
Chrissie is awesome to say the least. I've known her basically my whole life. It elementry school we were girl scouts together. We made sit upons, and went to Kings ona field trip every year. We made up songs like "TJ nugget then and now". We peed in TJ's yard. (oh my i hope she remembers all this) We even had our own language. Now we're old, and we still remember our language, we still sing TJ nugget then and now, but it's been revised. Now we're peguins. WE sing "penguin nugget then and now". Chrissie, charlotte, and I sing every day and gym. Boys like Reeb Knird( he has a nice butt), Andrew Casey, and O'Monkley even sing along. We love Action Jeff. Chrissie is one of the funnest people to be around. She brings out the hunorous side of everyone. She makes me laugh way too much. Homeroom budddies forever!

bAcK tO fRiEnDs