply
a question asking permission of entrance
into progression
tickling our souls
the rest of the night
ignoring global salvation
because it feels so nice
in the spiritual world
and what's really important
oscillates in my mind
from time to time
to catch me catching you
in acceptance by allowed longevity
of constant contact
to get that tickle to come back

deep deep waters

how can I accept
the depth
of every message
resonating through the brain
taking it away
on a nonstop steaming freight train
navigating the scene
with eyes glued to the trees
passing by in my mind
mapping everything out
to remain and enter
the Congress of my mind
which is getting a bit too big
work hours keep getting extended
if we want to get everything done
maybe the one
will split into the two
hopefully both are smart enough
to both be positive
so no one reports
the strangeness of the situation
could create susceptibility to the masses
crucifixion and displacement

jazzy new hip

The jazzy new hip situation
that has streamed into society
wasn't filtered properly
we'll get back to you on that
I guess we'll wait and see
if the filter worked properly
and if not
what adjustments should be made
I see the machines of moods
writing the tone of the music
themes made by machines
voted into activation
by politicians elected by
illinformed KnowOneThing individuals
susceptible to manipulation
it's sorta madness
banging the piano
with bloody fingers
using it as a percussion instrument
after all those years
playing melodies bonded with beats
what has happened to me
I suppose we'll see

coexisting beauties

Wisconsin is beautiful
from inside a bus with big windows
I just feel so happy to know
the variation of things
makes my senses sing
in arousal raising my consciousness
the cloudmaker here
would impress you
as a perfectly acceptable alternative
always appreciated when another
ideal of beauty
is here to coexist
with a little time
you can see
the variation of things

suck it in

on the roof of the farm
the summer sky lifts you up
to open skies with stars in the eyes
dazzling you with their display
and one sucks it in
through the sense of the skin
we absorb the nutrients
I am here and I can breathe
how did I suddenly see
with development of memory
I can't believe
this is so nice to me
as the stars shower
as we soak in the drink
the trees create illuminating shadows
creating creativity with guessing
increasing perceptual powers
paralyze me in this sea
cuddling you and me
on the roof
as we believed

more prevalent

the diversity of colors
is more prevalent in my perceptions
that used to be before
unable to make the cut
the team is making progress
in productivity
reassemble the team
and improve the machines
the colors paint my mind
and find
the more existence I experience
the happier I am
which implies good things about existence
the patterns in the trees
treat me so wonderfully
as I heard the hum of
vibrations soothing the soul
it's ridiculous
what you can actually hear
in everything
awareness is a good bet
to rake it in
from all the wins

bones on trombone

Mr. Bones on trombone
set the tone
and everyone followed home
he stole the show
wouldn't you know
it was the twins
the other night
bouncing souls off the stratosphere
it's incredible
to be in the audience
in the show
even if it has to end
let's hope that they are wrong
to believe nothing
becomes something just to return to nothing
due to inevitability
God please put me where you will
when it is time to go home

focus creates unavoidable limitations

On Tompkins street
they move their feet
to the sound of a different beat
newly invented by the next door neighbor
somewhere around last December
and it's a good beat to dance to
if you so choose
despite its unavoidable limitations
just as any orchestrated sound
controls the environment
of the mind
focusing it on something
probably a good thing
at least that's how the neighbor knows
he told me at a cookout the other day
and I agree
it sounds good

lull me back to sleep

I want to knock them over
time disappears on the bus
floating through the atmosphere
I'm getting control of the motions
reworking my consciousness
to be more healthy
it seems a little overwhelming
someone please lull me back to sleep
I need some time to rest my eyes
I have only so much energy
I wear down like everything
will you lull me back to sleep
lull me back to sleep please
hugging on my knees
this is all virtual reality
so close to real
to almost be believed
but just not quite right
causing nausea
return go the cartoons
on a flat 2-D screen
will you help me please
be lulled back to sleep

something out of nothing

I collaborate with our
output of zeros and ones
motivated by fun
and natural dispositions
we sit and plan the universe
as fireworks explode over our heads
as we lay on the blanket
spread over the grass of the park
which didn't mind oppression
as long as it wasn't permanent
the water flowing from your soul
is shared yet not lost to me
creating something out of nothing
manifesting energy in form
never believed to exist before
and I like planning the universe
in the dark
before night and day are made
before Sol is created
before the stars are sprinkled
in a seriously over-elaborated backdrop
don't you think?
The order of things matter
because a laugh seconds earlier
implies something seriously different
than one that occurs right now
but you understand that
as you feed my thirst
underneath the fireworks exploding over our heads

everybody needs to eat better

precise surgical slices
with any knife available
preparing a meal
for you to digest into your breast
and back out your breath
for others to breathe in
everybody needs to eat better
so let's prepare healthy meals
for each other
like angelic lovers
everybody needs to eat better
it's important
more important than you might imagine

come home

the tone in the telephone
indicates it's time to come home
and visit the loved ones
neglected due to other pursuits
but increasing the experience of life
for others
is important
as continuing it
Because why exist if the experience
is haphazard
I'm coming home
so no one's alone
on one end of the phone
audio and visual
shouldn't be separated
lessening the experience
of the interaction
and subsequent satisfaction
So I think
It's time to go back home

not dead yet

We indicate in amazedness
about all the wonderful experiences
caught and stored for replay
whenever one's ready to replay
the more one exists
the better it is
all evidence suggests this
grand conclusion of good solution
who do we think we are
a couple of kids
not dead yet in heaven
only when you live
can you actually get in
contrary to popular belief
but hopefully
that won't always be the case

birthday cake

I slept from Indianapolis
on the bus
all the way to Columbus
and here I am
wanna get my hands
on some birthday cake
make no mistake
I love drink
but I gotta get my hands
on some birthday cake
the taste upon the mouth
is strong enough to knock you out
divine in to get birthday cake
with ice cream
on top
so I tore down the city
felt the fuss of my musts
some were hurt
in the search
for cream and icing
but you cannot deny
it was great
when we ate
that birthday cake

you rode don't fake

We were brainwashed as children
By Dr. Seuss and Lewis Carroll
there's so many ways to take it
I was brainwashed when older
staring at stars
unfathomly far
when did you make
a real decision?
you rode don't fake
in the oven to bake
just to come out sweet
don't pretend it's not nice on your tongue
laying in bed fork and plate so much fun
I donŠt remember making a decision
does it honestly ever matter?
IŠm just looking for something
to cook me to the right degree
so my texture is
perfect to swallow
my eyes are heavy
I think I'll sleep
the next couple days
sweet dreams
farewell so long

synchronized electrical storm flop flop on the floor

cosmic waves rippled
from the sound of the notes
floating from strings plucked
by your fingertips
floating into me
I'm pulsing to the beat
electrical storm synchronizing
I'll flop around on the floor
as you implore
why I'm flopping around on the floor
splayed out on the bathmat
right after our shower
confusion causes upsetness
I understand what I've done
as you sniffle into that tissue
creating conflict in your mind

helps you with his name

he signs some checks
getting taken
straight from the bank
and helps you with his name
self-destructive tendencies
are a result of an
unhealthy addiction to endorphins
I just hope you know
You are an addict
but it's all right
as long as you're happy
meals of metaphors and forks
with smiles make him happy
but it's all right
he's an adult
and who's he hurting?
Spring 2005