
Finn likes TOOL. Finn is a fellow hardcore ba-er. Finn likes TOOL. He works at Shop Right. Finn likes TOOL. He enjoys comic books and he explained Johnny the homicidal maniac to me and it was quite interesting. Did I mention Finn likes TOOL? He has a TOOL tattoo, among other piercings and such. He also likes Radiohead, oh yeah! I envy Tom because he is an awesome burper. He can burp with the best of them. Finn enjoys the color BROWN. Oh yea, his real name is Tom. On one paticular night, at Bk, Tom got so enraged that he told off one bK employee. The product of tom's rage was a funner evening and this picture.

After Tom finished yelling, we met outside of Bk and we were angry. So we took this picture, with our angry faces. It's a classic.

I one a brown...........

BaCk To ThE pOsSe
FiNn'S wEbPaGe

Email: bobsaget11@hotmail.com