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So the weekend started off like any other.....on Thursday :) (and right after I got off work too). It was the weekend after I got paid and after we'd gone to Mexico (the weekend before). So there was little we could do to top the previous weekend. But trust me......we tried. On thursday we went over to Sams sisters house to hang out and drink, we ended up just buying 2 18 packs, 1 of MGD and one of budweiser. We just hung out, drank and watched Hellraiser 1. 1/2 way through the movie scott packed a bowl and we smoked. Then I passed out. hehe There's the end of that night.

Friday Amanda was having a patry at her house. it was cool enough. Little Nate, Cesile, and some of Amanda's friends were there. As for our group, every one was there. Leigh & Casie, Joy, Tre, Ted, Sam and me. we tried to get Brandy and Emily in but Amanda wasn't havin it. I got some dank ass shit from Lil Nate, and smoked every one out with it, but Amanda's friends went one over one me. They were snorting lines of vikadine, and screaming at the television cuz the Lakers were being stupid er something. Anyways, as that night progressed Sam, Ted and I ended up just carrying our 6 packs of Rolling Rock around and smoking ciggerettes till we left. But I didn't leave with Sam. He actually woke up at Amanda's the next morning, polished off some beers that were unopened and left over from the night before, and drove to work. But Ted and I left that night Via Tre, she was nice enough to give us a ride home.

On Saturday we had the block party, which actually turned out to be not that bad. We played a pretty long set with a food break in the middle. Well it wasn't really planed that way but Casey had to go talk to his girlfriend.....but she was at dinner....and why he really left I don't think I'll ever understand. The cops came at like 7:30 er so, supposedly because they smelled pot behind our house. But I think that's a bunch of shit. Anyways, from the block party we went to the hub, (since every adult at the party was drunk as shit) and we thought that they had a good idea. Sam, Ted, Olivia, and I rounded up 20 bucks for beer and 20 bucks for ...well you know. We had to wait soooo freaking long for the beer to show up. But when it got there it was well worth it. We got 13 25oz. fosters cans. Plus 20 bucks worth of good rolling material. So once again we headed over to Scott and Alani's. We got there Ted rolled a huge one and we all popped open a couple beers. Crotch was back from the service for the weekend so he was already trashed when we got there. After another movie and 4 fosters and 2 blunts for me I was falling asleep every where. Sam, Ted and I were supposed to go hang out with Skip after we droped Olivia off at 12, but I was so trashed and Ted was so trashed Sam played the part of a gentelman and droped us at home. BUT! when I got home the doors were locked so I had to knock. I did and my mom came to the door. I didn't say a word and walked to my room. Pretty uneventful.

Sunday was rad. After Saturday I wasn't gonna wake up for a while, so I slept in until 3:30, took a shower and then finally went down stairs. My dad started laughing and told me if I woke up any later I would practically be a vampire. I remember thinking that if that was true I drink my whole families blood and then have a sandwich. I called Ted, hed came over and we went to the hub. We smoked a blunt that I had rolled on the way there so we were pretty high when we got there. I smoked with AJ and waited for what seemed like for ever to leave with damb near every one from the hub, cuz we were all going to a bon fire. Turned out that the beach that we went to didn't have fire pits and Sam and I had to carry a huge ass cooler filled with thursdays left overs. (3 fosters and 18 budweisers) When we finally got to a good beach we drank all the beer, and bought more. The 12'er of rolling rock we got was gone in like a couple seconds and we were ass out. after that I don't rememer a thing. All I know is I woke up late for work and my parents threatend to kick me out again. I'm not sure if it's for missing dinner or if I came home drunk and yelled at them or something. aw well, life sux. peace till neext weekend.