Homecoming Pics

tiffany, alison, boz, emily, me, rachel, flatch, michelle, lily

jay, tree face, kk, kyle, john carnes, matt, anton, the gingham

homecoming was cool, i guess. We all gathered at 28 Lum(my house) for a pre-task. The gingham looked the best. We were gonna bring her to the actual dance, but when someone mentioned the chance of her getting stolen, we decided she would be better off staying in my room. The dance was fun. John Carnes was, of course, the most amazing dancer there. We did the car wash. I was throwing food clear across the caferteria into Treeface's mouth until some lady yelled at us and made us stop.

BaCk To PiCs
AnToN aNd The GiNgHaM
DrEsSeD tO iMpReSs
LuM GirLz

Email: bobsaget11@hotmail.com